Thursday, June 4, 2015

Weekly eNote from Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton for Friday, 8 May 2015 from The Resurrection United Methodist Church of Leawood, Kansas, United States

Weekly eNote from Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton for Friday, 8 May 2015 from The Resurrection United Methodist Church of Leawood, Kansas, United States

Dear Resurrection Family,
I’m looking forward to this weekend in worship! For Mother’s Dayat the Leawood Campus our Building Better Mom’s group is sponsoring a photo booth with free photos of women with their moms or kids. Our kids programs are also doing special things to celebrate moms. Resurrection’s own Gracie Schram will also sing at our 7:45, 9:00, 10:45 and Sunday night services as her first studio album debuted this week at #10 on iTunes!
My sermon this weekend is on The Bible’s Worst Mom. It will be humorous, inspiring and unusual. I’m preaching on a story in 2 Kings I’ve never preached on before, nor have I ever heard anyone preach on it before – it is not only the story of the Bible’s worst mom (and grandmother), but also the story of the Bible’s best aunt, and also the story of a boy who grew up with a pretty messed up home yet turns out okay in the end! You’ll laugh, you might cry, and I think you’ll walk away having been inspired, regardless of whether you’re a man or woman and whether you have children or not.
I’d like to encourage you to invite your mom and to invite your adult children to church. Let them know what you would like more than anything else for Mother’s Day is for them to come to church with you. This is your chance to encourage them to be in worship – don’t miss the chance! :-) They will be glad they came.
A big thank you to all who were a part of our Resurrection Golf Classic and Auction – what a great day we had on Monday of this week! Thank you to all who played, who volunteered, who organized the event and who donated auction items and hole sponsorships!
Over the last month we’ve been filming four-minute video clipson Sunday between the services that draw one point and a story from the weekend’s sermon. Our aim is to provide inspirational tools for you to share with others, and to encourage you. We’ll keep these as a library of clips that you can access and pass on at any time. This week’s clip, just under four minutes, was onFacing our Fears with Faith. Click here to take a look at it, then share it on your Facebook page, or via Twitter or with a friend.
This week our church was awarded the “Accredited Member Seal” from the Standards of Excellence in Short Term Mission organization. This is an important accreditation for churches and mission organizations and it reflects the highest standards for short term missions. You can read more about this here. Are you interested in serving in short term missions, taking a mission trip to learn more about the world, to grow in your faith, to build relationships with people in other cultures, and to serve others? Click here to find out more about our short-term mission opportunities,
We have over 400 people who have expressed interest in theHoly Land trip I’m leading next year. We’ll send out complete information and brochures as soon as it is available. Because we’ll only be able to take 150 people, I anticipate we’ll give preference to those who have never been to the Holy Land, then if we have openings still available, we’ll register those who have been before. If you would like to get on the e-mail list to receive the information about the trip, and when registration goes “live,” send my assistant an e-mail at
Next weekend, May 16-17th, is graduation weekend for many high schools and colleges around the Kansas City area. We’re going to do something in honor of graduation this year, hoping that graduates and their families might make a point to join us for church. We’ll have a special gift for all of our graduates that weekend – a little something to encourage them to remember who they are as they go off to college, graduate school or employment. High schools and colleges try to find well known speakers to deliver the commencement address. Next weekend we’ll consider together what Jesus would say if he were invited to give a commencement address. What would he say to graduates? To their parents? To the rest of us?
I have to run, but I want you to know, as always, how deeply proud I am to be your pastor, and how excited I am about what God is doing here at Resurrection!
See you in worship!
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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