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Today's Laws and Customs:
A Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe outlining his suggested observances for Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's first yahrtzeit.
More on Yahrtzeit
Today inJewish History:
Three Natural Miracles The Book of Joshua
Lubavitch Fire (1851)
A great fire destroyed much of the town of Lubavitch, including the home of the third Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (the "Tzemach Tzeddek", 1789-1866) and many invaluable manuscripts of Chassidic teaching.
R. Yosef Yitzchak Released from Prison (1927)
The sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), who was arrested on Sivan 15 of 1927 by agents of the GPU (soviet secret police) and the Yevsektzia ("Jewish section" of the Communist Party) for his work to preserve and disseminate Jewish learning and observance throughout the Soviet Empire. Held in the notorious Spalerno prison in Leningrad, he was repeatedly interrogated and beaten. Initially sentenced to death, international pressure compelled the Soviet regime to first commute the sentence to ten years hard labor in Siberia, and then to a three-year term of exile in Kostrama, a town in the interior of Russia.
On the 3rd of Tammuz, 18 days after his arrest, he was released from prison and allowed six hours at home before reporting to the Leningrad train station to embark on his exile. Many gathered at the station to see him off. Though he knew that there were GPU agents present, he spoke to the assembled crowd, encouraging all to persist in the very activities for which he had been arrested. "This," he proclaimed "all the nations of the world must know: Only our bodies were sent into exile and subjugated to alien rule; our souls were not given over into captivity and foreign rule. We must proclaim openly and before all that any matter affecting the Jewish religion, Torah, and its mitzvot and customs is not subject to the coercion of others. No one can impose his belief upon us, nor coerce us to conduct ourselves contrary to our beliefs!"
(On the 12th of Tammuz, after serving only nine days of his three year term, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak was informed that he was free to return home. Shortly thereafter, he was allowed to leave the Soviet Union and resettled in Riga, Latvia.)
Days of Light (the Rebbe's prison diary)
Three Natural Miracles
The Ohel (the Rebbe's resting place)
Portal commemorating the Rebbe’s anniversary of passing
More on the 3rd of Tammuz
A brief biography of the Rebbe
Daily Quote:
Today's Laws and Customs:
- Yahrtzeit Observances
A Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe outlining his suggested observances for Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's first yahrtzeit.
More on Yahrtzeit
Today inJewish History:
- Joshua Stops the Sun (1273 BCE)
Three Natural Miracles The Book of Joshua
Lubavitch Fire (1851)
A great fire destroyed much of the town of Lubavitch, including the home of the third Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (the "Tzemach Tzeddek", 1789-1866) and many invaluable manuscripts of Chassidic teaching.
R. Yosef Yitzchak Released from Prison (1927)
The sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), who was arrested on Sivan 15 of 1927 by agents of the GPU (soviet secret police) and the Yevsektzia ("Jewish section" of the Communist Party) for his work to preserve and disseminate Jewish learning and observance throughout the Soviet Empire. Held in the notorious Spalerno prison in Leningrad, he was repeatedly interrogated and beaten. Initially sentenced to death, international pressure compelled the Soviet regime to first commute the sentence to ten years hard labor in Siberia, and then to a three-year term of exile in Kostrama, a town in the interior of Russia.
On the 3rd of Tammuz, 18 days after his arrest, he was released from prison and allowed six hours at home before reporting to the Leningrad train station to embark on his exile. Many gathered at the station to see him off. Though he knew that there were GPU agents present, he spoke to the assembled crowd, encouraging all to persist in the very activities for which he had been arrested. "This," he proclaimed "all the nations of the world must know: Only our bodies were sent into exile and subjugated to alien rule; our souls were not given over into captivity and foreign rule. We must proclaim openly and before all that any matter affecting the Jewish religion, Torah, and its mitzvot and customs is not subject to the coercion of others. No one can impose his belief upon us, nor coerce us to conduct ourselves contrary to our beliefs!"
(On the 12th of Tammuz, after serving only nine days of his three year term, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak was informed that he was free to return home. Shortly thereafter, he was allowed to leave the Soviet Union and resettled in Riga, Latvia.)
Days of Light (the Rebbe's prison diary)
Three Natural Miracles
- Rebbe's Yahrtzeit (1994)
The Ohel (the Rebbe's resting place)
Portal commemorating the Rebbe’s anniversary of passing
More on the 3rd of Tammuz
A brief biography of the Rebbe
Daily Quote:
The materials donated for the Mishkan correspond to the components of the human being. "Gold" is the soul; "silver," the body; "copper," the voice; "blue," the veins; "purple," the flesh; "red," the blood; "flax," the intestines; "goat hair," the hair; "ram skins dyed red," the skin of the face; "tachash skins," the scalp; "shittim wood," the bones; "oil for lighting," the eyes; "spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense," the nose, mouth and palate; "shoham stones and gemstones for setting," the kidneys and the heart. [Midrash HaGadol]
Daily Torah Study:
Chumash: Chukat, 3rd Portion Numbers 20:7-20:13 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation
• Video Class
• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
Daily Tehillim - Psalms Chapters 18 - 22
• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 18
If one merits a public miracle, he should offer a song to God, including in his song all the miracles that have occurred since the day the world was created, as well as the good that God wrought for Israel at the giving of the Torah. And he should say: "He Who has performed these miracles, may He do with me likewise."
1. For the Conductor. By the servant of the Lord, by David, who chanted the words of this song to the Lord on the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul.
2. He said, "I love You, Lord, my strength.
3. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my rescuer. My God is my strength in Whom I take shelter, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
4. With praises I call upon the Lord, and I am saved from my enemies.
5. For the pangs of death surrounded me, and torrents of evil people terrified me.
6. Pangs of the grave encompassed me; snares of death confronted me.
7. In my distress I called upon the Lord, I cried out to my God; and from His Sanctuary He heard my voice, and my supplication before Him reached His ears.
8. The earth trembled and quaked; the foundations of the mountains shook-they trembled when His wrath flared.
9. Smoke rose in His nostrils, devouring fire blazed from His mouth, and burning coals flamed forth from Him.
10. He inclined the heavens and descended, a thick cloud was beneath His feet.
11. He rode on a cherub and flew; He soared on the wings of the wind.
12. He made darkness His concealment, His surroundings His shelter-of the dense clouds with their dark waters.
13. Out of the brightness before Him, His clouds passed over, with hailstones and fiery coals.
14. The Lord thundered in heaven, the Most High gave forth His voice-hailstones and fiery coals.
15. He sent forth His arrows and scattered them; many lightnings, and confounded them.
16. The channels of water became visible, the foundations of the world were exposed-at Your rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
17. He sent from heaven and took me; He brought me out of surging waters.
18. He rescued me from my fierce enemy, and from my foes when they had become too strong for me.
19. They confronted me on the day of my misfortune, but the Lord was my support.
20. He brought me into spaciousness; He delivered me because He desires me.
21. The Lord rewar-ded me in accordance with my righteousness; He repaid me according to the cleanliness of my hands.
22. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not transgressed against my God;
23. for all His laws are before me, I have not removed His statutes from me.
24. I was perfect with Him, and have guarded myself from sin.
25. The Lord repaid me in accordance with my righteousness, according to the cleanliness of my hands before His eyes.
26. With the kindhearted You act kindly, with the upright man You act uprightly.
27. With the pure You act purely, but with the crooked You act cun- ningly.
28. For the destitute nation You save, but haughty eyes You humble.
29. Indeed, You light my lamp; the Lord, my God, illuminates my darkness.
30. For with You I run against a troop; with my God I scale a wall.
31. The way of God is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
32. For who is God except the Lord, and who is a rock except our God!
33. The God Who girds me with strength, and makes my path perfect.
34. He makes my feet like deers', and stands me firmly on my high places.
35. He trains my hands for battle, my arms to bend a bow of bronze.
36. You have given me the shield of Your deliverance, Your right hand upheld me; Your humility made me great.
37. You have widened my steps beneath me, and my knees have not faltered.
38. I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back until I destroyed them.
39. I crushed them so that they were unable to rise; they are fallen beneath my feet.
40. You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued my adversaries beneath me.
41. You have made my enemies turn their backs to me, and my foes I cut down.
42. They cried out, but there was none to deliver them; to the Lord, but He did not answer them.
43. I ground them as the dust before the wind, I poured them out like the mud in the streets.
44. You have rescued me from the quarrelsome ones of the people, You have made me the head of nations; a nation I did not know became subservient to me.
45. As soon as they hear of me they obey me; strangers deny to me [their disloyalty].
46. Strangers wither away, they are terrified in their strongholds.
47. The Lord lives; blessed is my Rock; exalted is the God of my deliverance.
48. You are the God Who executes retribution for me, and subjugates nations under me.
49. Who rescues me from my enemies, Who exalts me above my adversaries, Who delivers me from the man of violence.
50. Therefore I will laud You, Lord, among the nations, and sing to Your Name.
51. He grants His king great salvations, and bestows kindness upon His anointed, to David and his descendants forever."
Chapter 19
To behold God's might one should look to the heavens, to the sun, and to the Torah, from which awesome miracles and wonders can be perceived--wonders that lead the creations to tell of God's glory.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. The heavens recount the glory of the Almighty; the sky proclaims His handiwork.
3. Day to day speech streams forth; night to night expresses knowledge.
4. There is no utterance, there are no words; their voice is inaudible.
5. Their arc extends throughout the world; their message to the end of the earth. He set in them [the heavens] a tent for the sun,
6. which is like a groom coming forth from his bridal canopy, like a strong man rejoicing to run the course.
7. Its rising is at one end of the heavens, and its orbit encompasses the other ends; nothing is hidden from its heat.
8. The Torah of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making wise the simpleton.
9. The precepts of the Lord are just, rejoicing the heart; the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes.
10. The fear of the Lord is pure, abiding forever; the judgments of the Lord are true, they are all righteous together.
11. They are more desirable than gold, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey or the drippings of honeycomb.
12. Indeed, Your servant is scrupulous with them; in observing them there is abundant reward.
13. Yet who can discern inadvertent wrongs? Purge me of hidden sins.
14. Also hold back Your servant from willful sins; let them not prevail over me; then I will be unblemished and keep myself clean of gross transgression.
15. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before You, Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.
Chapter 20
If a loved one or relative is suffering-even in a distant place, where one is unable to help-offer this prayer on their behalf.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. May the Lord answer you on the day of distress; may the Name of the God of Jacob fortify you.
3. May He send your help from the Sanctuary, and support you from Zion.
4. May He remember all your offerings, and always accept favorably your sacrifices.
5. May He grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill your every counsel.
6. We will rejoice in your deliverance, and raise our banners in the name of our God; may the Lord fulfill all your wishes.
7. Now I know that the Lord has delivered His anointed one, answering him from His holy heavens with the mighty saving power of His right hand.
8. Some [rely] upon chariots and some upon horses, but we [rely upon and] invoke the Name of the Lord our God.
9. They bend and fall, but we rise and stand firm.
10. Lord, deliver us; may the King answer us on the day we call.
Chapter 21
One who is endowed with prosperity, and whose every desire is granted, ought not be ungrateful. He should praise and thank God, recognize Him as the cause of his prosperity, and trust in Him. For everything comes from the kindness of the One Above.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. The king rejoices in Your strength, Lord; how greatly he exults in Your deliverance!
3. You have given him his heart's desire, and You have never withheld the utterance of his lips.
4. You preceded him with blessings of good; You placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
5. He asked of You life, You gave it to him-long life, forever and ever.
6. His glory is great in Your deliverance; You have placed majesty and splendor upon him.
7. For You make him a blessing forever; You gladden him with the joy of Your countenance.
8. For the king trusts in the Lord, and in the kindness of the Most High-that he will not falter.
9. Your hand will suffice for all Your enemies; Your right hand will find those who hate You.
10. You will make them as a fiery furnace at the time of Your anger. May the Lord consume them in His wrath; let a fire devour them.
11. Destroy their offspring from the earth, their descendants from mankind.
12. For they intended evil against You, they devised evil plans which they cannot execute.
13. For You will set them as a portion apart; with Your bowstring You will aim at their faces.
14. Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and chant the praise of Your might.
Chapter 22
Every person should pray in agony over the length of the exile, and our fall from prestige to lowliness. One should also take vows (for self-improvement) in his distress.
1. For the Conductor, on the ayelet hashachar, a psalm by David.
2. My God, my God, why have You forsaken me! So far from saving me, from the words of my outcry?
3. My God, I call out by day, and You do not answer; at night-but there is no respite for me.
4. Yet You, Holy One, are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.
5. In You our fathers trusted; they trusted and You saved them.
6. They cried to You and were rescued; they trusted in You and were not shamed.
7. And I am a worm and not a man; scorn of men, contempt of nations.
8. All who see me mock me; they open their lips, they shake their heads.
9. But one that casts [his burden] upon the Lord-He will save him; He will rescue him, for He desires him.
10. For You took me out of the womb, and made me secure on my mother's breasts.
11. I have been thrown upon You from birth; from my mother's womb You have been my God.
12. Be not distant from me, for trouble is near, for there is none to help.
13. Many bulls surround me, the mighty bulls of Bashan encircle me.
14. They open their mouths against me, like a lion that ravages and roars.
15. I am poured out like water, all my bones are disjointed; my heart has become like wax, melted within my innards.
16. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaves to my palate; You set me in the dust of death.
17. For dogs surround me, a pack of evildoers enclose me; my hands and feet are like a lion's prey.
18. I count all my limbs, while they watch and gloat over me.
19. They divide my garments amongst them; they cast lots upon my clothing.
20. But You, Lord, do not be distant; my Strength, hurry to my aid!
21. Save my life from the sword, my soul from the grip of dogs.
22. Save me from the lion's mouth, as You have answered me from the horns of wild beasts.
23. I will recount [the praises of] Your Name to my brothers; I will extol You amidst the congregation.
24. You that fear the Lord, praise Him! Glorify Him, all you progeny of Jacob! Stand in awe of Him, all you progeny of Israel!
25. For He has not despised nor abhorred the entreaty of the poor, nor has He concealed His face from him; rather He heard when he cried to Him.
26. My praise comes from You, in the great congregation; I will pay my vows before those that fear Him.
27. Let the humble eat and be satisfied; let those who seek the Lord praise Him-may your hearts live forever!
28. All the ends of the earth will remember and return to the Lord; all families of nations will bow down before You.
29. For sovereignty is the Lord's, and He rules over the nations.
30. All the fat ones of the earth will eat and bow down, all who descend to the dust shall kneel before Him, but He will not revive their soul.
31. The progeny of those who serve Him will tell of the Lord to the latter generations.
32. They will come and relate His righteousness-all that He has done-to a newborn nation.
Daily Torah Study:
Chumash: Chukat, 3rd Portion Numbers 20:7-20:13 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation
• Video Class
• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
Numbers Chapter 20
7The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: זוַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶל־משֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר:
8"Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you and your brother Aaron, and speak to the rock in their presence so that it will give forth its water. You shall bring forth water for them from the rock and give the congregation and their livestock to drink." חקַ֣ח אֶת־הַמַּטֶּ֗ה וְהַקְהֵ֤ל אֶת־הָֽעֵדָה֙ אַתָּה֙ וְאַֽהֲרֹ֣ן אָחִ֔יךָ וְדִבַּרְתֶּ֧ם אֶל־הַסֶּ֛לַע לְעֵֽינֵיהֶ֖ם וְנָתַ֣ן מֵימָ֑יו וְהֽוֹצֵאתָ֙ לָהֶ֥ם מַ֨יִם֙ מִן־הַסֶּ֔לַע וְהִשְׁקִיתָ֥ אֶת־הָֽעֵדָ֖ה וְאֶת־בְּעִירָֽם:
and their livestock: From here we learn that the Holy One, blessed is He, has regard for the property of Israel. — [Midrash Tanchuma Chukath 9, Lev. Rabbah 10:9, Num. Rabbah 19:9]
ואת בעירם: מכאן שחס הקב"ה על ממונם של ישראל:
9Moses took the staff from before the Lord as He had commanded him. טוַיִּקַּ֥ח משֶׁ֛ה אֶת־הַמַּטֶּ֖ה מִלִּפְנֵ֣י יְהֹוָ֑ה כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֖ר צִוָּֽהוּ:
10Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation in front of the rock, and he said to them, "Now listen, you rebels, can we draw water for you from this rock?" יוַיַּקְהִ֜לוּ משֶׁ֧ה וְאַֽהֲרֹ֛ן אֶת־הַקָּהָ֖ל אֶל־פְּנֵ֣י הַסָּ֑לַע וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לָהֶ֗ם שִׁמְעוּ־נָא֙ הַמֹּרִ֔ים הֲמִן־הַסֶּ֣לַע הַזֶּ֔ה נוֹצִ֥יא לָכֶ֖ם מָֽיִם:
assembled: This is one of the places where we find that a small area held a large number [of people]. — [Midrash Tanchuma Chukath 9, Lev. Rabbah 10:9, Num. Rabbah 19:9]
ויקהלו וגו': זה אחד מן המקומות שהחזיק מועט את המרובה:
Shall we draw water… from this rock?: Since they did not recognize it, for the rock had gone and settled among the other rocks when the well departed. The Israelites said to them,“What difference is it to you from which rock you draw water for us?” Therefore, he said to them, הַמּוֹרִים, obstinate ones; in Greek, ‘fools,’ those who teach (מוֹרִים) their teachers. [He said,] “Can we draw water from this rock regarding which we were not commanded?” - [Midrash Tanchuma Chukath 9, Num. Rabbah 19:9]
המן הסלע הזה נוציא: לפי שלא היו מכירין אותו, לפי שהלך הסלע וישב לו בין הסלעים, כשנסתלק הבאר, והיו ישראל אומרים להם מה לכם מאיזה סלע תוציאו לנו מים, לכך אמר להם המורים סרבנים, לשון יוני שוטים, מורים את מוריהם, המן הסלע הזה שלא נצטוינו עליו נוציא לכם מים:
11Moses raised his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, when an abundance of water gushed forth, and the congregation and their livestock drank. יאוַיָּ֨רֶם משֶׁ֜ה אֶת־יָד֗וֹ וַיַּ֧ךְ אֶת־הַסֶּ֛לַע בְּמַטֵּ֖הוּ פַּֽעֲמָ֑יִם וַיֵּֽצְאוּ֙ מַ֣יִם רַבִּ֔ים וַתֵּ֥שְׁתְּ הָֽעֵדָ֖ה וּבְעִירָֽם:
twice: Because the first time he drew out only a few drops, since God had not commanded him to strike it, but, “you shall speak to the rock.” However, they spoke to a different rock, and nothing came out. They said, “Perhaps we ought to strike it first,” as it says, “and strike the rock” (Exod. 17:6). They came upon that very rock and struck it. — [Midrash Tanchuma Chukath 9, Num. Rabbah 19:9]
פעמים: לפי שבראשונה לא הוציא אלא טיפין, לפי שלא צוה המקום להכותו אלא ודברתם אל הסלע, והמה דברו אל סלע אחר ולא הוציא, אמרו שמא צריך להכות כבראשונה, שנאמר (שמות יז, ו) והכית בצור, ונזדמן להם אותו סלע והכהו:
12The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "Since you did not have faith in Me to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly to the Land which I have given them. יבוַיֹּ֣אמֶר יְהֹוָה֘ אֶל־משֶׁ֣ה וְאֶל־אַֽהֲרֹן֒ יַ֚עַן לֹא־הֶֽאֱמַנְתֶּ֣ם בִּ֔י לְהַ֨קְדִּישֵׁ֔נִי לְעֵינֵ֖י בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל לָכֵ֗ן לֹ֤א תָבִ֨יאוּ֙ אֶת־הַקָּהָ֣ל הַזֶּ֔ה אֶל־הָאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־נָתַ֥תִּי לָהֶֽם:
Since you did not have faith in Me: Scripture reveals that if it were not for this sin alone, they would have entered the Land, so that it should not be said of them, “The sin of Moses and Aaron was like the sin of the generation of the desert against whom it was decreed that they should not enter [the Land].” But was not [the question asked by Moses] “If sheep and cattle were slaughtered for them…” (11:22) [a] more grievous [sin] than this? However, there he [Moses] said it in private, so Scripture spares him [and refrains from punishing him]. Here, on the other hand, it was said in the presence of all Israel, so Scripture does not spare him because of the sanctification of the Name. — [Tanchuma Chukath 10, Num. Rabbah 19:10]
יען לא האמנתם בי: גלה הכתוב שאלולי חטא זה בלבד היו נכנסין לארץ, כדי שלא יאמרו עליהם כעון שאר דור המדבר, שנגזר עליהם שלא יכנסו לארץ, כך היה עון משה ואהרן. והלא (במדבר יא, כב) הצאן ובקר ישחט קשה מזו, אלא לפי שבסתר חסך עליו הכתוב, וכאן שבמעמד כל ישראל, לא חסך עליו הכתוב מפני קדוש השם:
to sanctify Me: For had you spoken to the rock and it had given forth [water], I would have been sanctified in the eyes of the congregation. They would have said,"If this rock, which neither speaks nor hears, and does not require sustenance, fulfills the word of the Omnipresent, how much more should we! - [Midrash Aggadah]
להקדישני: שאילו דברתם אל הסלע והוציא הייתי מקודש לעיני העדה ואומרים מה סלע זה שאינו מדבר ואינו שומע ואינו צריך לפרנסה מקיים דבורו של מקום, קל וחומר אנו:
therefore, you shall not bring: Heb. לָכֵן, by an oath, as in,“Therefore (וְלָכֵן) , I have sworn to the house of Eli” (I Sam. 3:14) [Tanchuma Va’era 2]. He hurried to take an oath so that they should not engage in lengthy prayer concerning it [i.e. to repeal the decree].
לכן לא תביאו: בשבועה, כמו (שמואל א' ג, יד) לכן נשבעתי לבית עלי, נשבע בקפיצה כדי שלא ירבו בתפלה על כך:
13These are the waters of dispute [Mei Meribah] where the children of Israel contended with the Lord, and He was sanctified through them. יגהֵ֚מָּה מֵ֣י מְרִיבָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־רָב֥וּ בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל אֶת־יְהֹוָ֑ה וַיִּקָּדֵ֖שׁ בָּֽם:
These are the waters of dispute: These are the ones mentioned elsewhere. Pharaoh’s astrologers saw these [when they foresaw that] the savior of Israel would be smitten through water, and that is why they decreed: "Every son who is born you shall cast into the Nile. — [Sanh. 101b]
המה מי מריבה: הם הנזכרים במקום אחר את אלו ראו אצטגניני פרעה שמושיען של ישראל לוקה במים, לכך גזרו (שמות א, כב) כל הבן הילוד היאורה תשליכוהו:
and He was sanctified through them: For Moses and Aaron died because of them. When God judges His holy ones, He is feared and sanctified by mankind. Similarly, it says, “You are awesome, O God, because of Your holy ones” (Ps. 68:36). And likewise it says, “I am sanctified by those close to Me” (Lev. 10:3) - [Zev. 115b]
ויקדש בם: שמתו משה ואהרן על ידם. שכשהקב"ה עושה דין במקודשיו הוא יראוי ומתקדש על הבריות, וכן הוא אומר (תהלים סח, לו) נורא א-להים ממקדשיך, וכן הוא אומר (ויקרא י, ג) בקרובי אקדש:
-------Daily Tehillim - Psalms Chapters 18 - 22
• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 18
If one merits a public miracle, he should offer a song to God, including in his song all the miracles that have occurred since the day the world was created, as well as the good that God wrought for Israel at the giving of the Torah. And he should say: "He Who has performed these miracles, may He do with me likewise."
1. For the Conductor. By the servant of the Lord, by David, who chanted the words of this song to the Lord on the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul.
2. He said, "I love You, Lord, my strength.
3. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my rescuer. My God is my strength in Whom I take shelter, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
4. With praises I call upon the Lord, and I am saved from my enemies.
5. For the pangs of death surrounded me, and torrents of evil people terrified me.
6. Pangs of the grave encompassed me; snares of death confronted me.
7. In my distress I called upon the Lord, I cried out to my God; and from His Sanctuary He heard my voice, and my supplication before Him reached His ears.
8. The earth trembled and quaked; the foundations of the mountains shook-they trembled when His wrath flared.
9. Smoke rose in His nostrils, devouring fire blazed from His mouth, and burning coals flamed forth from Him.
10. He inclined the heavens and descended, a thick cloud was beneath His feet.
11. He rode on a cherub and flew; He soared on the wings of the wind.
12. He made darkness His concealment, His surroundings His shelter-of the dense clouds with their dark waters.
13. Out of the brightness before Him, His clouds passed over, with hailstones and fiery coals.
14. The Lord thundered in heaven, the Most High gave forth His voice-hailstones and fiery coals.
15. He sent forth His arrows and scattered them; many lightnings, and confounded them.
16. The channels of water became visible, the foundations of the world were exposed-at Your rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
17. He sent from heaven and took me; He brought me out of surging waters.
18. He rescued me from my fierce enemy, and from my foes when they had become too strong for me.
19. They confronted me on the day of my misfortune, but the Lord was my support.
20. He brought me into spaciousness; He delivered me because He desires me.
21. The Lord rewar-ded me in accordance with my righteousness; He repaid me according to the cleanliness of my hands.
22. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not transgressed against my God;
23. for all His laws are before me, I have not removed His statutes from me.
24. I was perfect with Him, and have guarded myself from sin.
25. The Lord repaid me in accordance with my righteousness, according to the cleanliness of my hands before His eyes.
26. With the kindhearted You act kindly, with the upright man You act uprightly.
27. With the pure You act purely, but with the crooked You act cun- ningly.
28. For the destitute nation You save, but haughty eyes You humble.
29. Indeed, You light my lamp; the Lord, my God, illuminates my darkness.
30. For with You I run against a troop; with my God I scale a wall.
31. The way of God is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
32. For who is God except the Lord, and who is a rock except our God!
33. The God Who girds me with strength, and makes my path perfect.
34. He makes my feet like deers', and stands me firmly on my high places.
35. He trains my hands for battle, my arms to bend a bow of bronze.
36. You have given me the shield of Your deliverance, Your right hand upheld me; Your humility made me great.
37. You have widened my steps beneath me, and my knees have not faltered.
38. I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back until I destroyed them.
39. I crushed them so that they were unable to rise; they are fallen beneath my feet.
40. You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued my adversaries beneath me.
41. You have made my enemies turn their backs to me, and my foes I cut down.
42. They cried out, but there was none to deliver them; to the Lord, but He did not answer them.
43. I ground them as the dust before the wind, I poured them out like the mud in the streets.
44. You have rescued me from the quarrelsome ones of the people, You have made me the head of nations; a nation I did not know became subservient to me.
45. As soon as they hear of me they obey me; strangers deny to me [their disloyalty].
46. Strangers wither away, they are terrified in their strongholds.
47. The Lord lives; blessed is my Rock; exalted is the God of my deliverance.
48. You are the God Who executes retribution for me, and subjugates nations under me.
49. Who rescues me from my enemies, Who exalts me above my adversaries, Who delivers me from the man of violence.
50. Therefore I will laud You, Lord, among the nations, and sing to Your Name.
51. He grants His king great salvations, and bestows kindness upon His anointed, to David and his descendants forever."
Chapter 19
To behold God's might one should look to the heavens, to the sun, and to the Torah, from which awesome miracles and wonders can be perceived--wonders that lead the creations to tell of God's glory.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. The heavens recount the glory of the Almighty; the sky proclaims His handiwork.
3. Day to day speech streams forth; night to night expresses knowledge.
4. There is no utterance, there are no words; their voice is inaudible.
5. Their arc extends throughout the world; their message to the end of the earth. He set in them [the heavens] a tent for the sun,
6. which is like a groom coming forth from his bridal canopy, like a strong man rejoicing to run the course.
7. Its rising is at one end of the heavens, and its orbit encompasses the other ends; nothing is hidden from its heat.
8. The Torah of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making wise the simpleton.
9. The precepts of the Lord are just, rejoicing the heart; the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes.
10. The fear of the Lord is pure, abiding forever; the judgments of the Lord are true, they are all righteous together.
11. They are more desirable than gold, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey or the drippings of honeycomb.
12. Indeed, Your servant is scrupulous with them; in observing them there is abundant reward.
13. Yet who can discern inadvertent wrongs? Purge me of hidden sins.
14. Also hold back Your servant from willful sins; let them not prevail over me; then I will be unblemished and keep myself clean of gross transgression.
15. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before You, Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.
Chapter 20
If a loved one or relative is suffering-even in a distant place, where one is unable to help-offer this prayer on their behalf.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. May the Lord answer you on the day of distress; may the Name of the God of Jacob fortify you.
3. May He send your help from the Sanctuary, and support you from Zion.
4. May He remember all your offerings, and always accept favorably your sacrifices.
5. May He grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill your every counsel.
6. We will rejoice in your deliverance, and raise our banners in the name of our God; may the Lord fulfill all your wishes.
7. Now I know that the Lord has delivered His anointed one, answering him from His holy heavens with the mighty saving power of His right hand.
8. Some [rely] upon chariots and some upon horses, but we [rely upon and] invoke the Name of the Lord our God.
9. They bend and fall, but we rise and stand firm.
10. Lord, deliver us; may the King answer us on the day we call.
One who is endowed with prosperity, and whose every desire is granted, ought not be ungrateful. He should praise and thank God, recognize Him as the cause of his prosperity, and trust in Him. For everything comes from the kindness of the One Above.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. The king rejoices in Your strength, Lord; how greatly he exults in Your deliverance!
3. You have given him his heart's desire, and You have never withheld the utterance of his lips.
4. You preceded him with blessings of good; You placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
5. He asked of You life, You gave it to him-long life, forever and ever.
6. His glory is great in Your deliverance; You have placed majesty and splendor upon him.
7. For You make him a blessing forever; You gladden him with the joy of Your countenance.
8. For the king trusts in the Lord, and in the kindness of the Most High-that he will not falter.
9. Your hand will suffice for all Your enemies; Your right hand will find those who hate You.
10. You will make them as a fiery furnace at the time of Your anger. May the Lord consume them in His wrath; let a fire devour them.
11. Destroy their offspring from the earth, their descendants from mankind.
12. For they intended evil against You, they devised evil plans which they cannot execute.
13. For You will set them as a portion apart; with Your bowstring You will aim at their faces.
14. Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and chant the praise of Your might.
Chapter 22
Every person should pray in agony over the length of the exile, and our fall from prestige to lowliness. One should also take vows (for self-improvement) in his distress.
1. For the Conductor, on the ayelet hashachar, a psalm by David.
2. My God, my God, why have You forsaken me! So far from saving me, from the words of my outcry?
3. My God, I call out by day, and You do not answer; at night-but there is no respite for me.
4. Yet You, Holy One, are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.
5. In You our fathers trusted; they trusted and You saved them.
6. They cried to You and were rescued; they trusted in You and were not shamed.
7. And I am a worm and not a man; scorn of men, contempt of nations.
8. All who see me mock me; they open their lips, they shake their heads.
9. But one that casts [his burden] upon the Lord-He will save him; He will rescue him, for He desires him.
10. For You took me out of the womb, and made me secure on my mother's breasts.
11. I have been thrown upon You from birth; from my mother's womb You have been my God.
12. Be not distant from me, for trouble is near, for there is none to help.
13. Many bulls surround me, the mighty bulls of Bashan encircle me.
14. They open their mouths against me, like a lion that ravages and roars.
15. I am poured out like water, all my bones are disjointed; my heart has become like wax, melted within my innards.
16. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaves to my palate; You set me in the dust of death.
17. For dogs surround me, a pack of evildoers enclose me; my hands and feet are like a lion's prey.
18. I count all my limbs, while they watch and gloat over me.
19. They divide my garments amongst them; they cast lots upon my clothing.
20. But You, Lord, do not be distant; my Strength, hurry to my aid!
21. Save my life from the sword, my soul from the grip of dogs.
22. Save me from the lion's mouth, as You have answered me from the horns of wild beasts.
23. I will recount [the praises of] Your Name to my brothers; I will extol You amidst the congregation.
24. You that fear the Lord, praise Him! Glorify Him, all you progeny of Jacob! Stand in awe of Him, all you progeny of Israel!
25. For He has not despised nor abhorred the entreaty of the poor, nor has He concealed His face from him; rather He heard when he cried to Him.
26. My praise comes from You, in the great congregation; I will pay my vows before those that fear Him.
27. Let the humble eat and be satisfied; let those who seek the Lord praise Him-may your hearts live forever!
28. All the ends of the earth will remember and return to the Lord; all families of nations will bow down before You.
29. For sovereignty is the Lord's, and He rules over the nations.
30. All the fat ones of the earth will eat and bow down, all who descend to the dust shall kneel before Him, but He will not revive their soul.
31. The progeny of those who serve Him will tell of the Lord to the latter generations.
32. They will come and relate His righteousness-all that He has done-to a newborn nation.
Tanya: Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, beginning of Chapter 11• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
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Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, beginning of Chapter 11
Tuesday, Tammuz 3, 5777 · June 27, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, beginning of Chapter 11
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3
The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that the Sefirot — the Divine attributes, and the Divine wisdom and Will — designated by their respective names only in relation to created beings, which are granted existence and life and guidance by Him Who enclothes Himself in those attributes.
Rambam: Sefer Hamitzvot
English Text | Hebrew Text
Audio: Listen | Download | Video Class
Tuesday, Tammuz 3, 5777 · June 27, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Berel Bell Listen • MP3 Download
Positive Commandment 208
Honest Measurements
"Honest balance, honest weights, an honest dry measure and an honest liquid measure, you shall have"—Leviticus 19:36.
We are commanded to have precise and "righteous" measuring implements—scales, weights, and measures.
The Midrash says: "Conditional on this I took you out of Egypt—on condition that you accept the mitzvah of [honest] measures. For one who acknowledges the mitzvah of measures, also acknowledges the Exodus from Egypt; and one who rejects the mitzah of measures, also denies the Exodus from Egypt."
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Honest Measurements
Positive Commandment 208
Translated by Berel Bell
The 208th mitzvah is that we are commanded to have accurate weights, scales, and measures, and to insure that they are exact.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He), "You must have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest eifa, and an honest hin."
In the words of the Sifra: "The phrase 'an honest balance' means that you must insure that the balances are totally accurate. 'Honest weights' means that you must insure that the weights are totally accurate. 'An honest eifa' means that you must insure that all eifas are totally accurate. 'An honest hin' means that you must insure that all hins are totally accurate." You are already aware that an eifa is a dry measure and a hin is a liquid measure.
Although2 the actual type of measure varies, they serve a single function, since what is weighed or measured is just a particular quantity of something. All these categories, i.e. scales, weights, and dry and liquid measures are collectively called middos. So too, the commandment to insure that each corresponds exactly to the commonly accepted amount is called mitzvas middos.
In the words of the Sifra: "On this condition I brought you out of Egypt — on condition that you accept upon yourselves mitzvas middos; because whoever acknowledges mitzvas middos acknowledges the redemption from Egypt and whoever denies mitzvas middos denies the redemption from Egypt."
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the 5th chapter of tractate Bava Basra.3
1.Lev. 19:36.
2.The Rambam now explains why it counts as just one mitzvah, even though the verse mentions four categories.
Negative Commandment 271
Falsifying Measurements
"You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment; in measure, in weight or in land measure"—Leviticus 19:35.
It is forbidden to be dishonest in the course of surveying land, or measuring or weighing substances. When surveying land, it must be done according to the principles of engineering—not randomly, by "guess-timate," as is so often done.
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Tanya: Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, beginning of Chapter 11• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
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Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, beginning of Chapter 11
Tuesday, Tammuz 3, 5777 · June 27, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, beginning of Chapter 11
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3
The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that the Sefirot — the Divine attributes, and the Divine wisdom and Will — designated by their respective names only in relation to created beings, which are granted existence and life and guidance by Him Who enclothes Himself in those attributes.
However, since these attributes are united with Him in a perfect unity, they are not identifiable by any names whatever when considered relative to Him. In this they correspond to the sunlight that is still within the sun: it is not deemed “light”, because at that stage it is absolutely absorbed within its source.
The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain that not only are the attributes and Sefirot called by their respective names in relation to created beings alone, but even the Ten Utterances — through which the attributes become manifest, thereby bringing created beings into existence and providing them with life — are also called “Utterances” only in relation to created beings. They are not called so relative to G‑d, however, inasmuch as they are united with the attributes, which in turn are united in perfect unity with the Holy One, blessed be He.
והנה עשרה מאמרות גם כן נקראו בשם מאמרות לגבי הנבראים בלבד
The Ten Utterances are also designated “Utterances” only in relation to created beings, since this is a term that relates to revelation, as shall presently be explained.
כי כמו שהמדות שבנשמת האדם, כשבאות להתגלות במעשה
For just as the emotive attributes of the human soul, when they surface in order to be revealed in [a corresponding] action,
הן באות מלובשות באותיות המחשבה
appear enclothed in the letters of thought, [so do the attributes of the Holy One, blessed be He].
כגון מדת החסד ורחמים שבנשמה, אי אפשר לבוא לידי התגלות בפועל ממש, כי אם על ידי שמחשב בדעתו ומהרהר מעשה הצדקה וחסד, לעשותה בפועל ממש
For example, the soul’s attribute of kindness and mercy cannot be revealed (i.e., find expression)in actual deed unless one first thinks about and contemplates doing an actual act of charity and kindness,
כי אי אפשר לעשות בלי מחשבה
for one cannot act without thought.
It sometimes happens that before an emotive attribute finds expression in action, it must first become enclothed not only in thought but also in speech. This is now explained.
ואם מצוה לאחרים לעשות, כמו המלך
If a person, such as a king, commands others to perform [an act of kindness],
אזי מתלבשת מדת החסד, וגם אותיות המחשבה, באותיות הדבור
then the attribute of kindness and with it the letters of thought are garbed in the letters of speech.
וכן כשמדבר דברי חסד ורחמים לרעהו
(1This is also the case when one speaks words of kindness and compassion to his friend.)
Thus, it is through letters of thought or letters of speech that the soul’s faculties and attributes are revealed.
כך, על דרך משל, מדותיו של הקב״ה, כשבאות לבחינת התגלות פעולתן בתחתונים
So, figuratively speaking, when the emotive attributes of the Holy One, blessed be He, reach the level at which their activity is to be revealed in the lower [worlds],
נקרא גילוי זה והמשכת פעולה זו בשם מאמר וצירוף אותיות
this revelation and the flow of this action are called an “Utterance” and a combination of letters,
שהרי אי אפשר שתהיה שום פעולה נמשכת ממדותיו הקדושות, בלי צירופים הנקראים בשם אותיות
for there can be no action proceeding from His holy emotive attributes without [the intermediacy of] combinations which are called “letters”.
Action can result (or be revealed) from G‑d’s emotive attributes only when a number of particular powers combine to produce this revelation.
כגון לבריאת האור ממדת החסד, נמשך ממנה המשכת פעולה וכח, לפעול ולברוא בו את האור
For instance, for the creation of light from the attribute of kindness, there issued from it a flow of action and a power with which to produce and create the light.
The attribute of kindness is capable of producing varying results and various manifestations of creation, as shall soon be explained. In order for it to create light rather than something else, the attribute of Chesed must produce a specific revelation and power whose makeup is such that specifically light will be created from it.
והמשכת כח זה וחיות זו נקראת בשם מאמר ואותיות: יהי אור
The flow of this power and this life-force is called by the name of the “Utterance” and the [combination of the] letters [that constitute the Biblical phrase], “Let there be light.”
כי אף שאינן כאותיות מחשבה שלנו, חס ושלום
Although they are not actual letters of thought like our letters of thought, G‑d forbid,
The Alter Rebbe had previously drawn an analogy: just as a person’s soul is revealed through letters of thought, so too do the Divine attributes become manifest through letters of thought. He therefore forestalls any misunderstanding by pointing out in the above clause that whereas the soul actually contains letters, with all their inherent limitations, this is not so Above.
מכל מקום הם ענין המורה על התהוות האור מאין ליש
nevertheless, they are similar to our letters of thought in that they are a phenomenon which indicates the bringing into existence of the light from nothing; i.e., they are the particular power that creates light.
שלכן נברא האור מהמשכת כח זה, ולא נבראו ממנו דברים אחרים שנבראו גם כן ממדת החסד, כמו מים וכיוצא בהם
Hence, light was created from this flow of power, and not other things which were also created from the attribute of kindness, such as water and the like,
Thus, the combination of letters is such that this Divine power specifically creates light. It is therefore deemed to be the “Utterance” which proclaimed, “Let there be light.” This selfsame attribute of kindness creates other things, such as water,
מפני שנתלבשו בהם כחות בבחינת צירופים אחרים, המורים על התהוות המים וכיוצא
because in them were clothed powers from other combinations, which indicate the bringing into existence of water and the like.
ונמצא כי כל חיות וכחות הנמשכות ממדותיו הקדושות לתחתונים, לבראם מאין ליש ולהחיותם ולקיימם, נקראו בשם אותיות הקדושות
Accordingly, all life-forces and powers which issue from [G‑d’s] holy emotive attributes to the lower [worlds], to create them ex nihilo and to give them life and sustain them, are called “holy letters.”
שהן בחינת המשכת החיות מרצונו וחכמתו ומדותיו, להתהוות עולמות ולהחיותם
These are the flow of the life-force from His Will and His wisdom and His emotive attributes, to bring worlds into being and give them life.
והם שני מיני עולמות
These worlds that are created by the letters are of two kinds:
עלמין סתימין דלא אתגליין, הם המתהווים וחיים וקיימים מכחות והמשכות נעלמות, כמו אותיות המחשבה שבנשמת האדם על דרך משל
“hidden worlds unrevealed,” which come into existence and live and are sustained by concealed powers and life-forces, like, for example, the letters of thought in the human soul;
Just as the letters of each man’s thought are concealed from others, these Divine powers are similarly concealed from created beings. From them were created the “hidden worlds.”
ועלמין דאתגליין נבראו וחיים מהתגלות שנתגלו כחות והמשכות הנעלמות, הנקראות בשם אותיות המחשבה
and “worlds revealed,” [which] were created and live from the revelation of the hidden powers and life-forces called “letters of thought.”
וכשהן בבחינת התגלות, להחיות עלמין דאתגליין
When these [“letters of thought”] are in a state of revelation, in order to give life to the revealed worlds,
נקראות בשם מאמרות ודבר ה׳ ורוח פיו
they are called “Utterances” and “the word of G‑d” and the “breath of His mouth,”
כמו אותיות הדבור באדם, דרך משל, שהן מגלות לשומעים מה שהיה צפוןוסתום בלבו
like, for example, the letters of a man’s speech, which reveal to his listeners what was concealed and hidden in his heart.
Likewise, the Divine “letters of speech” are a revelation of the force that grants existence and infuses life into those created beings that are of the category of “worlds revealed.”
1. | Parentheses are in the original text. |
Rambam: Sefer Hamitzvot
English Text | Hebrew Text
Tuesday, Tammuz 3, 5777 · June 27, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Berel Bell Listen • MP3 Download
Positive Commandment 208
Honest Measurements
"Honest balance, honest weights, an honest dry measure and an honest liquid measure, you shall have"—Leviticus 19:36.
We are commanded to have precise and "righteous" measuring implements—scales, weights, and measures.
The Midrash says: "Conditional on this I took you out of Egypt—on condition that you accept the mitzvah of [honest] measures. For one who acknowledges the mitzvah of measures, also acknowledges the Exodus from Egypt; and one who rejects the mitzah of measures, also denies the Exodus from Egypt."
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Honest Measurements
Positive Commandment 208
Translated by Berel Bell
The 208th mitzvah is that we are commanded to have accurate weights, scales, and measures, and to insure that they are exact.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He), "You must have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest eifa, and an honest hin."
In the words of the Sifra: "The phrase 'an honest balance' means that you must insure that the balances are totally accurate. 'Honest weights' means that you must insure that the weights are totally accurate. 'An honest eifa' means that you must insure that all eifas are totally accurate. 'An honest hin' means that you must insure that all hins are totally accurate." You are already aware that an eifa is a dry measure and a hin is a liquid measure.
Although2 the actual type of measure varies, they serve a single function, since what is weighed or measured is just a particular quantity of something. All these categories, i.e. scales, weights, and dry and liquid measures are collectively called middos. So too, the commandment to insure that each corresponds exactly to the commonly accepted amount is called mitzvas middos.
In the words of the Sifra: "On this condition I brought you out of Egypt — on condition that you accept upon yourselves mitzvas middos; because whoever acknowledges mitzvas middos acknowledges the redemption from Egypt and whoever denies mitzvas middos denies the redemption from Egypt."
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the 5th chapter of tractate Bava Basra.3
1.Lev. 19:36.
2.The Rambam now explains why it counts as just one mitzvah, even though the verse mentions four categories.
Negative Commandment 271
Falsifying Measurements
"You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment; in measure, in weight or in land measure"—Leviticus 19:35.
It is forbidden to be dishonest in the course of surveying land, or measuring or weighing substances. When surveying land, it must be done according to the principles of engineering—not randomly, by "guess-timate," as is so often done.
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Falsifying Measurements
Negative Commandment 271
Translated by Berel Bell
The 271st prohibition is that we are forbidden to be dishonest in measurement of land, [liquid and dry] measures, or weights.
The source of this prohibition is G‑d's statement,1 "Do not be dishonest in law, measure, weight or volume."
The Oral Tradition explains that the verse means "Do not be dishonest in the law of measures." Our Sages2 said regarding the phrase "Do not be dishonest in law, " "It cannot refer to passing judgment, because that was already stated.3 What, then, is the meaning of the word 'law'? To teach that one who measures is called a judge."
There our Sages also explained that the word "measure" refers to the measurement of land — that the measurement and calculation should be done according to the principles of engineering and methods of exact measurement, and not through inaccurate estimates, as is done by most officials.
The word "weight" includes both the weights and the balances.
1.Lev. 19:35.
2.Sifra, ibid.
3.In Lev. 19:15. See N273.
Rambam: 1 Chapter A Day Nachalot - Chapter 1
Nachalot - Chapter 1
Introduction to Hilchos Nachalot
It contains one mitzvah: the laws of the order of inheritance. This mitzvah is explained in the following chapters.
רמב"ם הלכות נחלות - הקדמה
הלכות נחלות. מצות עשה אחת והיא דין סדר נחלות. וביאור מצוה זו בפרקים אלו.
This is the order of inheritance: When a person dies, his children inherit his estate. They receive priority over everyone else, and the sons receive priority over the daughters.
סדר נחלות כך היא, מי שמת יירשוהו בניו והם קודמין לכל, והזכרים קודמין לנקבות.
In every situation, a female does not inherit together with a male.
If a person does not have children, his father inherits his estate. A mother does not inherit her son's estate. This has been conveyed by the Oral Tradition.
בכל מקום אין לנקבה עם הזכר ירושה, אם אין לו בנים יירשנו אביו, ואין האם יורשת את בניה ודבר זה מפי הקבלה.
With regard to every concept of precedence for an inheritance, a person's blood descendants receive precedence. Therefore, when a person - either a man or a woman - dies and he leaves a son, he inherits everything. If the son is no longer alive, we look to see if the son left descendants. If there are descendants of the son, whether male or female - even the daughter of the daughter of the son's daughter, and this chain can be continued endlessly -that descendant inherits everything.
If the son does not have descendants, we return to the deceased's daughter. If there are descendants of the daughter, whether male or female - and this chain can be continued endlessly - that descendant inherits everything.
If the son does not have descendants, the estate returns to the deceased's father. If the father is no longer alive, -we look to see if the father left descendants - i.e., the brothers of the deceased. If there is a brother of the deceased or the descendant of a brother, he inherits everything. If there are no brothers, we return and look to see if the deceased had a sister. If there is a sister or the descendant of a sister, that person inherits everything.
If there are no descendants of the deceased's brothers or sisters, since there are no descendants of the deceased's father, the estate returns to the deceased's paternal grandfather. If the paternal grandfather is no longer alive, we look to see if the paternal grandfather left descendants - i.e., the uncles or aunts of the deceased. The males receive precedence over the females, and even the descendants of the males receive precedence over the females, as is the law with regard to the descendants of the deceased himself.
If there are no uncles or none of their descendants, the estate returns to the deceased's paternal great-grandfather. Following this pattern, the chain of inheritance continues to extend until Reuven the son of Jacob. Thus the order of inheritance is as follows: A son takes precedence over a daughter. Similarly, all of the son's descendants take precedence over the daughter. The daughter takes precedence over her paternal grandfather, and similarly, all her descendants take precedence over her paternal grandfather.
The deceased's father takes precedence over the deceased's brothers, because they are the father's descendants. The deceased's brothers take precedence over his sisters. Similarly, all their descendants take precedence over the sister.
The deceased's sister takes precedence over her paternal grandfather, and similarly, all her descendants take precedence over her paternal grandfather.
The deceased's paternal grandfather takes precedence over the deceased's uncles. The uncles take precedence over the aunts. Indeed, all the uncles' descendants take precedence over the aunts. The aunts take precedence over the deceased's paternal great-grandfather. Indeed, all the aunts' descendants take precedence over the deceased's paternal great-grandfather. This pattern should be continued until the beginning of all generations. Thus, there is no Jew who does not have heirs.
וכל הקודם בנחלה יוצאי ירכו קודמין, לפיכך מי שמת בין איש בין אשה אם הניח בן יורש הכל, לא נמצא לו בן לעולם מעיינין בזרעו של בן אם נמצא לבנו זרע בין זכרים בין נקבות אפילו בת בת בת בנו עד סוף העולם היא תירש את הכל, לא נמצא לו זרע בן חוזרין אצל הבת היתה לו בת תירש את הכל לא נמצאת לו בת בעולם מעיינין על זרע הבת, אם נמצא לה זרע בין זכרים בין נקבות עד סוף העולם הוא יורש הכל, לא נמצא לה זרע בת חוזר הירושה לאביו. לא היה אביו קיים מעיינין על זרע האב שהן אחי המת, נמצא לו אח או זרע אח יורש את הכל ואם לאו חוזרין אצל אחות, נמצאת לו אחות או זרעה יורש הכל, ואם לא נמצאת לו זרע אחים ולא זרע אחות הואיל ואין לאב זרע תחזור הירושה לאבי האב, לא היה אבי האב קיים מעיינין על זרע של אבי האב שהן אחי אביו של מת והזכרים קודמין לנקבות וזרען של זכרים קודמין לנקבות כמו שהיה הדין בזרעו של מת עצמו, לא נמצאו אחים לאביו לא הם ולא זרען תחזור הירושה לאבי האב, ועל הדרך הזאת נחלה ממשמשת והולכת עד ראובן, נמצאת אומר הבן קודם לבת וכל יוצאי ירכו של בן קודמין לבת והבת קודמת לאבי אביה וכל יוצאי ירכה קודמין לאבי אביה, ואבי המת קודם לאחי המת מפני שהם יוצאי ירכו והאח קודם לאחות, וכל יוצאי ירכו של אח קודמין לאחות, ואחות קודמת לאבי אביה, וכל יוצאי ירכה קודמין לאבי אביה, אבי האב קודם לאחי האב של מת ואחי אביו קודמין לאחות אביו וכל יוצאי ירכו של אחי אביו קודמין לאחות אביו ואחות אביו קודמת לאבי אבי אביו של מת, וכן כל יוצאי ירכה של אחות אביו קודמין לאבי אבי אביו, ועל דרך זו הולך ועולה עד ראש הדורות, לפיכך אין לך אדם מישראל שאין לו יורשין.
When a person dies and leaves a daughter and the daughter of a son - or even the daughter of the son's daughter and this chain can continue for several generations - the son's daughter takes precedence. She inherits everything; the deceased's daughter does not receive anything.
Similar laws applies when a person is survived by his brother's daughter and his sister, by his uncle's daughter and his aunt, or in all other analogous situations.
מי שמת והניח בת ובת הבן ואפילו בת בת בת הבן עד סוף כמה דורות היא קודמת ותירש הכל ואין לבת כלום, והוא הדין לבת האח עם האחות ולבת בן אחי אביו עם אחות אביו וכן כל כיוצא בהן.
A woman is, however, given full rights in the following situation. A person had two sons who died in his lifetime. One of the sons left three sons and the other left a daughter. Afterwards, the elder man died. The three grandsons inherit half of the inheritance and the granddaughter inherits the other half. For each inherits their father's portion. Similar laws apply with regard to the division of an estate among the children of the deceased's brothers, the children of his uncles, or the children of other relatives extending back until the beginning of all generations.
מי שהיו לו שני בנים ומתו השני בנים בחייו והניח הבן האחד שלשה בנים והניח הבן השני בת אחת ואחר כך מת הזקן נמצאו שלשת בני בניו יורשין חצי הנחלה ובת בנו יורשת החצי שכל אחד ואחד מהן יורש חלק אביו ועל דרך זו חולקין בני האחים ובני אחי האב עד ראש הדורות.
With regard to the concept of inheritance, the family of a person's mother is not considered family. Inheritance is relevant only with regard to one's father's family. Therefore, maternal brothers do not inherit each other's estates, while paternal brothers do. This applies to brothers who share only a father or who share both a father and a mother.
משפחת האם אינה קרויה משפחה ואין ירושה אלא למשפחת האב, לפיכך האחים מן האם אין יורשין זה את זה ואחין מן האב יורשין זה את זה, ואחד אחיו שהוא מאביו בלבד או אחיו מאביו ומאמו.
All relatives who were conceived through forbidden relations have equal inheritance rights to those who are conceived through permitted relations.
What is implied? When a person has a son or a brother who is a mamzer, he is treated like any of the other sons or any of the other brothers when it comes to the concept of inheritance. A person's son who is born by a maid-servant or a gentile woman is not considered his son at all, and has no right of inheritance whatsoever.
כל הקרובין בעבירה יורשין בכשרים, כיצד כגון שהיה לו בן ממזר או אח ממזר הרי אלו כשאר בנים וכשאר אחים לנחלה, אבל בנו מן השפחה או מן הנכרית אינו בן לדבר מן הדברים ואינו יורש כלל.
A woman does not inherit her husband's estate at all.
A husband inherits all his wife's property, according to the words of our Sages. He takes precedence over all others with regard to inheriting her estate. This applies even if she is forbidden to him - e.g., a widow who was married to a High Priest, or a divorcee or a woman who had performed chalitzah who was married to an ordinary priest. Similarly, this applies even if the woman was below majority. Even though a husband is a deaf-mute, he inherits his wife's estate.
האשה אינה יורשת בעלה כלל והבעל יורש את כל נכסי אשתו מדברי סופרים והוא קודם לכל בירושתה אע"פ שהיא אסורה עליו, כגון אלמנה לכהן גדול גרושה וחלוצה לכהן הדיוט ואע"פ שהיא קטנה ואע"פ שהבעל חרש הוא יורש את אשתו. 1
We have already explained in Hilchot Ishut that a husband does not inherit his wife's estate until she enters his domain, and that a man who is mentally aware does not inherit the estate of a woman whom he married as a deaf mute. This applies even if she later becomes fully mentally aware.
There we also explained that a husband inherits the property that enters his wife's domain and which she took possession of during her lifetime. This applies to the property she brought to his household as a dowry, and property that she did not bring to his household. When a husband attempted to divorce his wife, although there is a question about the validity of the divorce, her husband does not inherit her estate after her death.
כבר ביארנו בהלכות אישות שאין הבעל יורש את אשתו עד שתכנס ברשותו ושאין הפקח יורש את החרשת שנשאת כשהיא חרשת אפילו נתפקחה, ושם בארנו שהוא יורש את נכסי אשתו שבאו לירושתה והוחזקו בין נכסים שהכניסה לו בנדונייתה בין נכסים שלא הכניסה לו, ומי שנתגרשה ספק גירושין ומתה אין הבעל יורשה. 2
When a man marries a young girl who does not need the right of
to nullify a marriage, he does not inherit her estate, because there is no marriage. Similarly, when a man who was mentally or emotionally unstable married a mentally aware woman, or a mentally aware man married a woman who was mentally or emotionally unstable, the husband does not inherit his wife's estate, for our Sages did not ordain marriage for such individuals.
בעל שנשא קטנה שאינה צריכה מיאון אינו יורשה שהרי אין כאן שום אישות, וכן שוטה שנשא פקחת או פקח שנשא שוטה אינו יורשה שהרי לא תקנו חכמים להן נשואין.
When a man's wife died, and afterwards her father, her brother, or any of the other individuals whose estate she may inherit dies, her husband does not inherit their estate. Instead, the estate should be inherited by her descendants, if she has descendants. If not, the right of inheritance should return to the family of her father's home. The rationale is that the husband does not inherit property that is fit to become hers afterwards, only property that she already inherited before she died.
בעל שמתה אשתו ואחר כך מת אביה או אחיה או אחד מן המורישין אותה אין הבעל יורש אותן, אלא יורש אותן זרעה אם היה לה זרע או תחזור הירושה למשפחת בית אביה, שאין הבעל יורש נכסים הראויין לבא לאחר מכאן אלא לנכסים שכבר באו לירושה קודם שתמות.
Similarly, a husband does not inherit his wife's estate while he is in the grave as is the ordinary pattern of inheritance for members of his father's family.
What is implied? A man died, and afterwards his wife died. We do not say: Since the husband receives precedence over all others with regard to the inheritance, the husband's heirs should receive precedence over the woman's other heirs. Instead, the woman's heirs from her father's family inherit her estate if she dies after her husband.
וכן אין הבעל יורש את אשתו והוא בקבר כשאר היורשין של משפחת האב, כיצד בעל שמת ואחר כך מתה אשתו אין אומרין הואיל והבעל היה קודם לכל אדם בירושתה כך יורשי הבעל יקדמו לשאר יורשי האשה אלא יורשי האשה ממשפחת בית אביה הם היורשים אותה אם מתה אחר בעלה.
Similarly, a son does not inherit his mother's estate while he is in the grave, so that the estate will be inherited by his paternal brothers.
What is implied? A person died, and afterwards his mother died. We do not say that if the son were alive, he would take precedence in the inheritance of her estate, and hence, the heirs of the son take precedence over the heirs of this woman. According to the latter conception, the son's paternal brothers would inherit the estate of his mother after her death. This view is not accepted. Instead, if the son has children, they should inherit his mother's estate. If he does not have children, the estate should return to her father's family.
If, however, the mother died first and then the son died, even if he was a newborn baby who was born prematurely, since he survived his mother and then died, he inherits his mother's estate and then transfers the rights to that estate to the family of his father.
וכן אין הבן יורש את אמו בקבר כדי להנחיל לאחיו מאביו, כיצד מי שמת ואחר כך מתה אמו אין אומרין הואיל ואילו היה הבן קיים היה קודם אף יורשין של בן קודמין ליורשיה של אשה זו ונמצאו אחיו מאביו יורשין את אמו של זה אחר מותו של זה, אלא זרע בנה הוא שיירשנה אם היה לו זרע ואם אין לו זרע תחזור ירושתה למשפחת בית אביה, אבל אם מתה האם תחלה ואחר כך מת הבן אפילו היה קטן בן יומו ולא כלו לו חדשיו הואיל וחיה אחר אמו שעה אחת ומת הרי זה נוחל את אמו ומנחיל הנחלה ליורשיו ממשפחת אביו. 3
1.האשה אינה יורשת וכו' עד הוא יורש את אשתו. א"א איני מודה בזה משמעתא בתרייתא דמי שמת ושאר הראיות המראות הפך זה אין להם עמידה עכ"ל.
2.כבר ביארנו בהלכות אישות וכו' עד אין הבעל יורשה. א"א מה שאמרו במס' גיטין בירושלמי נראה שהוא חולק עליו המגרש את אשתו ולנה עמו בפונדקי בה"א =בית הלל אומרים= צריכה ממנו גט שני לאידא מילתא אמר רבי אלעזר לירושה כלומר שהוא יורשה ומה התם בודאי גירשה וספק החזירה יורשה הכא דודאי אשתו היתה וספק גירשה לא כ"ש.
3.אבל אם וכו'. א"א אינו כן אלא בכלו לו חדשיו דאי לא ידעי הוה ליה איהו ספק והאחין ודאין ואין ספק מוציא מידי ודאי עכ"ל.
Rambam: 3 Chapters A Day: Genevah Genevah - Chapter Four, Genevah Genevah - Chapter Five, Genevah Genevah - Chapter Six
English Text | Hebrew Text
Genevah - Chapter Four
When a watchman claims that an entrusted article was stolen from his home and takes an oath to this effect, and afterwards, witnesses come and testify that he made a false claim and that he is still in possession of the entrusted article, the watchman is required to pay twice the worth of the stolen article. For the watchman is himself a thief.
If he slaughtered or sold a stolen animal after he took the false oath, he must pay four or five times its worth. He is not required to bring a guilt offering for taking a false oath that was discredited by witnesses. Nor is he required to add a fifth of the value of the stolen article. For a fifth is never paid when a double payment is paid. If witnesses come before he takes an oath, he is required to pay only the principal.
הטוען שנגנב מביתו הפקדון אם נשבע ואחר כך באו עדים ששקר טען ושהפקדון הזה אצלו הרי זה משלם תשלומי כפל שהרי הוא עצמו הגנב. ואם טבח ומכר אחר שנשבע משלם תשלומי ארבעה וחמשה. ואינו מביא אשם על פי עדים על שבועתו. ואינו מביא חומש שאין החומש משתלם עם הכפל. ואם באו עדים קודם שישבע אינו משלם אלא הקרן בלבד:
When does the above apply? When he took an oath before he misappropriated the entrusted article. If, however, he misappropriated the entrusted article, claimed that it had been stolen, and took an oath to that effect, and then witnesses came and discredited his oath, he is not liable for the double payment. As soon as he misappropriated the article, he became liable for it and acquired responsibility for it.
במה דברים אמורים שנשבע קודם ששלח בפקדון יד. אבל אם שלח בו יד וטען טענת גנב ונשבע ובא ועדים פטור מן הכפל שכיון ששלח יד נתחייב בו וקנהו:
Similarly, if the watchman claimed that the entrusted article was lost and took an oath to that effect, and then claimed it was stolen and took an oath to that effect, and then witnesses came and testified that it was in his possession, the watchman is not liable for the double payment. For at the time he took the first false oath, the entrusted article was no longer considered the property of the original owner.
וכן הטוען טענת אבידה בפקדון ונשבע וחזר וטען טענת גנב ונשבע ואחר כך באו עדים פטור מן הכפל שכבר יצא הפקדון מידי הבעלים משבועה ראשונה:
When a person who discovered a lost article claims that it was stolen and takes an oath to that effect, and afterwards, witnesses come and testify that the lost article was in his possession and that he made a false claim, he is required to pay twice the article's worth. This is implied by Exodus 22:8, which states that a double payment must be made for "any lost article."
The above applies when he claims that it was stolen by an armed thief, in which instance he would not be held liable. If, however, he claims that it was stolen in a manner that is not beyond his control, he is not liable for the double payment. For he would have been liable to pay for the lost article because of his claim, since a person caring for a lost article that he discovered is considered to be a paid watchman, as will be explained.
הטוען טענת גנב באבידה ונשבע ואחר כך באו עדים שהאבידה ברשותו ושקר טען משלם תשלומי כפל שנאמר על כל אבידה. והוא שיטעון שנגנבה בליסטים מזויין שהוא אנוס ופטור. אבל אם טען שנגנבה בלא אונס פטור מן הכפל מפני שהוא חייב לשלם על פי טענתו ששומר אבידה כשומר שכר הוא כמו שיתבאר:
When a watchman claims that an entrusted article was stolen and takes an oath to that effect, and then witnesses come and testify that the entrusted article is in his possession, and then he again claims that it was stolen and takes an oath to that effect, and then witnesses again come and testify that the entrusted article is still in his possession - even if this sequence repeats itself 100 times - he is liable for a double payment for every claim.
Thus, if he took five false oaths, he is liable to pay six times the value of the entrusted article, the principal that was entrusted to him and five times its value, because of the five double payments that result from the five false oaths.
הטוען טענת גנב בפקדון ונשבע. ואחר כך באו עדים שהוא ברשותו. וחזר וטען בו טענת גנב ונשבע ואחר כך באו עדים שעדיין ברשותו הוא אפילו מאה פעמים חייב כפל על כל טענה וטענה. ואם נשבע חמש פעמים נמצא משלם ששה הקרן שהפקיד אצלו וחמשה בקרן משום חמשה כפילות של חמש שבועות:
The following rules apply when a watchman claims that an entrusted article was stolen and takes an oath to that effect, and then claims that the entrusted article was lost - and then witnesses come and testify that the article was not stolen, and the watchman admits that it was not lost. Since he must pay twice the value of the entrusted article because of the witnesses, he need not pay an additional fifth as a surcharge because of the other oath, although he admitted it to be false. The rationale is that since this involves the same principal for which he is required to make the double payment, he is not liable for the additional fifth.
טען טענת גנב ונשבע וחזר וטען טענת אבידה ונשבע. ובאו עדים שלא נגנב והודה הוא שלא אבד הואיל ומשלם תשלומי כפל על פי עדים אינו משלם חומש על שבועה אחרונה אע"פ שהודה. שהממון המחייבו בכפל פוטרו מן החומש:
The following rules apply if a person entrusted his ox to two people, they claimed that it was stolen and took an oath to that effect, and afterwards one of them admitted that the oath was false, and then witnesses came and testified that the other one lied. They both must pay the principal. If the owner of the entrusted object seizes property belonging to the partner whose oath was refuted in lieu of the double payment for his share of the stolen article, it shall not be expropriated from him. The one who admitted taking the false oath must pay an additional fifth for his share of the stolen article, as must all who voluntarily admit taking false oaths regarding entrusted objects.
מסר שורו לשנים וטענו טענת גנב ונשבעו והודה אחד מהם והשני באו עליו עדים. שניהן משלמין את הקרן. ואם תפש בעל הפקדון את הכפל אין מוציאין מידו. וזה שהוא משלם ב חומש כשאר הנשבעין שבועת הפקדון שהודו מעצמן:
These rules apply with regard to the obligations of a watchman and a thief in the following situations. The owner of an entrusted object demanded its return from an unpaid watchman. The watchman took an oath that the article was stolen.
Afterwards, the thief was discovered. The watchman filed a claim against the thief, who admitted stealing the entrusted article. Afterwards, the owner of the entrusted article filed a claim against the thief, and he denied stealing the entrusted article. Witnesses then came and testified that the thief stole the article.
If the watchman took a true oath when he claimed that the article was stolen, he is considered the agent of the owners, and the thief is freed from the responsibility for the double payment, because he admitted the theft to the watchman.
If the watchman took a false oath the question is unresolved. Therefore, the thief is not compelled to pay twice the value of the stolen article. If, however, the owner seizes property belonging to the thief in lieu of the double payment, it shall not be expropriated from him.
The owner demanded the return of the entrusted article from the watchman and he paid for the article, and then the thief was discovered. In such a case, the watchman acquires the right to the article and to the double payment. The owner filed a claim against the thief, who admitted stealing the entrusted article. Afterwards, the watchman filed a claim against the thief, and he denied stealing the entrusted article. Witnesses then came and testified that the thief stole the article.
The thief is not compelled to pay twice the value of the stolen article. If, however, the watchman seizes property belonging to the thief in lieu of the double payment, it shall not be expropriated from him.
Similar laws apply with regard to the payment of four or five times the value of a stolen sheep or cow if the thief sold or slaughtered it.
בעל הפקדון שתבע את השומר ונשבע שנגנב ואחר כך הוכר הגנב ותבע השומר את הגנב והודה לו הגנב שגנב ותבע בעל הפקדון את הגנב וכפר ובאו עדים שגנב. אם באמת נשבע השומר כשטען שנגנב נפטר הגנב מן הכפל בהודאתו לשומר. ואם בשקר נשבע אין מוציאין הכפל מן הגנב. ואם תפשו הבעלים הכפל אין מוציאין מידן. תבעו הבעלים את השומר ושלם ואחר כך הוכר הגנב ותבעוהו הבעלים והודה להן שגנב ואחר כך תבע והשומר וכפר בו ובוא עדים שגנב אין מוציאין הכפל מן הגנב, ואם תפש השומר את הכפל אין מוציאין מידו, וכן הדין בתשלומי ארבעה וחמשה אם טבח הגנב או מכר:
When a watchman claims that an article entrusted to him by a minor was stolen and takes an oath to that effect, and afterwards witnesses come and testify that the entrusted article is still in his possession, he is not liable. This applies even if the owner entrusted the article to the watchman when the owner was a minor and demanded its return after he attained majority.
This is derived from Exodus 22:6, which states: "When a man will give his colleague... articles to watch...." A child's entrusting of an article is of no consequence. Instead, he must be past majority both when he entrusts the article and when he demands its return.
הטוען טענת גנב בפקדון של קטן אע"פ שנתן לו כשהוא קטן ותבעו כשהוא גדול ונשבע ואחר כך באו עדים הרי זה פטור מן הכפל שנאמר כי יתן איש ואין נתינת קטן כלום וצריך שתהיה נתינה ותביעה שוין [א] בגדול:
When a watchman steals an article entrusted to him from his own domain - e.g., he stole a lamb from a flock entrusted to him or a sela from a wallet entrusted to him - if witnesses testify regarding the theft, he is liable for twice the amount of the article.
The above applies even if he returned the sela to its place, and the lamb to the herd. For he remains responsible for them until he notifies the owner, since with his theft of the article his responsibility as a watchman is concluded. Thus, it is as if he had not returned anything until he notifies the owner.
Slightly different rules apply if a person steals a sela from a wallet belonging to a colleague, or a utensil from his home and then returns the utensil or the sela to its place. If the owner knew of the theft, but did not know of its return, the thief is still responsible for the article until his colleague counts his money.
שומר שגנב מרשותו כגון שגנב טלה מעדר שהופקד אצלו וסלע ד מכיס שהופקד אצלו אם יש עליו עדים חייב בכפל ואע"פ שהחזיר הסלע למקומו והטלה לעדרו הרי זה חייב באחריותן עד שיודיע [ב] הבעלים, שהרי כלתה שמירתו וכאילו לא החזיר כלום עד שיודיע בעליו. [ג] אבל הגונב סלע מכיס חבירו או א כלי מביתו והחזיר דבר הגנוב מביתו למקומו אם ידע והבעלים בגניבתו ולא ידעו בחזירתו עדיין הגנב חייב באחריותו [ד] עד שימנה את מעותיו:
When the owner counts his wallet and discovers the full amount, the thief is no longer liable. Moreover, if the owner did not know that the article was either taken or returned, it is not even necessary for the owner to count his money. As soon as the thief returned the money to its place, he is no longer responsible for it.
מנה את כיסו ומצאו שלם המנין פטור. ואם לא ידעו הבעלים לא בגניבתו ולא בחזירתו אפילו מנין אינו צריך אלא כיון שהחזירו למקומו נפטר מאחריותו:
When does the above apply? With regard to an article that is not alive. When, however, a thief steals a lamb from a colleague's herd, the owner discovers the theft, the thief then returns it to the herd without informing the owner, and afterwards, the lamb dies or is stolen, the first thief is still liable. If, however, the owner counted his sheep, and the herd was complete,the thief is no longer liable.
If the owner did not know that the lamb was stolen or returned, the thief is liable until he informs the owner, so that he will pay more attention to the stolen lamb. This is necessary, because the thief taught it a way other than that followed by the other sheep in this herd.
במה דברים אמורים בדבר שאין בו רוח חיים. אבל הגונב טלה מעדר חבירו וידעו בו הבעלים והחזירו לעדר שלא מדעת הבעלים ומת או נגנב חייב באחריותו. ואם מנו את הצאן והיא שלימה פטור. ואם לא ידעו הבעלים לא בגניבתו ולא בחזירתו אע"פ שמנו את הצאן והיא שלימה חייב באחריותו עד [ה] שיודיע את הבעלים כדי שישמרו את הטלה הגנוב שהרי למדו דרך אחרת חוץ מדרך שאר הצאן שבעדר זה:
Genevah - Chapter Five
It is forbidden to buy a stolen article from a thief. This is a severe sin, for it reinforces a transgressor and motivates him to steal in the future. For if he did not find a person who would purchase a stolen article from him, he would not steal. With reference to this, Proverbs 29:24 states: "A person who shares profits with a thief hates his own soul."
אסור לקנות מן הגנב החפץ שגנב. ועון גדול הוא שהרי מחזיק ידי עוברי עבירה וגורם לו לגנוב גניבות אחרות שאם לא ימצא לוקח אינו גונב וע"ז נאמר חולק עם גנב שונא נפשו:
When a thief steals and sells the stolen article before the owner despairs of its return, the thief is discovered, and witnesses come and testify that so and so stole this particular article in their presence, the stolen article shall be returned to its owner. The owner must reimburse the purchaser for the money that he paid the thief. This measure was ordained to enable uninhibited trade in the marketplace. The owner then sues the thief for the money he paid.
If the thief's reputation was known, our Sages did not ordain any leniency. The owner is not required to pay the purchaser anything, and instead, the purchaser must sue the thief and collect the money he paid from him.
הגונב ומכר ולא נתייאשו הבעלים ואחר כך הוכר הגנב ובאו עדים שזה החפץ שמכרו פלוני הוא גנבו בפנינו. חוזר החפץ לבעליו והבעלים נותנין ללוקח דמים ששקל לגנב מפני תקנת השוק והבעלים [א] חוזרין ועושים דין עם הגנב. ואם גנב מפורסם הוא לא עשו בו תקנת השוק ואין הבעלים נותנין ללוקח כלום אלא חוזר הלוקח ועושה דין עם הגנב ומוציא ממנו דמים ששקל לו:
Different laws apply when the owner despairs of the article's return, regardless of whether he despairs before the thief sold the article or afterwards. The purchaser acquires the article because of the owner's despair and the transfer from one domain to another. He is not required to return the article itself; instead, he must reimburse the owner if he purchased the article from a thief whose reputation was well known.
If the thief was not known to steal, the purchaser is neither required to give the owner the article, nor to reimburse him. This was ordained to enable uninhibited trade in the marketplace.
נתייאשו הבעלים מן הגניבה בין שנתייאשו ואחר כך מכר הגנב בין שנתייאשו אחר שמכר. קנה הלוקח ביאוש ושינוי רשות ואינו מחזיר הגניבה עצמה לבעליה אלא נותן להם הדמים אם לקח מגנב מפורסם [ב]. או אינו נותן כלל לא חפץ ולא דמים מפני תקנת השוק אם לא היה זה המוכר גנב מפורסם:
The following rule applies when the purchaser sues the original owner for the return of the money he spent. If there are no witnesses who can testify regarding the price, the trader must take an oath while holding a sacred article, stating the price he paid. He then collects this sum from the original owner.
Whenever a person takes an oath before he collects, the oath is a Rabbinical ordinance. He must take the oath while holding a sacred article, as will be explained in the appropriate place.
בזמן שהלוקח עושה דין עם בעל הבית. אם אין עדים בכמה לקח הרי התגר נשבע בנקיטת חפץ בכמה לקח ונוטל מן הבעלים. וכל הנשבע ונוטל שבועתו מדבריהם ונשבע בנקיטת חפץ כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
If, when the purchaser sues the thief for the return of his money, the thief claims that he received a lesser sum, the trader must take an oath while holding a sacred article. He may then collect this sum from the thief. He is required to take the oath because the thief is not given the option of taking the oath, since we suspect that he will take a false oath].
בזמן שהלוקח עושה דין עם הגנב והוא אומר בכך וכך לקחתי ממך והוא אומר לא מכרתי לך אלא בפחות מזה. התגר נשבע בנקיטת חפץ ונוטל מן הגנב. שאין הגנב יכול לישבע מפני שהוא חשוד על השבועה:
If a thief stole and gave the stolen article as payment for a loan or as payment for a debt owed a merchant, our Sages did not ordain any leniency to encourage trading. Instead, the owner of the article shall take his article back from the thief's creditor without paying him, and the thief remains responsible for the debt as before.
When the stolen article was given as surety for a loan, regardless of whether the loan was given for more or less than the worth of the article, the original owner shall pay the person holding the surety and then sue the thief for the money, unless the reputation of the thief was public knowledge, as explained above.
[ג] גנב ופרע בחובו [ד] גנב ופרע בהיקפו אין בזה תקנת השוק אלא הבעלים נוטלים הגניבה בלא דמים וישאר חוב אלו על הגנב כשהיה. א משכן הגניבה בין שמשכנה ביתר ע לדמיה או בפחות מדמיה הבעלים נותנין לבעל המשכון וחוזרין ועושין דין עם הגנב אלא אם כן היה הגנב מפורסם כמו שביארנו:
When a person purchased a stolen article from a thief whose reputation is not public knowledge, he is entitled to collect the amount he paid from the original owner. Only then must he return the stolen article.
This applies regardless of whether he paid 100 zuz for an article worth 200, or 200 zuz for an article worth 100. Our Sages ordained this rule to allow for uninhibited trade, as explained above.
הלוקח מגנב שאינו מפורסם בין שלקח ממנו שוה מאה במאתים או שוה מאתים במאה הרי זה נוטל הדמים מבעל הבית ואחר כך מחזיר הגניבה מפני תקנת השוק כמו שביארנו:
The original owner is not required to reimburse the recipient of the stolen article in the following situation. A person was owed 100 zuz by a thief. The thief stole an article and gave it to his creditor, who gave the thief another 100 zuz. The stolen article must be returned to its original owner, and we tell the creditor: "Demand payment for 200 zuz from the thief. For you did not give him the second hundred only because of the article that he gave you. Just as you trusted him with regard to the first hundred, so too, you trusted him with regard to the second."
היה נושה בגנב מאה זוז וגנב והביא לבעל חובו ונתן לו מאה אחרת הרי הגניבה חוזרת לבעליה ואומרין לזה לך ותבע הגנב במאתים שלא נתת לו המאה האחרת מפני החפץ שהביא לך בלבד כשם שהאמנתו בראשונה האמנתו באחרונה:
Torah law does not allow profit to be made from the sale of a stolen article. For example, if a person purchased a stolen article from a thief whose reputation was not public knowledge, for 100 zuz and sold it to a colleague for 120, and afterwards the thief was apprehended, the original owner must pay the second purchaser 120 zuz. He then may take his article. Afterwards, he shall be reimbursed for 20 zuz by the seller and then collect 100 zuz from the thief.
If the reputation of the thief was public knowledge, the original owner shall pay the second purchaser 120 zuz and collect that amount from the trader who purchased the article from the thief. The trader shall then collect the principal, 100 zuz, from the thief.
The same principles apply if the second purchaser sold the stolen article to a third, or the third to a fourth. Even if the stolen article changed hands one hundred times. The final purchaser is reimbursed completely by the owner, who takes the profit from each of the middle men and collects the principal from the thief. All of this applies before the owner despaired of the return of the stolen article, as we have explained.
לקח מגנב שאינו מפורסם במאה ומכר לאחר במאה ועשרים והוכר הגנב. בעל הגניבה נותן לזה האחרון מאה ועשרים ונוטל גניבתו וחוזר הבעל ונוטל עשרים של שכר מן המוכר ונוטל המאה מן הגנב. ואם גנב מפורסם הוא נוטל המאה ועשרים מן התגר שלקח מן הגנב והולך התגר ותובע הגנב במאה של קרן. והוא הדין אם מכר השני לשלישי והשלישי לרביעי אפילו מאה שהוא נטל מכל אחד ואחד מה שנשכר ונוטל הקרן מן הגנב. וכל הדברים האלו לפני [ה] יאוש כמו שביארנו:
The following rules apply when there is a report that goods belonging to a person who was not known to sell his personal property were stolen, and that person recognizes his utensils and books in the possession of another person. They also apply when the person would frequently sell his personal property, but the utensils he recognized as his own were utensils that are made to lend or to rent out.
If witnesses come and testify that these utensils belong to the said individual, the person in possession of the utensils shall take an oath, stating the price he paid for the utensils, and collect this sum from the the owner and then return them to him.
בעל הבית שאינו עשוי למכור את כליו ויצא לו שם גניבה בעיר והכיר כליו וספריו ביד אחרים. או שהיה עשוי למכור והיו כלים אלו שהכיר מכלים העשויין להשאיל ולהשכיר. אם באו עדים [ו] שזה כליו של זה ישבע זה שהן בידו בנקיטת חפץ בכמה לקח ויטול מבעל הבית ויחזיר לו כליו:
Different rules apply if the owner of the house would frequently sell his personal property, and the objects in question were not utensils that are made to lend or to rent out. In such an instance, even if there is a report that his property was stolen, the original owner is not entitled to claim it back from the purchasers, for it is possible that he sold it to others.
The house-owner's word is, however, accepted in the following situation. People came and lodged in his home. At night, he arose and called out: "My utensils and my scrolls have been stolen." His neighbors found a tunnel dug from his home and saw the people who lodged in his home leaving, carrying bundles of utensils on their shoulders. The thieves were not apprehended, but afterwards, the house-owner claimed to have discovered the stolen articles in the possession of another person, and everyone agreed, saying: "These are the house-owner's utensils and scrolls."
Under such circumstances, the house-owner's claim is accepted. The person in possession of the articles shall take an oath, stating the price he paid for the articles, and collect this sum from the house-owner and then return them to him.
היה בעל הבית עשוי למכור את כליו ולא היו מדברים העשויין להשאיל ולהשכיר אע"פ שיצא לו שם גניבה בעיר והוכרו כליו אינו מחזירן מיד הלקוחות שמא הוא מכרן לאחרים. אבל אם באו בני אדם ולנו בתוך ביתו עמד וזעק בלילה נגנבו כלי וספרי ובאו בני אדם ומצאו מחתרת חתורה ובני אדם שלנו בתוך ביתו יוצאין וצרורות של כלים על כתפיהם והכל אומרים הללו כליו וספריו של פלוני הרי זה נאמן. וישבע זה שהכלים בידו בנקיטת חפץ כמה הוציא ויטול מבעל הגניבה ויחזיר לו כליו:
If a person whose reputation as a thief is public knowledge entered a person's house, and witnesses testify that he left with utensils hidden under his cloak, his word is not accepted even though the house-owner was present. Although the thief claims to have purchased the articles, since the house-owner claims that they were stolen, the house-owner's claim is accepted, provided he was not known to sell his personal property, the articles in question are not generally carried hidden, and the person in possession of the articles does not ordinarily carry them under his cloak. The house-owner must take an oath while holding a sacred article that they are his. He then may take his property.
If the person in possession of the articles is not known to be a thief, the house-owner's word is not accepted. Instead, the person in possession of the articles must take a Rabbinic oath that he purchased the articles. He may then depart.
גנב שהוחזק ונתפרסם שנכנס לתוך בית חבירו ועדים מעידים שיצא וכלים טמונים לו תחת כנפיו אע"פ שהיה שם בעל הבית וטען ואמר לקוחין הן בידי ובעל הבית אומר ב גנובים הם. אם היה בעל הבית שאין דרכו למכור את כליו ואותם כלים אין דרך בני אדם להטמינן ואין דרך אותו המוחזק להצניע כליו תחת כנפיו. הרי בעל הבית נאמן וישבע בנקיטת חפץ ונוטל כליו. ואם אין אדם זה מוחזק בגניבה אין בעל הבית נאמן אלא נשבע זה שהכלים בידו שבועת היסת שהכלים האלו לקוחים בידו והולך:
Genevah - Chapter Six
Whenever the prevailing assumption is that an article is stolen, one is forbidden to purchase it. Similarly, if the majority of a particular substance is stolen, one is forbidden to purchase it. Therefore, one should not purchase wool, milk or kids from shepherds. This applies within a settled community. In the desert, by contrast, one may purchase milk and cheese from them.
Similarly, one may purchase four sheep or the shearing of four sheep from the shepherd of a small herd, or five from the shepherd of a large herd, for we do not presume that an amount of this size is stolen.
כל דבר שחזקתו שהוא גנוב אסור ליקח אותו. וכן אם רוב אותו הדבר שהוא גנוב אין לוקחין אותו. לפיכך אין לוקחים מן הרועים צמר או חלב או גדיים. אבל לוקחין מהן חלב וגבינה במדבר אבל לא ביישוב. ומותר ליקח מן הרועים ארבע צאן או ארבע גיזות של צמר מעדר קטן או חמש מעדר גדול שאין חזקתו שהוא גנוב בדבר זה:
To state the general principle: Whenever a shepherd sells an article that would be noticed by the owner, it may be purchased from the shepherd. If the owner would not notice it, it is assumed to be stolen and may not be purchased from the shepherd.
כללו של דבר כל שהרועה מוכרו אם היה בעל הבית מרגיש בו מותר ללקחו מן הרועה. ואם אין בעל הבית מרגיש בו אסור ללקחו:
We may not purchase wood or produce from the watchmen of produce unless they sit openly and sell with baskets of produce and scales in front of them. In such an instance, the matter is overt and will be spoken about; therefore, we can conclude that theft is not involved.
We may purchase from the entrance to a garden, but not from its rear. And whenever a seller says: "Hide the goods," it is forbidden to purchase from him.
One may purchase from a sharecropper, for he has a share in the produce and the wood.
אין לוקחין משומרי פירות עצים או פירות אלא בזמן שהן יושבין ומוכרים והסלים והפלס לפניהם. שהרי הדבר גלוי ויש לו קול ואין זה גניבה. ולוקחין מפתח הגינה אבל לא מאחורי הגינה. וכולן שאמרו הטמן אסור לקחת מהן. ומותר לקחת מן האריס שהרי יש לו חלק בפירות ובעצים:
We should not purchase articles from married women, servants or minors unless the prevailing assumption is that they were granted these articles by their owner; for example, women who sell linen garments in the Galilee or calves in the Sharon. In all instances, if they say "Hide the goods," it is forbidden to purchase from them, for we assume that the goods were stolen.
We may purchase eggs or roosters anywhere, from any person. If, however, one says "Hide what was sold," it is forbidden.
אין לוקחין מן הנשים [א] ומן העבדים מן הקטנים אלא דברים שחזקתן שהן שלהן מדעת הבעלים. כגון נשים ד שמכרו כלי פשתן בגליל או עגלים בשרון. וכולן שאמרו הטמן אסור ליקח מהן מפני שהן בחזקת גניבה. ולוקחים ביצים ותרנגולים בכל מקום מכל אדם. ואם אמר הטמן אסור:
One may purchase a large measure of olives or oil from an owner of an olive press. One may not, however, purchase a small amount of olives or oil, for the prevailing assumption is that these would be stolen goods. Similar laws apply in other like situations.
לוקחין מן הבדדין זיתים במדה ושמן במדה אבל לא זיתים מועטים ולא שמן מועט שחזקתו גניבה הם וכן כל כיוצא בהם:
A launderer of a new woolen garment is entitled to the fluff that he removes. The strands that the comber removes, by contrast, belong to the owner of the wool.
The launderer may take three strands. Anything more belongs to the owner of the garment. If the additional strands were black against a white garment, the launderer may take all of them.
מוכין שהכובס מוציא הרי אלו שלו ושהסורק מוציא הרי אלו של בעל הבית. הכובס נוטל שלשה חוטין והן שלו יתר מיכן של בעל הבית. אם היה שחור על גבי לבן נוטל את הכל והם שלו:
When a tailor leaves more thread than necessary to sew with a needle, and a piece of cloth that is more than three fingerbreadths by three fingerbreadths, he is obligated to return it to the owner. Anything less than that, he may keep as his own.
ו החייט ששייר מן החוט כדי [ב] משיכת מחט ושייר מן הבגד מטלית שהיא שלש אצבעות על שלש אצבעות חייב להחזירן לבעלים. פחות מכאן שלו:
A carpenter may keep the shavings of wood that he produces with a plane. The chips he produces with a hatchet, by contrast, belong to the owner. If he is working for the owner as a hired hand, even the shavings belong to the owner.
With regard to all these matters, the prevailing local custom is followed.
נסורת שהחרש מוציא במעצד שלו. בכשיל של בעל הבית. ואם היה עושה אצל בעל הבית אף הנסורת של בעל הבית. וכל הדברים האלו וכיוצא בהן הולכין בהן אחר מנהג המדינה:
Whenever a craftsman sells items to which he is not entitled according to the local practice - e.g., strands of fluff sold by a comber where it is customary that they are returned to the owner - it is forbidden to purchase from him, for we assume that they are stolen. If, however, he sells a pillow filled with wool, one may purchase it from him.
If a craftsman sells articles to which he is entitled according to the local practice, it is permitted to purchase them from him. If, however, he says, "Hide it," purchase is forbidden.
כל אומן שמכר דבר מן הדברים שאינו שלו כהלכות המדינה. כגון מוכין שמכרן הסורק במקום שנהגו שיהיו של בעל הבית. אסור ליקח ממנו מפני שהן בחזקת גנבה. אבל לוקחין ממנו כר מלא מוכין. ואם מכר האומן דברים שהן שלו כהלכות מדינה לוקחין ממנו. ואם אמר הטמן אסור:
-------Hayom Yom:
• English Text | Video Class
Today's Hayom Yom
Daily Thought:
A true master of life
never leaves this world
—he transcends it,
but he is still within it.
He is still there to assist
those who are bonded with him
with blessing and advice,
just as before, and even more so.
Even those who did not know him
in his corporeal lifetime
can still forge with him an essential bond.
The only difference is in us:
Now we must work harder to connect.
Today's Hayom Yom
Tuesday, Tammuz 3, 5777 · 06/27/2017
"Today's Day"
Tuesday Tamuz 3 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Chukat, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 18-22.
Tanya: Note:(The mystical (p.329)..that transcends intellect. (p.329).
My grandfather said: A Jewish groan which, G-d forbid, arises from physical misfortune, is also a great teshuva; how much more so then, is a groan arising from spiritual distress a lofty and effective teshuva. The groan pulls him out of the depths of evil and places him on a firm footing in the realm of good.
-------Daily Thought:
A true master of life
never leaves this world
—he transcends it,
but he is still within it.
He is still there to assist
those who are bonded with him
with blessing and advice,
just as before, and even more so.
Even those who did not know him
in his corporeal lifetime
can still forge with him an essential bond.
The only difference is in us:
Now we must work harder to connect.
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