Friday, June 5, 2015

Nazarene Communications Network News from The Global churcch of the Nazarene of Lenexa, Kansas, United States for Friday, June 5, 2015 "Church means family" Volume 1522

Nazarene Communications Network News from The Global churcch of the Nazarene of Lenexa, Kansas, United States for Friday, June 5, 2015 "Church means family" Volume 1522

Brazil, South America Region

Valvassoura retirement creates leadership changes in Brazil
Top row, left to right: Aguiar Valvassoura, Manuel Lima, and Gerson Cardoso
Bottom row, left to right: Luis Henrique Biazon, Wagner de Sousa, and Geraldo Nunes
Aguiar Valvassoura led the Church of the Nazarene in Brazil for 10 years, tripling its membership during that time. After receiving the notice that Valvassoura would retire from this post September 30, Jerry D. Porter, general superintendent in jurisdiction for the South America Region, and Verne Ward, Global Mission director, in consultation with Christian Sarmiento, South America regional director, and additional Brazil leaders, selected Manuel Gamaliel Lima as director for Brazil.
Manuel Lima was born December 10, 1960, in Campinas, Sao Paulo. He has been married to his wife, Lídia, for 32 years, and they have five children: Raquel Lima (married to Leandro Penteado), Lucas (married to Gislane Lima); Pedro; Mateus, and Caio. He began pastoral ministry in 1983 in the Cosmópolis, Sao Paulo Church of the Nazarene. He planted churches while serving as pastor during his time as the first superintendent of the Brazilian Amazon District. Since 2011, he has served as the field strategy coordinator for Northwest Brazil.
Additional leaders were also given new assignments: Gerson Cardoso, field strategy coordinator for Brazil North; Luis Henrique Biazon, field strategy coordinator for Brazil Central; Wagner de Sousa, field strategy coordinator for Brazil South; and Geraldo Nunes, Brazil’s coordinator for Holistic Ministry.
Gerson Cardoso was born December 26, 1961. He has been married to his wife, Ana Maria, for 30 years, and they have a son named Mateus. His ministry began in 1983 as an assistant pastor for the Jardim San Pedro Church of the Nazarene in Campinas, a congregation of 1,200 members, where he has served as the lead pastor since 1987. He currently serves as district superintendent for Brazil’s Northeast Setentrional District. In his dedication to the Lord, he has developed multiple ministries and planted 11 churches in different parts of Brazil.
Luis Henrique Biazon was born November 22, 1961. He has been married to his wife, Claudia, for 26 years, and they have three children: Marcela, Pedro, and Ana. His ministry began in 1985 when he planted the Rio Claro Central Church of the Nazarene, now a congregation of more than 1,500 members, where he currently pastors. He is also the district superintendent for the Northeast Paulista District. During his ministry he has planted nearly 100 churches.
Born July 25, 1965, Wagner de Sousa married his wife, Angela, July 28, 1990. They have two children, Esdras and Jonatas. His ministry began in the Central Church of the Nazarene in Campinas in 1986. Since then, they have served the Lord in various capacities. Wagner is currently district superintendent of Sao Paulo and pastors the Paulinia Church of the Nazarene.
Geraldo Nunes Filho has been a pastor in the Church of the Nazarene for 34 years, currently serving the Castelo Church of the Nazarene in Campinas. He is the founding director of GERMINE, Global Leadership Institute. He is also the founder of Nazateen Ministries youth ministry. He was the founding president of the Nazarene College of Brazil and rector of the Nazarene Theological Seminary of Brazil. Nunes has also been involved in the creation of ministries, church planting, and developing leaders. He and his wife, Pastor Waner Nunes, have two children, Lucas and Louise.[Church of the Nazarene South America Region]

Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis District churches rally to rebuild collapsing church
Rendering of the new Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene.
Like many churches, Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene in Indianapolis, Indiana, decided it was time for some updates. The congregation had no room to grow, and it had been years since the building’s last facelift.
Pastor Randy Perry hired an engineer in August 2014 to get some ideas about expanding the sanctuary, but learned something he wasn’t expecting.
“The walls that we wanted to tear down were all that was holding the building together,” Perry said. “The roof was bowing down … We were told we couldn’t go back in to have services.”
The next two engineers both told Perry the same thing — the building was unsafe. Since settling caused the problems, the church’s insurance company would not pay to rebuild or repair the building.
The church’s fellowship hall is not connected to the sanctuary, so the congregation has been meeting there for nearly a year while attempting to raise the $150,000 needed to demolish and rebuild the sanctuary.
Perry said last month’s average attendance was the lowest in his five years at the church, which he believes is mostly due to the sanctuary problems.
Despite the challenges, the church continues to reach its community. Perry shared about an 82-year-old man who recently rededicated his life to God.
“That was encouraging, to see someone of that age come back to Christ,” Perry said. “We have services filled with the Spirit. We’ve got a good group of people who just love God.”
When Indianapolis District Superintendent Ron Blake heard about the church’s unique struggle, he created a district-wide project called Share the Love.
“This is one that captured our heart,” Blake said. “Because of no fault of the pastor or congregation, they have been forced out of their work space, and with no insurance monies, they are so vulnerable.”
He explained that his favorite definition of church is the word family.
“We are family, and we help each other,” Blake said. “We are going to assist them in rebuilding their church because that is what we do in the family of God and the Church of the Nazarene.
“This project is just one of the ways in which we grow closer together by helping and by reminding our churches that to be missional is to be concerned for our brothers and sisters around the world and down the street.”
District churches have contributed to the project in several ways, including a spontaneous offering taken at last month’s District Assembly that raised $5,000. Another offering will be taken June 14 at churches across the district.
“Just the other day I got a call from a church that will be presenting a check for a couple thousand dollars,” Perry said.
To date, about $24,000 has been raised.
Next month Blake will join other district pastors and leaders on a 65-mile fundraising walk. The group will set out July 9 from Centerville Church of the Nazarene, stopping at several Nazarene churches for prayer and devotions over the course of the three-day journey.
The walk will conclude at the Cornerstone church, where walkers will present a check and enjoy a cookout celebration.
Joshua Cook, Centerville’s senior pastor and one of the walkers, previously served as Cornerstone associate pastor.
“I love the people,” he said. “They are like family to me.”
Just a week after hearing about the problems with Cornerstone’s sanctuary, Cook met a man who gave him the idea for the walk.
“A person came by that was walking from New York to San Francisco raising awareness and funds for veterans with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder),” Cook said. “[He] stopped by the church on a Sunday morning. I offered him a clean bathroom to use and wash up in and some bottles of water. Before he left, he explained what he was doing, how the walk worked, and how it raised money.”
Cook prayed about the walk for several months before approaching Perry with the idea in February. After the walk was announced, Cook was approached by Brownsburg Church of the Nazarene member Terry Bailey with another fundraising idea.
“[Bailey] is in a gospel group called The Gospel Servants … and said he would love to help as well by getting five or six gospel groups together and doing a benefit concert for Cornerstone Nazarene,” Cook said. “The date and venue have yet to be set, but the plan is for about a week or two after the walk.”
The church recently received blueprints for the new sanctuary and is working on gaining the proper permits.
To learn more about the upcoming walk, visit the Cornerstone church website.

Kudjip, Papua New Guinea

Olivet team helps restore healing hands
Over the past 30 years, these hands have healed thousands of patients in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. They have stopped bleeding, removed cancer, delivered babies, straightened bones, reconnected tendons, removed infections, sutured lacerations, and more. They have also folded in prayer over many patients who had surgery at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.
For years, these hands have been going numb and had trouble during long surgeries, but most recently, the numbness has been constant and even the most basic functions became challenging. These are the hands of Dr. Jim Radcliffe, a mission surgeon who has served at the hospital for more than 30 years.
Dr. Mike Pyle, a former Nazarene missionary to Swaziland who has done a number of carpal tunnel surgeries, recently arrived at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, leading a volunteer team from Olivet Nazarene University.
After reviewing Radcliffe’s case, Pyle put his healing hands to work by praying for the surgery and then relieving the compression on Radcliffe’s median nerve, which was causing his carpal tunnel syndrome. The numbness has already gone down, and Radcliffe expects to use his hands to heal once again soon.

Mike and his wife, Nancy, have been bringing teams of Olivet students to Kudjip for mission experience for five years. The students work on service projects such as painting or building along with building relationships with the national staff. Additionally, the students shadow doctors, help out in the pharmacy, and spend time with the hospital chaplains. Many of the students are pursuing medical education and have an expressed interest in missions. This year’s team was comprised of 22, including Mike and Nancy.[Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region]

Poás, Costa Rica

Costa Rica church shares gospel through skate ministry
In the Great Commission, Jesus instructed his followers to share the gospel, but He left the method up to them. The Poás Church of the Nazarene on the Costa Rica North District found a creative way to reach hundreds of young people and their families.
More than 13 years ago, the Lord led the Poás church to acquire a 22,000-square meter (65,000 square feet) property. The 200-member congregation partnered with Work & Witness teams, local families, and a few contractors to build a multipurpose hall that can hold up to 5,000 people. Hundreds of people attend soccer championships there, and the church uses these events to share the gospel.
This year the church began an evangelism project called Patines (skate) by renting the hall to a company that held skating events in the evenings. People in the community and other nearby cities started coming every night, and at least 150 young people meet to skate.
All church ministries have joined to spread the gospel through videos, tracts, and sharing the message personally with them. More than 70 young people have accepted Christ into their hearts, hundreds have heard or seen the message of salvation through the videos, and families have come to know Christ.
Many young people are already involved in youth services, where the Holy Spirit is changing their lives and ministering to them.
“Young people who have visited drink alcohol or do drugs, use vulgar language, and [act like] a person who does not have Christ, but the church has made a difference because since the project started, they insisted that all visitors shouldn’t do these things in our church and we have seen wonderful testimonies of many who behave appropriately, because they realize they are in a different place," said Karla Diaz, NYI president. "They have learned to have fun in a healthy way.
"It hasn’t just become a skating court, but a restoration center to heal and bring hope to the hearts of many in need. The church has been willing to collaborate through security, food sales, and much more. Of course, some have criticized us for allowing people with skates in our church, but if I think: What would Jesus do in my place? ... I believe that He himself would wear skates and look for any way to get to those needy people to share His love, embrace them, and transform their lives. Therefore, our NYI put on skates to share a hope and create a fun time, but even better, a time of salvation.”[Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region]

Vote ratifies amendments to Manual constitution
The 2013 General Assembly amended by action seven portions of the Constitution of the Church of the Nazarene Manual in June of that year in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The following September, the General Secretary’s Office released documents containing these amendments to regional directors and superintendents of all Phase 2 and Phase 3 districts.
The Board of General Superintendents is pleased to announce that on 27 April 2015 we received the necessary two-thirds vote (of all Phase 2 and Phase 3 district assemblies), ratifying the amendments for all seven areas in the Constitution. This was achieved just 13 months after the new Manual became effective.
We are grateful to the many participants who made this possible, including regional directors, district superintendents, district secretaries, and district assembly delegates.
The affected paragraph numbers in the Constitution are 14, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 24, 26, and 27. In the 2013–2017 Manual, any text shown in brackets may now be omitted from these paragraphs, and any italicized text in these paragraphs may now be considered official additions.
A reprint of the 2013–2017 Manual will not be ordered due to cost considerations. If language is quoted from any of the above paragraphs (which includes at least one Article of Faith), it may now be listed without footnotes, brackets, or italics.[Board of General Superintendents]



Swaziland church's building project inspires field leader

The church moved into Mafutseni Nazarene Primary School, but soon outgrew that building as well.

Mafutseni, Swaziland
In January, Africa South Field Strategy Coordinator Mashangu Maluleka stumbled across a church project that inspired him. While driving through Swaziland, he noticed a church that was under construction. People were hard at work in the scorching sun, he said.
He saw a sign for a Nazarene primary school nearby and realized that the new building must be for a Nazarene church.
Touched by the dedication and commitment of the workers, Maluleka stopped by. He learned that the church, the Mafutseni Church of the Nazarene on the Swaziland Central District, had been raising money and working toward the construction of this building for almost five years. The congregation had outgrown the original church building, established by a missionary in 1968.
"What blessed me was instead of trying to ask someone to do something or write to whoever missionary who built them the first church, ... (the) pastor just mobilized the people to start fundraising," Maluleka said. "And it is that initiative, it is that willingness to giving what they could and trusting God with the rest, that's what I want to support. That's what I want to be part of."
The next step of construction is to build the church's roof. The congregation has raised 40 percent of the amount needed, and the Africa South Field has agreed to fund the rest using Alabaster funds.
"We give thanks to the Africa South Field for the help she is giving us to roof the church of God," said Pastor Zanele Mavuso. "We really believe that if God has opened the door, no one has the power to close it."
Maluleka encourages these type of partnerships between the region or field and the local church. When church members participate in raising money and working on the project, they have a sense of ownership of the building, he said. This inspires them to maintain the building, rather than feeling like it's the region's church and the region's responsibility to take care of it.
But more importantly, Maluleka said, partnerships develop a heart for giving within churches.
"After they have received and seen the power of partnership, their giving mentality to help others improves," he said. "So in that way you are building a stronger army towards the fulfillment of the mission of the Church."
The roughly 150-person congregation at the Mafutseni church has doubled since 2009, Pastor Mavuso said. In 2009, they moved the Sunday service into the Nazarene primary school and started using the old church building for children's church. But they soon outgrew that space, too.
Church members have come up with creative ways to raise money and help out. They hosted monthly Shisanyamas (a braai or barbecue), donated farm animals for auctions, brought bags of cement to church each week, and asked for donations from individuals. Those who were unemployed donated their time by making bricks, helping with construction, or preparing food for the construction workers.The congregation started a fundraising campaign in 2010 for a new building that could seat 1,000 people, and two years later they had enough money to pour a foundation. Then, after more than a year of additional fundraising, they had enough to build the walls.
By the grace of God, the pastor said, two men from the Church of the Nazarene in the Swaziland East District offered to build the church at no charge.
When asked why her church continued to grow, Pastor Mavuso highlighted its outreach to the community.
"The church membership is growing since the members are the ones who are doing the discipleship themselves," she said.
Each month, the church invites the men of the community for a time of fellowship in which they eat a cow's head together. Many non-Christians attend and learn about the love of God, she said.
In women's ministry, church members buy second-hand clothing and invite the mothers of the community to come pick up clothes for their children.
"The church has become the place of refuge because the church provides (for the) physical and spiritual needs of the community," Pastor Mavuso said. "This has made the community see the church as a place of peace and love. So they join the church with all their hearts."[Church of the Nazarene Africa Region via Out of Africa]

Flags of the Nations: Togo
It features a white "Star of Hope" on a field of red, representing the blood shed by countrymen during the internal struggle for independence. Green is symbolic of the country's agricultural wealth, while yellow is symbolic of mineral wealth. The five horizontal stripes represent the five regions of Togo.
Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.
This week: Togo
The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Togo in 1998.
Togo had a population of 7,351,374 in 2014. That same year, Togo reported 133 Churches of the Nazarene, 66 of which had been officially organized. Togo has 4,145 total members.
Located on the Africa Region, Togo has one Phase 2 district and two Pioneer Areas. For more information about the Africa Region, visit
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.
The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene.

Büsingen, Switzerland

EuNC sells Büsingen campus
European Nazarene College released the following statement regarding its campus in Büsingen, Switzerland:
What has been announced earlier has taken place now: The property and facilities of European Nazarene College in Büsingen have been sold. The EuNC Board of Trustees unanimously voted on this step in January 2014, and the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene approved it in its meeting in February 2015. We are thankful that we were able to sell the campus to the town of Büsingen. After long negotiations, the sales contract was signed in March. On 30 June 2015, the keys to the buildings will be turned over to Mayor Möll. The college board and administration have been experiencing God’s guidance throughout the process and are confident that this step was necessary for European Nazarene College to be viable and to fulfil its mission.
During the next weeks, the buildings and the property are being prepared to be turned over to the new owner and the move of the organisation needs to be arranged. A final decision on the location for the new EuNC Administrative Centre is still pending. One of the reasons for this is that the EuNC Board of Trustees needs to vote on the new location in their next meeting in January 2016, which needs to happen before the move can take place. The new location will be in the Frankfurt area of Germany. In the meantime, EuNC will be renting the library space of the present location until February 2016 from the town of Büsingen. This provides the storage space needed for everything that will be moved to the new location such as library materials, the EuNC archives, and all necessary office furniture and equipment. Please, pray with us for this process and that we continue to follow God’s guidance as He “teaches us the way we should go” (Psalm 32:8).
EuNC has approximately 15 learning centers serving more than 300 students in 17 countries. In 2006, EuNC followed its own strategic plan to decentralize its theological education among the four fields it serves across the Eurasia Region. As a result, attendance at the learning centers expanded while attendance at the central campus in Büsingen gradually declined. The residential program closed in June 2011.[European Nazarene College]

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Prime timers gather for Rocky Mountain retreat
General Superintendent Emeritus James H. Diehl speaks at the Rocky Mountain Prime Time Retreat.
The unseasonably rainy weather and 5.5 inches of hail failed to dampen the spirits of those who attended the Rocky Mountain Prime Time Retreat in Colorado Springs May 5 to 8.
Attendees representing 21 different states enjoyed the music of Brian Arner, a full-time music evangelist. Arner's daily goal is to encourage others through music to make Jesus Christ the center of their lives, and more than once he succeeded in bringing people to their feet.
The event also featured General Superintendent Emeritus James H. Diehl, General Superintendent David W. Graves, Nazarene Bible College President Harold Graves, and USA/Canada Regional Director Bob Broadbooks as plenary speakers. In addition, Harold Ivan Smith presented two mega-seminars on the topics of grief and leaving a legacy. Seminar presenters included Global Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International Director Woodie Stevens, USA/Canada Region Prime Time Coordinator William Marshall Duke, Nazarene Foundation Executive Vice President Mark Lail, Pensions & Benefits Director Don Walter, and RVs on a Mission representatives Duane and Jean Morford.
John Cunningham, a global missionary with the Church of the Nazarene on administrative assignment to JESUS Film Harvest Partners, presented a workshop about deciding your spiritual legacy. During one plenary session, an offering of more than $3,100 was received for JESUS Film Harvest Partners. Based on the average of $3 per person reached through the JESUS film, at least 1,000 people will be reached through this offering.
Thursday evening, Prime Timers attended chapel on the Nazarene Bible College campus. Some also toured the campus prior to the service.
To learn more about Prime Time Ministries, visit To sign up for the Prime Time email list, send your information to[SDMI USA/Canada Region]

Moving Ministers: May 2015
Compiled by the General Secretary's Office from district reports, Moving Ministers is a monthly listing of Nazarene ministers in new assignments on the USA/Canada Region. Read more
Compiled by the General Secretary's Office from district reports, Moving Ministers is a monthly listing of Nazarene ministers in new assignments on the USA/Canada Region.
Roles included in the latest report are pastor and pastoral service. Entries were received from May 1 to May 31, 2015.
To view the May report, click here.
For previous reports, see

Moving Ministers As of: 6/1/2015 from 5/1/2015 to 5/31/2015
Rev. James L. Abbott from Pastoral Service Cincinnati Springdale Cincinnati OH to Pastoral Service on 4/27/2015 Olathe College Olathe KS
Rev. Randall E. Anderson from Pastor Wellington Wellington TX to Pastor on 5/17/2015 Mineral Wells Mineral Wells TX
Rev. Zachariah Austin from Student Central California Fresno CA to Pastoral Service on 5/14/2015 San Diego Mission San Diego CA
Rev. Donna K. Auter from Unassigned Oklahoma Bethany OK to Pastoral Service on 4/20/2015 Piedmont Piedmont OK
Rev. David W. Bane from Pastor Valdosta Valdosta GA to Pastor on 3/1/2015
Wheatland Wheatland MO
Rev. Donald E. Boesel from Pastoral Service Temple First Temple TX to Pastoral Service on 4/24/2015 Killeen First Killeen TX
Rev. Amy J. Carney from Pastoral Service Huntsville Huntsville TX to Pastoral Service on 4/24/2015 Conroe New Horizon Conroe TX
Rev. Judy L. Castro from Unassigned Dallas Nevada TX to Pastoral Service on 4/24/2015 Waco Family of Faith Waco TX
Rev. Bryan Alan Cheever from Pastor Newport News Newport News VA to Pastor on 4/26/2015 Vassar Vassar MI
Rev. Charles W. Dandridge II from Pastoral Service Richmond Hope Community Mechanicsville VA to Pastor on 5/6/2015 The Redemption Center Richmond VA
Rev. Martin D. Dennis from Pastor Church at the Creek Delaware OH to Pastor on 3/30/2015 Springfield High Street Springfield OH
Rev. Martin D. Dennis from Pastor Element Unpluged Columbus OH to Pastor on 3/30/2015 Springfield High Street Springfield OH
Rev. Martin D. Dennis from Pastor Reynoldsburg Reynoldsburg OH to Pastor on 3/30/2015 Springfield High Street Springfield OH
Rev. Gerald Earls from Pastoral Service Brighton Brighton MI to Pastoral Service on 4/27/2015 Center Pointe Community Howell MI
Rev. Donna Ebanks from Pastoral Service Findlay First Findlay OH to Pastor on 6/7/2015 Toledo Northpoint Toledo OH
Rev. Thomas E. Evans from Unassigned South Texas Cypress TX to Pastoral Service on 4/24/2015 Waco Community Fellowship Waco TX
Rev. Gregory W. Farra from Pastoral Service Dayspring Canal Winchester OH to Pastor on 3/30/2015 McConnelsville McConnelsville OH
Rev. Marie Fitts from Unassigned Rocky Mountain Billings MT to Pastoral Service on 4/17/2015 Anchorage Chapel/Cross Anchorage AK
Rev. Pamela S. Flowers from Pastoral Service Brandon Community Ortonville MI to Pastoral Service on 2/1/2015 Lindenwood Swartz Creek MI
Rev. Sjon W. Green from Unassigned Joplin Carthage MO to Pastor on 4/1/2015 Soul Tending
Rev. Julie M. Gritzmaker from Unassigned Eastern Michigan Goodrich MI to 
Pastoral Service on 4/27/2015 Adrian First Adrian MI
Rev. Harvey T. Havens Jr. from Unassigned Missouri Bridgeton MO to Pastoral Service on 4/24/2015 Killeen First Killeen TX
Rev. Joel M. Henley from Pastor Sheffield First Sheffield AL to Pastor on 5/24/2015 Fulton Heartland Fulton MO
Rev. John Paul Hissom from Pastor Hamlin Hamlin WV to Pastoral Service on 2/1/2015 South Charleston Grace South Charleston WV
Rev. Stephen P. Hundley from Pastor Victoria First Victoria TX to Pastor on 3/1/2015 Portland First Portland IN
Rev. William E. Jarrell from Unassigned South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastoral Service on 5/1/2015 Circleville Heritage Circleville OH
Rev. William E. Lentz from Student South Texas Cypress TX to Pastoral Service on 4/24/2015 Killeen First Killeen TX
Rev. Jason D. Lictao from Pastor Raeford The Well Community to Pastor on 3/13/2015 Sparta Sparta WI
Rev. Aaron D. Lynn from Pastor Heber Springs Heber Springs AR to Pastor on 5/1/2015 Belleville First Belleville IL
Dr. Robert L. McDonald from Unassigned Dallas Nevada TX to Pastor on 5/1/2015 Lone Star Cowboy Church of McLennan/Hill County Abbott TX
Rev. Avaolagi Paselio from Pastoral Service Windward Kaneohe HI to Pastoral Service on 4/8/2015 Honolulu First Honolulu HI
Rev. Jeremy W. Pass from Pastor Jasper First Jasper AL to Pastor on 5/31/2015 Warner Robins First Warner Robins GA
Rev. Lisa A. Ponczoch from Pastoral Service Colorado Springs True Life Community Colorado Springs CO to Pastor on 6/14/2015 Ephrata Ephrata WA
Rev. Todd Allen Ponczoch from Pastoral Service Colorado Springs True Life Community Colorado Springs CO to Pastor on 6/14/2015 Ephrata Ephrata WA
Rev. Brandon M. Powell from Pastor Dexter Southwest Dexter MO to Pastor on 6/1/2015 Sherman Sherman TX
Rev. Joseph Alan Proudfoot from Pastoral Service Napoleon Napoleon OH to Pastor on 6/7/2015 Mount Sterling Mount Sterling OH
Rev. Gerardo Reyes from Pastoral Service Fort Worth Northside Fort Worth TX to Pastor on 2/15/2015 Fort Worth Emanuel North Richland Hills TX
Rev. Samuel C. Reynolds from Pastoral Service York Stillmeadow York PA to Pastoral Service on 5/1/2015 New Freedom Trail New Freedom PA
Binoy Roy from Pastor Gopalpur Bangladesh to Pastor on 5/1/2015 Dohali Bangladesh
Rev. Jaime C. Rubio from Pastoral Service San Antonio New Vision Community San Antonio TX to Pastor on 3/1/2015 Living Hope Community San Antonio TX
Rev. J. Kevin Seymour from Pastoral Service Columbus Crossroads Community Obetz OH to Pastor on 4/13/2015 Gloryland Lancaster OH
Rev. Christopher L. Shallenberger from Pastoral Service San Angelo First San Angelo TX to Pastoral Service on 6/1/2015 Bethel Bethel OH
Rev. Terri H. Sinquefield from Pastor Community of Hope Childersburg AL to Student on 4/23/2015 Alabama South Prattville AL
Rev. Terri H. Sinquefield from Pastor Community of Hope Childersburg AL to Pastor on 4/23/2015 Childersburg Childersburg AL
Rev. Michael W. Sockman from Unassigned South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastor on 4/13/2015 The Plains-Athens Community The Plains OH
Rev. Paul D. Straub Pastoral Service Vista Hope Vista CA to Pastor on 10/25/2015 Renew Oceanside CA
Rev. Brady J. Thelander from Pastoral Service Living Hope Olathe KS to Pastoral Service on 3/8/2015 Chicago First Lemont IL
Rev. Cary G. Tipton from Pastoral Service Odessa First Odessa TX to Pastor on 3/1/2015 Grace Point Community Kingsville TX
Rev. Jose Rodriguez Torres from Unassigned Texas-Oklahoma Latin San Antonio TX to Pastoral Service on 4/25/2015 Crossroads Community San Antonio TX
Rev. Jenny M. Vander Haeghen from Pastor Smyrna Faith Smyrna DE to Pastoral Service on 5/1/2015 Dover The Cross Dover DE
Rev. Anthony P. Vohar from Unassigned South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastoral Service on 3/1/2015 Pickerington Pickerington OH
Rev. Benjamin B. Walls from Pastor Holly Holly MI to Pastor on 5/1/2015
Detroit First Northville MI
Rev. Francis B. Warren from Pastoral Service Moravia Lighthouse Moravia IA to Pastor on 2/1/2015 Champaign First Champaign IL
Rev. Craig H. White from Unassigned Alaska Nikiski AK to Pastoral Service on 4/17/2015 Ketchikan Ketchikan AK
Rev. Karen R. Wolfe from Pastoral Service Tecumseh Tecumseh MI to Pastor on 4/27/2015 Colling Unionville MI
Rev. David F. Young from Pastor Corbin Corbin KY to Pastor on 2/15/2015 Ebenezer Crowley LA
Rev. Connie Jo Yutzie from Unassigned Northwest Spokane WA to Pastoral Service on 2/1/2015 Salem South Salem OR 

Olathe, Kansas

MNU begins upgrading to fiber optic network
MidAmerica Nazarene University chose K & W Underground, the premier telecommunications contractor in the Midwest, to install a new fiber optic network on its Olathe campus. K & W Underground is headquartered in Olathe and is a provider to eight of the top 10 telecommunication providers in the Midwest. The new fiber optics will be the backbone of a completely redesigned and upgraded technology network that supports MNU’s strategic plan to build resources and further develop campus infrastructure.
The work begins with a new fiber optic ring installed this summer that will connect 23 buildings. Visitors will see construction across campus with workers from K & W Underground installing fiber as the first step of the project.
K & W President Rex Schick says 14,000 feet of fiber optics will be installed in this state-of-the-art fiber network. The company will provide a complete turnkey solution that includes consulting, design, fiber installation, splicing, testing and certification, and all materials. K & W does significant work in Olathe and completed a 100,000 foot, 44-building installation for the Olathe School District in 2013.
“We are honored to be chosen to install this design and consult on the telecommunications network at MNU,” he says. “It’s our hometown college. It’s a good partnership for us.”
Schick also confirmed that when completed, the project will provide for MNU students for years to come.
“This electronic and network design will allow MNU to deliver high-speed data for today and well into the future,” Schick says.
Mark Leinwetter, IT services manager at MNU, agrees.
“This new fiber ring will provide the bandwidth we need on the Olathe campus for the next 15 to 20 years, maybe even longer,” he says.
The fiber optics installation project will begin next week with a target completion date of Labor Day, closely followed by a network infrastructure upgrade.[MidAmerica Nazarene University]

Mount Vernon, Ohio

MVNU remembers prominent university partner Glenn Thorne
Glenn Thorne, a prominent Mount Vernon Nazarene University partner, passed away March 26. Thorne sat on the MVNU Board of Trustees for 24 years. His contributions to the university were instrumental in the construction of the Thorne Library and Resource Center, the Prince Student Union, and several other buildings on campus; he also supported student scholarships and several Cougar athletic teams.
Born in Salem, Ohio in 1929, Thorne was a graduate of Salem High School and attended both Mount Union University — where he ran on the cross country team — and Eastern Nazarene College. He also served in the United States Air Force. As a businessperson, Thorne acquired a reputation for Christian entrepreneurship. His company, Thorne Management, Inc., emphasizes biblical ethics over profit. In addition to his business sense, Thorne was known for his insight and vision and was renowned as a man of great faith. He served as a mentor to many in business and, as a member of the East Ohio District of the Church of the Nazarene, to many in his local congregation. Thorne and his wife, Shirlee, were dynamic and faithful members of their Salem church body and were strong supporters of their pastors and of the local church program.
In 1984, Thorne became a member of the MVNU Board of Trustees.
“Glenn Thorne was a quiet giant among us," said Lebron Fairbanks, former MVNU president. "He was a strong advocate for Christian higher education, its values, foundations, and its commitment to integrate faith and learning.”
A plaque hangs on MVNU campus commemorating his time as a board member. He served on six committees over the course of 24 years before stepping down in 2008.
His contributions to the university were not limited to the board; he was an active supporter of MVNU in numerous capacities, dedicating time and resources to a variety of projects. The Thorne Library and Resource Center, which bears his name, is only one of the many endeavors he made possible with his extraordinary giving. In response to his investment in and impact on the life of the university, Thorne was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1993 and, in 2005, he and Shirlee received a Citation of Merit, the highest award anyone can receive from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. The Citation of Merit is awarded to persons who are dedicated to making a difference in the world and specifically those who have made a significant impact on behalf of MVNU.
“Glenn Thorne is truly a pillar of MVNU," said Henry Spaulding, current MVNU president. " His wise counsel, generous spirit, unwavering support, and his prayers were crucial in the development of the campus. Dr. Thorne has now joined that great cloud of witnesses we read about in Hebrews and he will forever be a witness urging MVNU to realize its full stature as a Wesleyan-Holiness university.”
The Glenn F. Thorne Memorial Endowment was established in his honor. To contribute to the endowment fund, give online at or by mail to Mount Vernon Nazarene University, 800 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050.[Mount Vernon Nazarene University]

San Diego, California

PLNU junior selected as NCAA All-American
Andre Staab became the first male in Point Loma Nazarene University Athletics history to be named an All-American at the NCAA Division II level.
Staab was selected as an All-American in singles May 29 by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association after posting a record of 17-5 from the No. 1 position for the Sea Lions. He finished the season ranked No. 18 in the ITA individual poll after winning his final six matches, his second six-match winning streak of the season. He never lost a three-set match all season (six times).
The junior from Aschaffenburg, Germany, helped the PLNU men's team climb up to No. 26 in the final rankings after starting the season ranked in the 40s.[Point Loma Nazarene University]

University, Mississippi

Trevecca alumnus selected as University of Mississippi chancellor
Morris Stocks will assume the duties of chancellor at the University of Mississippi beginning June 15, the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning announced Thursday afternoon.
Stocks, who previously served as associate professor of accounting at Trevecca from 1981 to 1988, has been on faculty with Ole Miss since 1991. In 2009, he was named provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.
The Trevecca Class of 1977 graduate is stepping in for the current chancellor, who has worked alongside Stocks during his time as provost and vice chancellor.
“Provost Stocks is responsible for many of the decisions that led to our rapid growth in enrollment and improvement in important metrics such as our freshman to sophomore retention rate,” said Dan Jones, current chancellor at the university.
Stocks says he’s delighted to fulfill his new duties.
“I consider it a high privilege to serve the University of Mississippi in a new and exciting capacity over the next several months,” he said. “In recent years, our university has experienced tremendous progress and wonderful success in providing outstanding educational and research opportunities. I look forward to helping the university maintain that momentum.”
His previous positions at Ole Miss include senior vice chancellor for planning and operations, as well as dean of the Patterson School of Accountancy.
Glenn Boyce, commissioner of higher education, has no reluctance in watching Stocks step up to his new position.
"With 24 years of service at Ole Miss, Dr. Stocks is dedicated to the university and its students," Boyce said. "He is certainly the right person to fulfill this important role for the faculty, staff, students, and alumni.”
On September 15, Stocks will officially become interim chancellor for the university, and will hold that position until the Mississippi College Board appoints the current chancellor’s permanent successor.[Trevecca Nazarene University]

In Memoriam

The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received June 1-5, 2015.
Robert Ashley, 88, of Torrance, California, passed away June 3. He was a retired missionary, serving in Belize and St. Lucia. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ina Ashley, in 2012. (More information will be posted as it becomes available)
Marjorie (Eichenauer) Ellis, 94, of Celina, Ohio, passed away June 1. She was the wife of retired minister Robert Ellis, who served in Indiana, Iowa, and Alabama.
Michael Pankey, 63, of La Mirada, California, passed away May 21. He was a retired minister, serving in California. He is survived by his wife, Karen Pankey.
Myrtle (Stephens) Smith, 97, of Kingwood, Texas, passed away May 30. She was the widow of retired evangelist C. Hastings Smith, who served in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Ohio, and Indiana. C. Hastings Smith passed away in 1997.
Tiny (Lewis) Turney, 95, of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, passed away May 31. She was the widow of retired minister and educator Milton Turney, who served in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. Milton Turney passed away in 1989.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join with us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to[Compiled by NCN News]

Global praise reports and prayer requests
Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include:
JESUS Film - Burundi
"I lived a hopeless life," said Karikunzira in Burundi, "I was not a believer in God. When I watched the JESUS film, I was touched. I now believe in God, and Christ has totally changed my life!"
JESUS Film - Cuba
"I never had a family life," testified a viewer in Cuba. "I grew up alone and in subhuman conditions, never receiving help from anyone. When I saw the JESUS film, my life changed. I realized I have always had a loving Father waiting for me to run into His arms, and a Christian family who will give me support and strength."
JESUS Film - Sri Lanka
"I sacrificed animals for everything in my life," shared Rajah in Sri Lanka. "As I watched the JESUS film, I understood those sacrifices did nothing. Jesus' sacrifice for me is what counts, and I am giving Him my life."
India heat wave
Sunil Dandge, India field strategy coordinator, shares about the extreme heat the country is experiencing: “Hundreds of people are dying every day for the past several days. I checked with our leaders and did not hear of any Nazarenes who are affected, and we thank God. Most of the causalities are the poor, elderly, and homeless. It is very sad because it happens every year. India Nazarenes are helping in the needy areas and they appreciate the church’s prayer support.”
US Midwest flooding
Floodwaters throughout the U.S. midwestern states have killed dozens and destroyed homes and livelihoods. Prayer is requested for communities and churches affected by the floods.
Thailand DS update
Thailand District Superintendent Sawat Hahum was discharged May 20. He speaks clearly now, and his daughter is coming and will bring him to Bangkok for a checkup with the doctor there.
For more global concerns and continued requests, see the NMI Prayer Mobilization Line by clicking here or JESUS Film Harvest Partners by clicking here.
To share additional praises or prayer requests, please use the comment section below or see the Prayer Mobilization Line's Facebook page.

GMC employment opportunities
People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 159 world areas.
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are available now. Email for details.
Employment Opportunities
General Secretary's Office — Program Assistant
Office: General Secretary's Office
Title: Program Assistant
Description: Duties for this position include handling correspondence, filing, and mailings related to General Assembly (GA) delegate arrangements; communicate (mail, email, telephone, fax) with constituents inside and outside the Global Ministry Center; become familiar with all types of Certificates of Election (GA, NMI, NYI, SDMI); troubleshoot registration problems; verify requests for all visa letters; process all visa letters (include production of letters, some notary work, mailing); run all delegate reports needed by the General Secretary’s Office and other convention offices; establish filing system for visa letter communication and visa forms; plan, set up, and manage the Delegate Information Center; recruit staff for the center; and assist in the registration process for all delegates (GA, conventions). (Full-time position)
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries — Computer Programming Coordinator
Office: Global Mission
Ministry: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Title: Computer Programming Coordinator
Description: The person in this position will lead NCM's development team in developing and maintaining NCM's Web applications, systems, and websites. (Full-time position)
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries — Program Assistant/Social Media & Digital Media Content Manager
Office: Global Mission
Ministry: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Title: Program Assistant/Social Media & Digital Media Content Manager (Part-time)
Description: Under oversight of the director of development and communications manager, this position is responsible for the execution ofsocial media marketing and communications plans, including developing and executing a comprehensive social media strategy to increase visibility, traffic, engagement, and constituent support. Applicant must have the ability to create excellent content and think strategically about how social media fits within an overall business/ministry marketing strategy. (Part-time position)
Pensions and Benefits — Administrative Assistant
Office: Financial Services
Ministry: Pensions and Benefits
Title: Administrative Assistant
Description: This position focuses on the following priorities: lead/manage special and cyclical projects primarily within the Benefits Services Area (BSA); provide administrative assistance to the administrative director and other staff-level positions; coordinate the education/training priorities of internal staff as well as plan participants; ensure that the appropriate resources and support are provided to complete assigned projects; process customer service inquiries as needed. (Full-time position)
Stewardship Ministries — Copywriting Intern (Summer Temporary)
Office: Financial Services
Ministry: Stewardship Ministries
Title: Copywriting Intern
Description: This position supplements fulfillment of the constant writing needs of Stewardship Ministries for Web, social media, and print publications in pursuit of developing holistic, generous disciples. This position works with all members of the Stewardship Ministries team to create and edit copy that accurately depicts and complements the purpose of each project. In addition to copywriting, duties include customer service, social media engagement, and minimum data entry. (Summer temporary position)
To obtain additional information, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Location of our Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 159 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination Policy
The Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based Organization
We are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke, alcohol, and drug free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office.

Affordable Care Act webinar attracts hundreds
More than 250 people participated in a webinar to discuss the impact of the Affordable Care Act May 19. Benefits specialists and attorneys Danny Martin and Allison Gardner spent an hour online explaining how churches might provide health coverage for their employees without incurring costly penalties.
“This was, by far, the largest number of participants in one of our webinars to date,” said Mark Lail, Stewardship Ministries director, co-sponsor of the event with Pensions and Benefits USA.
P&B USA Director Don Walter is not surprised by the interest.
“This kind of participation highlights the interest that has been stirred about healthcare in the church since enactment of the Affordable Care Act,” he said. “Our office has been busy responding to phone calls and emails seeking advice. Danny and Allison did a great job of explaining how churches can comply with the law and avoid penalties.”
To view the recorded webinar, click here. Printed resources are available on the P&B USA website.
The next webinar sponsored by Stewardship Ministries is “Fraud in Our Church.” For more information or toregister, click here.[Pensions & Benefits USA]

Global Ministry Center

Stewardship Ministries announces sermon scholarship winners
The office of Stewardship Ministries announced the 2014-2015 winners of the Stewardship Sermon Scholarship, given to students whose sermons are judged most effective in exploring biblical stewardship in the contemporary context of the local Nazarene church. This year, three winners were chosen: Andra Kee, Phillip Antilla, and David Filsinger, all from Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City. Each will receive a $1,000 scholarship toward his or her continued pastoral development.
Stewardship Ministries has sponsored this scholarship since 2008, when a legacy gift first made the program possible. Funds are awarded annually to up to five pastoral ministry students enrolled in either a religion or Christian education program at a USA or Canada Nazarene institution of higher education.
“The scholarship program shows our Nazarene students how to preach and teach about stewardship," said Mark Lail, Stewardship Ministries director. "Knowing how to talk about money and God’s thoughts on it is an essential skill for any pastor.”
This year’s scripture assignment was 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, a passage that discusses the idea of being generous, even during trials. Applicants for the scholarship were challenged to explore holiness in tithing and living generously, while addressing money as it relates to funding the mission of the Church of the Nazarene: “To make Christlike disciples in the nations.”
Stewardship Ministries congratulates the winners on their excellent work. Their sermons will be posted to the Stewardship website as a free resource.
For information about the upcoming 2015-2016 Stewardship Sermon Scholarship competition, contact Stewardship Ministries at Information will also be released on the Stewardship Sermon Scholarship Web page in June.[Stewardship Ministries]

Nazarene Communications Network
Material created and owned by NCN News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.

The Global Nazarene Communications Network News
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas 66220 · United States

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