Thursday, June 4, 2015

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek - Friday, 8 May 2015 from The Resurrection Downtown United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek - Friday, 8 May 2015 from The Resurrection Downtown United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Greetings RezDowntowners,
This past Sunday night I hopped on a plane and headed to San Francisco. The purpose of my trip was to work alongside the California Nevada Conference of the United Methodist Church in dreaming about what starting new worshipping communities might look like in the Bay Area. We spent a lot of our time together driving or walking from place to place, coffee shop to coffee shop, simply to get a sense of the opportunities for mission and ministry in places where, presently, there aren’t any churches to be seen. After a week of praying, dreaming and seeing the world around us as filled with opportunity for ministry, I found myself wondering, what might happen if we set aside as much time to look at our surroundings here in the Kansas City the same way. What if we slowed down long enough to look around this city with the same kind of vision?
Before we started Resurrection Downtown we prepared the way by praying for the city, spending time in the city and drinking coffee in all of its coffee shops all while talking to people wherever we went about their vision and hope for Kansas City’s future. We noticed opportunities for ministry abounding everywhere we went. My guess is that five years later, the opportunities have only increased. This morning, I spent time in prayer over Kansas City, and today I am trying to be aware of the opportunities abounding all around me in this great city and then living fully into every interaction I have that through them I might invite others to join me on this journey of knowing, loving and serving God in the center of this great city. My hope is that you’ll do the same. This weekend in worship, we’ll be celebrating Mothers’ Day by focusing on Scriptural accounts of the world’s worst mothers. It will be a great and light-hearted way to celebrate in worship on Mothers’ Day. I hope you’ll invite your friends and neighbors to join us.
In the meantime, here are several ways you can connect to the life of this church:
Women’s Breakfast Series: This Saturday, May 9th featuring Ginger Vaughn.
Half Time: Moving from Success to Significance in the 2nd half of life.
Young Adult Worship Devotional Class – Wednesday night at 7pm.
Don’t forget to Register your children for VACATION BIBLE CAMP.
Wendell Phillips Service Opportunities – WE NEED YOU! Field Day – Friday, May 15!
Several Employment Opportunities at RezDowntown
Women’s Breakfast Series – Join us Saturday, May 9, at 9 am at 1522 McGee to hear Ginger Vaughn, a board certified family nurse practitioner who specializes in functional medicine. Learn how lifestyle choices affect your body, and how we all have the ability to function at our best when we make good lifestyle choices. Hear her personal story that includes experience with a special needs child, the loss of a cherished loved one and the transition from traditional thinking about health to a new paradigm that centers around whole food nutrition. Bring a breakfast item to share – or come anyway even if you don’t have time to bake or shop. Visit or contact Jan Burchett at
Half Time: Moving from Success to Significance with Rev. Clayton Smith at 7am. Women are welcome to join the men Wednesday, May 13, 7 am at 1508 Grand to Explore the book Half Time: Moving from Success to Significance by Bob Buford. Executive Pastor Clayton Smith will introduce the new ministry at Resurrection called Crossroads – Navigating the Second Half of Your Life. Crossroads provides learning and serving opportunities for those approaching and living the second half of life. No RSVP needed. Bring a friend and discover ways to define and live your life with joy, impact and balance. For questions, visit
Young Adult Music Devotional Class – Have you ever wondered what the stories and inspirations are behind a worship song? Do you feel like you need time to take a deep breath and slow down during the middle of a busy week? If so and you’re a young adult (ages 20-ish to 35-ish), join us on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm at 1522 McGee for the next 3 weeks, you can come one week or every week! In each class we will dig deeper into two worship songs and take quiet time for reflection on each. We will also be joined by a Glory Revival songwriter who will give us insight into the music that is written and sung each weekend within our own community. For questions, contact Megan O’Neill at
Don’t forget to register your children for Vacation Bible Camp! June 15-18, 5:30-8:30 pm –Register online for just $22 per child until May 15. Price includes dinner every night, camp T-Shirt, crafts, snacks and more. Camp is for children age 3 as of Sept. 1, 2014, through current 5th grade. Younger children may attend only with adult volunteer. To volunteer or to register your child, visit or contact Bailey Amtower at
Wendell Phillips Service Opportunities – WE NEED YOU! Field Day – Friday, May 15! Don’t miss out on having a fun-filled day volunteering to play games with the students! Two different shifts available 9 am – noon or 1-4 pm. Wendell Phillips is a Kansas City elementary school located less than two miles from RezDowntown. We are committed long-term to serving them in every way that we can. For more information, visit For questions or to sign up, email Jory Mick at
Several Employment Opportunities at RezDowntown –
Technical Arts Producer, Rez Downtown – 20-hr. PT
Children’s Classroom Leader, Rez Downtown – 10-hr. PT
Volunteer & Worship Logistics Coordinator, Rez Downtown – 25-hr. PT – This position provides leadership and logistical support in helping members become deeply committed Christians by connecting them into worship volunteer and service opportunities. This person will be well versed in church-wide volunteer opportunities and provide leadership, training, delegation and holistic support to volunteer ministry teams at Resurrection Downtown, serving as a resource for all church staff and church members. The successful candidate will have excellent verbal and written communication skills, be detail-oriented and have excellent follow-through. Experience recruiting and leading multiple volunteer teams is preferred. This position primarily works Sunday through Thursday. To submit your cover letter and resume, visit
I am so blessed to be a part of this community and I am so proud to serve Christ with you in this city. I am excited for another great weekend in mission and ministry. I hope you'll invite friends and join us as we continue building Christian community in the center of this city. Have a God-filled Friday and I'll look forward to seeing you soon!
Grace and Peace,

Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330 or for after hours emergencies, 816-875-0267.
To submit a prayer request, contact
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For more information:
Visit our website

1522 McGee Street,
Kansas City, Missouri 64108 United States
(816) 979-1330
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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