Friday, June 5, 2015

Tuesday Word from Trinity United Methodist Church of Gainesville, Florida, United States for Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Tuesday Word from Trinity United Methodist Church of Gainesville, Florida, United States for Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Worship: Sundays @ 8:15 am, 9:40 am, 11:00 am | Wednesdays @ 6:35 pm | Fridays @ 7:00 pm

Dear Friends,
Five things:
1. As we say our good-byes to Rev. Esther, I know she and her ministry have touched all of us in profound and wonderful ways, and many of you will want to express your love and appreciation for her through a love offering gift. Please note this on your check and place it in the offering plate, or mail it in at your earliest convenience. And know that this type of personal gift cannot be tax deductible as per IRS. Her last Sunday with us and her reception will be June 14th.
2. I just received a note from PET (Personal Energy Transportation) - the group from Penney Farms who makes the mobile scooters and sends them free to persons in need in more than 100 countries. The note was thanking Trinity for our/your gift of $3,000! I was deeply touched, as I reflected on the generosity you have extended through this and hundreds of other mission boxes to make a real difference in people's lives here in Gainesville, in Florida, in Appalachia, and all over the world; and I just wanted to say "Thank you!"
3. I want you also to know that one of our Trinity folks, Dr. Matthew Jacobs, will be giving a talk on the Middle East at Trinity on Wednesday, June 17 at 7:15 pm in Room 232, as a part of our series on "Seeking to Understand the Middle East." Dr. Matthew Jacobs is a Professor at UF who lectures on US Policy in the Middle East and, along with his family, Jessica, Ally and Jeremy, is a part of our Trinity family. His recent book, Imagining The Middle East, The Building of an American Foreign Policy,1918 - 1967, will be available in our Trinity Book Store in the Atrium. His talk will be: "ISIS, who is it, where did it come from, where is it going, and what should the US do about it?" Also, please know I am very open to your suggestions for persons who might come and provide a talk on this important topic; just let me know.
4. We are reserving 200 bricks to be engraved for the new Welcome Center. I hope many of you will take this opportunity to purchase one ($100 per brick). You might just write: "Thanks Be To God, and your name" or the name of a loved one, here or in heaven, or a favorite Scripture and your name. The window for ordering (either online or with Tammy) is open through June 30.
5. Finally, Jan and I have been asked to lead a Trip/Cruise along the coast of Chile, around Cape Horn, up the coast of Argentina and Uruguay - January 16 - 30, 2016, with special guest lecturer, our own Dr. Bob Westin. It would be grand to have many of you from Trinity join us. You can access the itinerary here. We will have an information meeting on Monday, June 15 at 7 pm in room 232. If you are interested in the trip but can't attend the meeting on June 15, please email me orTammy to note your interest.
Blessings, Dan
Quick Links

Worship This Week

  • Wednesday: Rev. Esther Rodríguez
  • Friday: no service June & July
  • Sunday: Dr. Dan Johnson 
  • This summer we will have all of our regular Sunday Worship services except for July 5, when we will have one service at9:40 am. Friday Night Praise will not gather in June & July. 5 | ALERT Bible Study (10:30am), Luncheon (11:45am), Worship Center
  • 14 | Order of St. Luke Healing Service, 9:40, Chapel
  • 14 | Farewell reception for Rev. Esther, between services
  • 14 | Life South blood drive
  • 14 | Sonlight send-off concert, 7pm, Worship Center

A Word from Rev. Esther
Rev. Esther's Blog
Friends; the end of my time as one of Trinity's pastors approaches. I ask that you be in prayer for me, as I am in prayer for you. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the kind words and gestures you have been sharing with me. I will be preaching this Sunday for the last time at Trinity (for the foreseeable future). I hope to see you around in the next two weeks! Love and prayers.
A Word from Rev. Aaron
Rev. Aaron's blog

Friends, I hope you'll join us tomorrow night at the 6:35 service in the Chapel as we express our love and appreciation to Rev. Esther for the leadership she has provided on Wednesday nights. It is going to be a special time!
"School's out for summer!" and you know what that means - summer schedules. This summer I am looking forward to Annual Conference, Warren Willis Camp, Sonlight's tour, family vacation, a Courage to Lead retreat, and a two-week mission trip to Malawi. And that's just my schedule! I know it will be the same for many of you, too, and that there will be weeks when you won't be with us on Sunday. That is why I'm introducing something I am calling a "Summer of Shorts." Each week between now and Labor Day, in the Tuesday Word, on my blog, and on Trinity's Facebook page I will provide a link to a short video (summer of "shorts"...get it?) on RightNow Media that I hope will create for you a "God-moment" in the midst of your summer busy-ness. It will only take a few minutes to allow God to speak to you through these videos and pray about whatever is brought to your heart and mind. The first video is the video that, in some ways, "started it all" for RightNow Media and highlights the need for followers of Jesus to trade their "self-focus" for "Kingdom-focus." What are you willing to trade? You can watch the video here.
Ted Grueser
This week's Mission Box goes towards the Bishop's Offering. This offering will support our commitment to the next generations in Florida and in the malaria-endemic world. In areas with high transmission of malaria, the most vulnerable groups are young children and pregnant women whose immune systems are less able to fight the disease. Malaria exacts its largest burden on Africa's next generations. Half of our offering will support our No More Malaria campaign and half will support the continued growth and learning of Florida's newly ordained clergy.
Mark your calendar for Sunday, June 14 for the next blood drive here at Trinity.

  • We Need Your Help: The Bogo bins are getting very low on food. Next time you go by the store please consider getting some extra food for those food ministries we support.
  • The Living Water mission trip to Guatemala September 19-26, has spots available. The work is digging a water well and teaching water hygiene to the community, but the joy is the fellowship with the team and the community and serving in a beautiful country. Contact the Missions department for more information about prices and trip specifics.
  • Find more opportunities to serve on the Missions page
Faith Mission
Ward Simonton
Faith Mission, located at 3701 NE 15th Street, is a church and neighborhood collaboration. News from last week - SNAP (Stop Now & Plan - a family focused, early intervention program) had its course completion ceremony last Tuesday night for the four families who completed the program. Also, the Kids Count after school program for kindergarten through 3rd grade students completed a very successful school year and had an end of year celebration last Thursday. There are excellent stories of impact from both of these programs.
Updates on Faith Mission:

  • Getting to know the neighborhood and introducing the neighborhood to Faith Mission are key objectives this year. Regarding our neighborhood outreach - 
  • We have a good relationship with staff and some residents at Village Green and a positive start on our relationship with staff at Eden Park (who will be helping us connect with residents beginning this month). Both are nearby apartment complexes. 
  • Many of the staff and teachers at Rawlings now know of Faith Mission and are open and look forward to working with us in the months ahead.
  • We've test-driven our neighborhood survey, improved it, and we're ready to expand our use of the survey in our outreach.
  • As we do our outreach to introduce families to Faith Mission and gather survey information, we're also doing outreach for two specific things - 
  • We're gathering input and assessing need for the UF Mobile Health Clinic to return to the neighborhood. We've made good connections with the UF Health group and they are open to considering this, asking us to provide them feedback by the end of June. 
  • We're signing up people for "Financial Fitness." This is a 4 week program offered by Rev. James Dixon of Greater Faith Baptist Fellowship who runs this program at Catholic Charities and is hoping to bring this to Faith Mission as well. 
  • While Faith Mission will not be offering regular summer programming for children this year, we're doing several things right now - 
  • We're providing scholarships for 9 children to attend a nearby summer program who could not attend without financial support. We worked with Kids Count staff and a social worker in the area to determine who would most benefit from attending. 
  • Kids Count staff is working with additional families to help guide them to no-cost or low-cost programs such as the program at Cone Park.
  • We're talking with others about partnering on summer events and activities, including the new Hogtown FC soccer club co-founded by Trinity member Erik Bredfeldt.
  • A Very Important Volunteer Need! We need someone to transcribe the Faith Mission surveys as we gather them so the information can be accessible to everyone on the Leadership Team. The surveys are simple and brief, no more than 20/week. Please contact Ward to volunteer. 
Find more opportunities to serve on the Faith Mission page.
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe
We would like to wish everyone good luck on exams. We are thinking of you and praying for you!
Spots are still open for both ASP and SIFAT! Check out information about the trips and sign-up forms on the Youthwebsite
Monday, June 8th: 9am to 12pm - PJs and Pancakes - Join us for breakfast and a up in your jammies!
Wednesday, June 10th, 12:30 to 1pm - Lunch Bunch at Moe's (If you are helping in VBS, we will give you a ride to Moe's from the Youth Building after VBS).
Want more? Visit the Yoots website!
Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Jones
VBS Set up is THIS Sunday, June 7th from 12:00-3:00. Please help us stack all of the chairs and transform the Worship Center and Education wing into Vacation Bible School, childcare is provided. We need YOUR help!
Important Upcoming Dates:
  • June 7 - VBS Kick-Off: 9:15 - 11 am, volunteers & participants, pick up your VBS shirts and CD's! 
  • June 7 - VBS Set-Up: 12 - 3 pm, help transform the Worship Center and Education wing for a week of VBS! Childcare will be provided.
  • June 8-12 - VBS 9 am - 12 pm. Please pray for our volunteers and participants.
  • June 14-Summer Sunday School Begins; 9:40 & 11, all Elementary children meet in Rms. 228/229
  • June 19 - 5:30-8:30 Parents Night Out; Register online
  • Serve with us this summer, June 14-Aug. 16! Summer is a great time to get involved with the Children's Ministries Team! Play a part in helping children grow in their faith. No experience or preparation needed - just be ready to have some fun! Here's how you can help: Give our regular leaders some time off. Sign up to serve 2 times this summer. You pick the age: 2 year olds through 5th grade. Contact Brian.
  • Register your child for Summer Time Fun and/or CrossTrainers, space is limited!
There are more great things for your kids on the CMT page!
Sonlight Youth Choir & Band
Erin Cushing
Got a song that you can't get out of your head? Have a favorite song on the radio right now? Got a longing to hear a classic that you haven't heard in forever? Sonlight is now taking song requests for the 2015-16 season! Anyone is allowed to use the song submission form on the Sonlight Website. This simple online form is for anyone to use, all you have to do is fill out the form and it will be sent to Erin for the students to vote on in the fall.
Access previous performances, tour info and more on the Sonlight page!
Ben Haines
Deadline to register for T-ball and Coach-Pitch is TODAY! Please consider coaching as we rely solely on volunteer coaches. We can never have TOO much help!
Upward Soccer time! Register at Trinity (download the form), or online. Early Registration fees per child are $85 through July 19 and $100 from July 20 - August 2. Evaluations (everyone must attend 1) will be held at Westside Baptist from 5:30 - 7 on July 6, 14, 16 & 28. At Trinity from 2 - 4pm on July 19 and August 2. The first practice will be August 24, first game on September 10.
Hogtown FC Soccer Clinic: This session will run May 29th, June 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th from 4:00 - 6:30 pm on the Trinity Soccer Fields. Come to whatever sessions you can, you can join at any time. Open to kids age 9-16 (some exceptions can be made). This is a free clinic; however, we do have a suggested donation for those who are able.Sign up here!
Sports Ministry is looking for a new intern! If you are interested, contact Ben for more information and how to apply.
We are still hiring Crosstrainers Counselors (16+) and are always open to having volunteer help so please fill out thisform and get it to Ben if interested.
Find out about all our sports activities on the Sports page!
Adult Ministry
David Leonard
  • Invitation To Romans - 8 sessions, 90 minutes, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM, June 24th - August 12th. Exploring how people have interpreted Romans through the ages is a good lens to view the history of Christianity itself. Compare what Paul writes in Romans to what theologians like Augustine, Luther, and Calvin say in trying to understand Paul in their time. The hope of this course is that participants have a more informed commitment to Paul's radical vision of God's relationship to both Christians and Jews and to their relationship to each other. This study is meaty and extremely enjoyable for those students with some familiarity of Romans and with a strong biblical foundation to rely on. Sign up at worship or click here.
  • Pray for all of our graduates and their families as they navigate this significant transition in their lives. " 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future' " (Jeremiah 29:11).
  • Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends is a 10-week class to help people adjust to the ending of a love relationship, as in divorce or death, or in the loss of an engagement or other significant love relationship. Registration is open, the course runs May 31st - August 9th (Skips July 5th) from 3 - 5:30 PM. There is a $25 course fee and partial or full scholarships are available if needed. Childcare is also available with a reservation. 
  • Trinity Women: Join Kim Lewerenz for an online study this summer with Proverbs 31 Ministries. The study will runJune 22 - July 31. We will be reading The Mended Heart: God's Healing for Your Broken Places by Suzanne Eller. Register online for the class, and when the study begins you will receive emails throughout the week to help you follow along with the reading. You can purchase the book directly with Proverbs 31 Ministries or contact Kim to order the book. The cost will be $15. Invite friends to join along!
Looking for a course, Bible study or Sunday school class? Look no further than the Adult Ministry page!
Caring & Support
Jim Cook
  • The next Order of St. Luke Healing Service will be in the Chapel on June 14th at 9:40. We have something new and different this time - the Healing Service from the Abbey of the Isle of Iona in Scotland and short talks by Trinity members who were Pilgrims on a Methodist spiritual pilgrimage to this holy place. Please come and pray for the healing of the world, your friends, your family, or yourself.
  • A Stephen Minister is a child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting and a caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports & encourages. Whatever the crisis or difficulty, Stephen Ministry equips Lay people to provide individual, confidential Christian care to those in our congregation and community facing tough times. You will meet weekly for at least 1 hour. To receive care from a Stephen Minister please contact Kay Walker (336-2006) orFred Korzec (219-5652).
  • Caregiver Support Group: Meets every Monday from 7 pm-8:30pm (E225). Contact: Mary Steinwandt(214.662.4869).
If you're in need of love and a helping hand, the Caring & Support page offers a search feature so you can find the support you need.
General Announcements
  • This Sunday (7th), Trinity is hosting a fundraising event by for the Food4Kids Weekend Backpack Program from 12 - 3. Bring your kids out for a water day including water slides, sprinklers, baby pools and more. $5 per kid, 3 and under are free. Bring a non-perishable food item for $1 off. 
  • Mugs are needed for the flower arrangements for Trinity's patients and shut-ins. Please bring them to the receptionist desk in the Education Building. Please no Christmas mugs as we have plenty of those.
  • Mommy Reads: The Lowell Correctional Facility is asking for the following items for their prisoners. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated! Please deliver all donations to the front desk and label them, "Mommy Reads." Board Games, Construction Paper, Markers, Colored Pencils, 50" - 60" new/used Flat Screen TV for Wellness Movies, Portable PA system with mic & cord, Exercise Videos, Zumba DVD's (Zumba Nation), Exercise Equipment, Free Weights (3-5 lbs), Kettlebells (5-10 lbs), Volleyballs, Footballs, Basketballs, Kick balls.
  • Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC? If you want to learn more about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming Coffee with the Pastors, a casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity and what is expected of members. The class is designed for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn about the many ways to become involved in our church family. The next Coffee with the Pastors is Sunday, June 28 at 9:40 am and 11:00 am in room 222. To Register for Coffee with the Pastors click HERE or email Carmen Nelson to receive the form via email. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church! Let us know if you need childcare.
  • Reeves Byrd will teach the AARP Smart Driver Course in a 1 day session convenient for Trinity members in room 222 on Thursday, June 4th. This classroom refresher for motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs. Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036. Note: There will not be a class held in July. Next class at TUMC will be held on August 3.
Bible Studies
  • Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
  • Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203 (will not be meeting over the summer)
  • Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7 am, E232
  • Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:15, Chapel
  • Exploring Jesus' Teachings, Thursdays, 10:30, E226
  • Life Changing Gathering with Rev. Marvin Celso, Wednesdays, 6:00pm, E225
  • Weekly Prayer Group, Thursdays, 7pm, Chapel 
  • Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email (DSE) is available upon request
If you would like more information or would like to visit one of these groups, please contact Kim.
Family Matters
A very happy birthday to Peg Lowell King, who turns 90 today!
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th or 90+ birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Kelly Ping.
Altar Flowers
If you would like to place flowers on the Altar in honor or in memory of a loved one please contact Tammy.
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue

Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Trinity United Methodist Church

4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States

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