Friday, June 5, 2015

Pastor Jason Gant for Friday, 5 June 2015 eNote from Pastor Jason Gant - from The Resurrection West United Methodist Church of Olathe, Kansas, United States

Pastor Jason Gant for Friday, 5 June 2015 eNote from Pastor Jason Gant - from The Resurrection West United Methodist Church of Olathe, Kansas, United States

Resurrection West,
“I think practice is vital. It makes me feel like I’ve done all the work to be successful, so when the game comes I can go out and have fun”
This quote is from Jason Adam. Jason is a minor league pitcher who grew up in our church. He offers great insights along with others we interviewed in an effort to better understand how we can grow as disciples of Christ (including former player and scout from the 1985 Royals world series team - Jerry Terrell, and Dayton Moore – General Manager of the Royals). I look forward to preaching this Sunday as we explore what it looks like to practice our faith. This will be a great Sunday to invite a friend or family member to join you in worship as we explore practicing our faith. Whether you are a fan of the sport or not, I know you will walk away inspired, encouraged, and better equipped to serve God!
This Sunday night we are having the first summer movie night with the coming-of-age baseball classic – The Sandlot – 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. We will have free hot dogs, popcorn, and beverages. Join us and invite others to this fun event. You might consider worshipping at the 5pm service and staying after!
We are excited to welcome Christie Walker, our new Director of Children’s Ministries! Here is a picture of Christie with her family.

Here is a message from Christie to our congregation and community….
Hello Resurrection West! We know very few of you thus far, but I think we're going to be great friends :) We are Clif, Christie, Joe, Tes and Berg Walker, and we've been invited to be a part of your church family. We've lived in Blue Springs for the last 4 years, but began our family in Orlando, FL. Clif and I met at the University of Central Florida during a Golden Knights marching band rehearsal. His drumming skills caught my eye and I played my trumpet as loudly as I could to catch his. It worked! We were married in December 2001 and welcomed our son Joe in 2004 and daughter Tes in 2008. While in FL, I taught 4 years of elementary music education and loved being able to share my passion and energy with children. But when Clif and I made the decision for me to stay home to help our growing family, I quickly found my favorite creative and relational outlet, which was pouring myself into our church's children's ministry on Sundays. For 2 years I volunteered within a fast growing church in nearly every role. From elementary worship, large group teaching and slide production to nursery and early childhood curriculum and volunteer scheduling - I never got tired of it. Eventually, I was able to work full-time with our church in FL as it launched it's first satellite campus, and I'll always value that which God taught my family and I during that precious time. We took a leap of faith and relocated in 2011 when Clif was called on to teach percussion at Blue Springs High School, his alma mater. Finding a community of authentic believers that truly loved people was our utmost goal and God gave our family peace in making Resurrection Blue Springs our church home. I came on staff with Blue Springs as the Children's Ministries Director in the fall of 2011 and stepped down in December 2012 when our third child was born. Since then I have been a weekly volunteer at Rez Blue Springs while growing to love the art of home schooling our oldest children. I enjoy slowing my life down - experiencing the dance that is being wife, mother and an individual. I enjoy music as well as how my children each uniquely enjoy music. I'm passionate about reading classic literature with my children, gardening because it's my therapy, going to concerts and hole-in-the-wall restaurants with my husband and learning about health and wellness. I know God intends to deepen my relationship with Him through my relationship with all of you. And as my relationship with God deepens and grows, the living roots from that growth will extend into my marriage, the hearts of my children and, God willing, can impact the world in ways I may never fully know. It's a win/win! We are so very excited to meet you all.
Help me in welcoming Christie as she begins her ministry here at Resurrection West. We will be introducing her in worship on Sunday, June 14th.
This Sunday we will be sending out 40 High School students and adult leaders to serve on mission in Nashville, Tennessee. Rick Webb, Director of Student Ministries, will be leading the team to represent Christ’s love serving throughout the Nashville metro area. Please be in prayer for their safety and that our students will experience the Holy Spirit working through them as they serve and build relationships with the people of Nashville.
We have received many more pledge cards to the Branching Out: Making Room For All capital campaign now totaling 3.35 million. Thank you to the many of you who are committed to God’s work in the development of our next phase. Your building committee is continuing its work with our architects and contractors. More to come.
Summer at Resurrection West! We have many great events and activities this summer to connect and fellowship with one another; movies, concerts, Mega Missions, and more. Check out for a complete list.
Summer rezlife student ministries activities – no events planned this week while our students are on their mission trip to Nashville, but looking ahead…
June 17 – MS/HS Home Cookout at the MacDonald Family home at 20407 Crickett Ln. Lenexa. Grill out, play games and hang with friends!
June18–HS Worlds of Fun Trip, 9am–5pm, $35 includes transportation, email by June 11 to RSVP.
Hearing God Summer Study Tuesdays, June 30 – August 4, 6:30-8:15 pm - Does God really speak to people today? How do we hear God’s voice? Come explore prayer in ways that lead to God’s guidance in your life. Register at
Youth Upward Sports Coming to RezWest - We are starting a youth sports program with soccer this fall, followed by basketball in the winter. We will also run one-day basketball and soccer clinics this summer on July 8 and 9. Our goal is to provide a positive, biblically based environment for children to develop mentally, athletically, spiritually and socially. We hope you will join us in helping our young athletes discover a love for sports in a healthy competitive atmosphere as they develop skills for life. Register, volunteer or learn more at
Quickly approaching…Vacation Bible Camp – “Disciple Me!” June 22–25, 1-4 pm, for children currently in kindergarten – 5th grade. Register at Then join us for Family Fun Night – Friday June 26, from 6-8 pm. Food trucks, inflatables and more. EVERYONE is welcome! You won’t want to miss this!
Sign up for the Men’s Flyfishing Retreat at Rockbridge Rainbow Trout & Game Ranch, Aug. 28-30. Join us for scriptural study, devotion, worship, fellowship and fly-fishing! No experience? No worries! Casting clinic offered for all levels of experience. Learn more and register at
United Methodist Women Rez West Circle will meet Thursday, June 11, at 12:30 pm in the corner classroom behind the Bible Theater. We will discuss Reading Program books we have read and recommend. Dessert will be served. Join us in our new location and add to your summer reading list. Contact Donna Dickson at
New Summer Study for Women – The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown, July 9, 16, 23, 30, 9:30-11 am. Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what and how we should be. So most of us perform, please and perfect, all the while thinking, “What if I can’t keep all of these balls in the air? When can I stop proving myself?” Dr. Brown shares ten guideposts on the power of wholehearted living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness. This study is geared for those who may need to miss a class. Childcare is available for age 6 weeks – 5th grade. Register at
Christian History Class offered July 12 and 19. This class will introduce participants to the history of the Christian church. Led by Dr. Jim Brandt, Professor of Historical Theology at Saint Paul School of Theology, the class will explore the larger periods of church history: the Early Church, the Medieval Church, the Church of the Reformations, the Early Modern Church and the Church in the 19th and 20th Centuries. We will get a sense of this larger flow of the tradition and then look more closely at some developments in the Reformation and the Church in the U.S. Cost of the class is $25 per person. Scholarships are available. Contact for more information and to register.
Don’t forget to serve this summer…
We still have an opening for a small group to sponsor a Ridgeview Elementary Community Dinner – July 23rd… Ridgeview Elementary Community Dinners – Since 2006, we have provided food and volunteers for these much-appreciated Thursday evening summer gatherings. We will provide and serve three Community Dinners this year, one of which still needs a sponsoring group. If you or your small group, family or friends would like to sponsor the July 23 dinner, please contact Jennifer Cutler at
FaithWork – Coming up June 13th. Serve God by serving those in need! Adults, students and children are welcome to participate in a variety of family-friendly mission opportunities. Meet at Resurrection West at 9 am. For questions,
Resurrection Leawood Campus welcomes the National Worship Leader Conference June 22-25 and could use volunteers! Come be a part of the renewal of the church by being a part of our hospitality team. Needs include: Café help, meals, beverage hosts, greeters, direction hosts, CD sales, ushers, conference materials stuffing. Day and evening positions available. One great perk is getting to come listen to the amazing music during the evening concerts. This is a great opportunity for parents to volunteer with their kids or for students to get some volunteer hours. To volunteer, sign up by clicking here.
Thank you to those who have committed an hour or two of their summer schedule to serve in KiDS COR! There are still a few classrooms in need of summer volunteers… please take a moment to consider helping out in KiDS COR. Click here to sign up on-line or sign-up in the lower level hallway this weekend.
Finally, I will be leading a trip to the Holy land in November of 2016. Brochure to come out soon. This will be the trip of a lifetime as we walk where Jesus walked. We will retrace His life, teaching's, death, and resurrection on a journey of both historical learning and spiritual power! We will be taking this journey along with Pastor Penny Ellwood, and members from our Blue Springs campus. More details to come soon. For now, please let Debbie Dietz know if you are interested in going. Her email
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday - Spring Training!
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley parkway Olathe, Kansas 66061
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Follow on twitter @rezwest
Connect on facebook at
Pastor Jason Gant
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States

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