Friday, June 5, 2015

Downtown Fellowshipof San Diego, California, United States - June 2015 newsletter

Downtown Fellowshipof San Diego, California, United States - June 2015 newsletter
Downtown Fellowship June, 2015 Newsletter

Monthly Meeting
June 11
Guest Speakers:
Imelda McClendon
Senior Project Analyst,
Regional Task Force on the Homeless
25 Cities Initiative Update
Megan Black
Project Coordinator,
Regional Task Force on the Homeless
Point In Time Count
First Presbyterian Church
320 Date Street
San Diego, CA 92101
11:30 Lunch provided
($5 donation welcome)
June 11:
DF Monthly Meeting
11:30- 1pm
First Presbyterian Church
320 Date Street
Doing It Better Together
No meeting this month
Next meeting in July
Downtown Fellowship Positions and Volunteer Needs
As you know, Bruce Menser stepped down from the full-time position of Executive Director as of the first of the year, but he has graciously continued as the interim director through the end of June. We are happy that Bruce will continue as a Board Member and as a volunteer with Downtown Fellowship.
To address the many needs the Board has identified, we want to make known the following positions and volunteer needs:
Connections Housing Program Coordinators: Five volunteers to engage with the residents, case workers, and partners at Connections Housing (CH) as well as coordinate the programs DF is doing there on various days. Each CH program coordinator would have an assigned day of the week and serve for 4 hours (9am-1pm). DF has the following activities at CH that the program coordinators would support: Transportation Assistance Program, Companionship Program, Bible study, Celebrate Recovery, and a bi-monthly Life Skills program.
Downtown Fellowship Volunteer Coordinator: A volunteer to coordinate volunteer activities for CH and for other DF activities. Examples of activities we do on a regular basis are East Village clean-up days and an annual CH Christmas party. The volunteer coordinator would recruit volunteers by connecting with downtown churches to make needs known.
Interim Downtown Fellowship Program Coordinator: A part-time position to develop and maintain relationships with the downtown community, churches and ministries and to ensure coordination with the many activities occurring in Downtown. The DF Program Coordinator would stay connected with the various initiatives that are taking place Downtown as well as suitably advocate positions we support as a ministry. Some of these activities include the 25 Cities Design Team, Civic San Diego development hearings, downtown resident groups, and downtown business groups. The DF Program Coordinator would also coordinate volunteer leadership of DF initiatives like “Doing It Better Together”.
In addition, we continuously need new volunteers for our various programs, especially the Companionship Program.
For more information on any of these positions, please contact Bruce Menser at (619) 792-7762 or Ben Montoya at (619) 507-1777 or email
Our mailing address is:
SD Downtown Fellowship
320 Date Street
San Diego, California 92101 United States

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