Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Rabbi Evan Moffic of Congregaion Solel in Highland Park, Illinois, United States"Discover The Secret to Happiness"

Rabbi Evan Moffic of Congregaion Solel in Highland Park, Illinois, United States"Discover The Secret to Happiness"
Do you remember that old song: "Don't Worry, Be Happy?" We need that reminder sometimes.  
To really be happy, however, not worrying is not enough. Here's a better song: "Be grateful. Be happy."  
Gratitude is the secret of happiness. It pushes away negative emotions. It is impossible to feel grateful and angry at the same time.  
It also makes us more present. Author Robert Holden points out, "The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become." 
Just last week I was visiting someone in the hospital. The elevator stopped on almost every floor. At each stop someone was wheeled in on a wheelchair, or was lifted in by orderlies on a gurney.  
When I got to my floor, I said a silent prayer of gratitude. How lucky I was to be able to walk, breathe on my own, and support an ill friend in need... I felt more present in my body and more satisfied with the blessings it offered.  
Do you struggle with gratitude? Do you look around and see the darkness rather than the light?  
Try this exercise: Every night, before you go to sleep, write down three things you are grateful for. It works wonders. 
The technique was pioneered by Dr. Martin Seligman. It has worked consistently with people of all ages.  
If you would like to try it, you can get this gratitude tracker. It is FREE when you pre-order the book: The Happiness Prayer: Ancient Jewish Wisdom for the Best Way to Live Today.
For $16, you get a book to change your life, and a tool to help you get started right away. Just forward me the Amazon receipt at evan@rabbi.me, and I will send you the link to the tracker right away. 

Rabbi Evan Moffic
Rabbi Evan Moffic, Congregation Solel
1301 Clavey Road
Highland Park, Illinois 60035, United States

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