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Mission Church of the Nazarene strives to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through intimacy, community, and multiplication joining with Yeshua on His Mission to the Global and Local Neighborhoods.
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Sunday Volunteer Opportunities
Sharing/tithing our time/energy/talents is a vital part of our “mission” at Mission. Each of these listed is only for once every 3 or 4 weeks:
- Sunday morning, 7:45-8:15 putting our patio furniture and signs in place (3 needed)
- Sunday afternoon, 12:15-12:30 Securing the patio furniture and bringing furniture pads inside (3 needed)
- Parking lot team Sunday morning, 8:15-12:15 (need 6 more)
- Greeting team, 8:15-12:15 (need 6 more)
- Connect team, 8:15-12:15 (need 4 more)
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Stay connected with Mission Church:
Check out what's happening in the life of our Church
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Wednesdays June 21 to July 19
Wednesday Night Summer Camps
Go to summer camp without ever leaving town! This year’s theme is Pool Party: Make a Splash with Jesus! Dinner at 5:30pm, water games at 6pm (optional; bring a towel and change of clothes), camp begins at 6:30 (age 3 through going into grade 6). Email Karen at kbalikian@missionnaz.org with any questions.
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Saturday, July 1
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a night of worship and creativity. Hangout at 6 pm, worship begins at 6:30 pm.
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Saturday, July 8
Women’s Breakfast
Meet at the Broken Yolk CafĂ© in Mission Valley Center at 8:30am. Come for food, fun and fellowship out on the patio. Sign up at the Women’s Ministry table in the courtyard or email aletaslater@gmail.com.
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Sunday, July 9
Sunday Night Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social
Join us for at 6pm in the sanctuary! We’ll join our hearts and voices for a night of praising God with your favorite hymns led by our own Judy Beaver. She’s taking requests! We’ll finish the evening with an ice cream social. If you would like to donate or help serve homemade ice cream for the event, call or email the church office or Aleta Slater at aletaslater@gmail.com.
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Saturday, July 22
Women’s Worship Event
Join us for an evening of praise and thanksgiving, for women of all ages, remembering what God has done and how He has answered our prayers. The evening will include key speaker Monica Dean from Channel 7 News in San Diego, who is a Moms in Prayer leader, and worship led by Highest Call, a local praise team. This event is co-sponsored by Mission Church of the Nazarene and San Diego Moms in Prayer. Register at missionnaz.org. “Give Praise to the Lord. Proclaim His name. Make known among the nations what He has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8
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Our sympathies and prayers go out to the family of Jeanne Cremo. Jeanne passed away on Monday, June 26, after a long illness. The family will be honoring her memory privately, but condolence cards may be sent to Mark and Charmagne Tabor at
17152 Patina Street San Diego, CA 92127.
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Wednesday Night Dinner
Pizza, salad, and dessert
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9:00 a.m. Traditional Service
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Service
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Children, Youth, College/Early Career, Adults, Senior Adults, LifeGroups, Music, Military Ministry, Faith in Motion, Global Missions
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Where Mission Church connects in life-changing small groups
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Mission Church of the Nazarene
4750 Mission Gorge Place
San Diego, California 92120, United States
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