Monday, April 9, 2018

PAZNAZ Worship with Senior Pastor Therese Elizabeth for Sunday, 8 April 2018 "Ruach"

PAZNAZ Worship with Senior Pastor Therese Elizabeth for Sunday, 8 April 2018 "Ruach"
Ruach equals Breath
Opening Sermon Prayer
Her favorite movie was "Back to the Future."
Her reflections on "Back to the Future" Part II.
Most of us have the vision and Dreams for the future.
The Vision and Dream of the Lamb's Hope Ministry similar to L'Arche International plus.
Ezekiel 37:1 With the hand of Adonai upon me, Adonai carried me out by his Spirit and set me down in the middle of the valley, and it was full of bones. 2 He had me pass by all around them — there were so many bones lying in the valley, and they were so dry! 3 He asked me, “Human being, can these bones live?” I answered, “Adonai Elohim! Only you know that!” 4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones! Say to them, ‘Dry bones! Hear what Adonai has to say! 5 To these bones Adonai Elohim says, “I will make breath enter you, and you will live. 6 I will attach ligaments to you, make flesh grow on you, cover you with skin and put breath in you. You will live, and you will know that I am Adonai.”’”
7 So I prophesied as ordered; and while I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound; it was the bones coming together, each bone in its proper place. 8 As I watched, ligaments grew on them, flesh appeared and skin covered them; but there was no breath in them. 9 Next he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath! Prophesy, human being! Say to the breath that Adonai Elohim says, ‘Come from the four winds, breath; and breathe on these slain, so that they can live.’”
10 So I prophesied as ordered, and the breath came into them, and they were alive! They stood up on their feet, a huge army! 11 Then he said to me, “Human being! These bones are the whole house of Isra’el; and they are saying, ‘Our bones have dried up, our hope is gone, and we are completely cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy; say to them that Adonai Elohim says, ‘My people! I will open your graves and make you get up out of your graves, and I will bring you into the land of Isra’el. 13 Then you will know that I am Adonai — when I have opened your graves and made you get up out of your graves, my people! 14 I will put my Spirit in you; and you will be alive. Then I will place you in your own land; and you will know that I, Adonai, have spoken, and that I have done it,’ says Adonai.”(Complete Jewish Bible).
The most known books, but yoo often misinterpreted.
Ezekiel was disturbed and too often we would be disturbed if we were looking at a valey of dry bones.
Ezekiel was troubled.
Ezekiel answer to God that only God would know.
The living God is able to breathe life into the deadest of bones and institutions as well. Are we listening?
I remember my biggest disappointment when my son, James' mother, wanted a divorce from me. Oh, I wondered about God's call of pastoral ministry then when I received full physical and legal custody of my son from the Las Vegas Courts I was over whelmed.
Lord Jesus, How.
Just as the Israelites found themselves as a dead dreams as these dry bones, I felt similar to them. How would God remember me? Then they discovered new dreams and visions of God's people not only the descendants of Israel, but all the people of the world. I say this hope in studying for my Master of Divinity at Nazarene Theological Seminary with a dream and God's Vision for The Lamb's Hope Ministry. I had hope, but certain Nazarene leaders could not see this and I became discouraged because I knew from a Presbyterian Pastor that when God gives a Vision, the vision is larger than one person can accomplish. I even became discouraged and asked God to prepare my child for pastoral ministry, but asked how when I had one child, I think? and he was special education being intellectually slow. Yet, two young women who were called to pastoral or missionary service who are not my daughters, but I feel as though they are to carry on this dream and God's Vision for The Lamb's Hope Ministry similar to L'Arch International as well as Faith and Life. I can see it coming true, but only as God leads them as they pastor their respective churches. I see the Lamb's Hope Ministry bringing down the racism and discrimination against other cultures bringing revival and renewal of the church. I saw this as I read about the land connected to Mission Church of the Nazarene in San Diego is zone for condensed residences. I see that only a circular building for the youth ministries' home, but a smaller circular building made up of a four-plex house for core members and resident assistance showing the community that this church cares about the intellectually slow as whole people. Seeing this news and hearing the message from Pastor Therese Elizabeth I feel and hope the Ruach of god is breathing new life into me for myself and The Lamb's Hope Ministry to being here in San Diego and maybe even Pasadena through Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene. After all, how many people with intellectually impairments are angry because they have rejected by placing them in government home away from family, friends, and their faith communities. How about you? How is God breathing new life in you and your dreams and visions similar to mine? This is amazing to have God breathe new life into me, my dreams, and God's Vision when Pastor Jeren Rowell the new President of Nazarene Theological Seminary being at PAZNAZ and in Southern California. Let us pray and go and be obedient to what God is asking us to do. Amen and Amen. 

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