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Thankful to Share
As we give thanks this season for the blessings which God has graciously given us in Messiah, I am reminded of a conversation I had with a pastor who has a heart to share the blessings he has received. I first talked with Pastor Scott* when he called me with a question he had concerning Paul's teaching in Romans 15:25-27.
Romans 15:25 But now I am going to Yerushalayim with aid for God’s people there. 26 For Macedonia and Achaia thought it would be good to make some contribution to the poor among God’s people in Yerushalayim. 27 They were pleased to do it, but the fact is that they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared with the Jews in spiritual matters, then the Gentiles clearly have a duty to help the Jews in material matters..
As we give thanks this season for the blessings which God has graciously given us in Messiah, I am reminded of a conversation I had with a pastor who has a heart to share the blessings he has received. I first talked with Pastor Scott* when he called me with a question he had concerning Paul’s teaching in Romans 15:25-27:
“But now, I (Paul) am going to Jerusalem serving the saints. For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. Yes, they were pleased to do so, and they are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual blessings, they are indebted to minister to them also in material blessings.”
As we discussed this portion, noting how it speaks to the God-given responsibility of Gentile believers to share with Jewish people from what they have received, Scott was amazed that he had not heard this teaching before and expressed his desire for others to hear it as well. Though I would rather leave it to Gentile believers to teach on this subject, I was convicted to not let my feelings stand in the way of God’s truth, so here is my teaching on this important portion from God’s Word.
A Blessing to the Nations
Paul’s heart was ablaze to bring the Good News of Messiah to the Gentile world. In his letter to the believers in Rome, Paul shares his travel plans (15:23-29), and his travel prayers (15:30-33) for his upcoming opportunities to further the Good News. On his way to Spain, he planned to stop by Jerusalem in order to bring a gift from his Gentile brothers to the Jewish believers there. We see in Scripture that Paul saw this gift as very important; so important in fact, that he was willing to give his life to bring this gift to Jerusalem! (See Acts 21:10-13) Why would he feel so strongly about this?
Since Paul saw Yeshua as the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, “the Seed of Abraham,” who would be the “blessing to all the nations,” he understood his own ministry to the Gentiles to be a result of this fulfillment (see Gen. 22:18, Gal. 3:14, 16). Thus this “gift” represented the Gentile believers’ appreciation for what they had received through Israel’s Messiah, their love for their Jewish brethren, and one step in fulfilling their calling “to make Israel jealous” for Messiah (Romans 11:11). Yet even more than that, this gift was a testimony to the Jews in Jerusalem of the truth that Yeshua is the Messiah – a testimony worth living for and as need be worth dying for! (See Acts 21:17-20) For this gift represented what the Hebrews foretold was one of the proofs that Messiah has come: the nations would believe on the Jewish Messiah and love the Jewish people! (see Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10, 12; 42:1, 6; Jeremiah 4:2; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:16, etc.) As Paul shares about the Gentile believers’ gift in Romans 15:25-27, he gives several principles regarding the relationship between the Gentile believers and their Jewish brothers in Messiah.
A Blessing from the Nations
In verse 26, Paul states that the Gentile believers were pleased to give a gift in response to the grace they had received. Their gift is referred to as a “contribution,” which literally means, a partaking in the needs of others. So here we see Paul’s first principle:
By God’s grace and mercy we are called to be gracious and merciful to others in need.
Opportunity and Obligation
But if the gift was for the poor, why would someone give because they were “indebted to minister?” Wouldn’t the needs of those in poverty be reason enough to give? Yes and no. The poverty provided the occasion, but not the reason. The financial need provided the opportunity to give, but the Gentile believer has a spiritual obligation to minister to the Jewish people. The second principle Paul speaks of here is:
Those who receive spiritual blessings are indebted to minister back through material blessings.
This is taught throughout the Scriptures. In I Corinthians 9:11 we read, “If we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?” And in Galatians 6:6, “The one who is taught the Word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.” Simply put, you thank the Lord by appreciating the means He uses to edify you. However, in Romans, Paul is developing an even greater principle for Gentile believers and their testimony in Messiah. In Romans 11, Paul explains to Gentile believers that they have been grafted into a cultivated olive tree, the root of which is the people of Israel. As long as the Gentile believers receive of the “richness of the root,” (the promises to and through Israel – Rom. 11:17), they have an obligation to give back to help the people of Israel, especially the remnant saved by grace (Rom. 11:5-6)
A Lesson in Love
Some may ask, “How can we pay back our past benefactors: the Apostles, etc., now that they are gone?” In 2 Samuel we read of a situation that sheds light on this question. When David first became king of Israel he sought to bless the family of Saul, despite Saul’s hostility, in light of the blessings he had received from Saul’s son, Jonathan. Even though Jonathan had already died, David asked if there was anyone left of Saul’s relatives to whom he could show kindness for Jonathan’s sake (2 Sam. 9:1). When David was informed of Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s crippled son, he welcomed him warmly into his household to eat at his table for the rest of his life (2 Sam. 9:6-7).
If David had been cruel to Mephibosheth, what would it have said about David’s love for Jonathan? Likewise, if Gentile believers don’t care for Messiah’s brethren according to the flesh, what does it say about their love for Yeshua, the King of the Jews (Matt. 2:2)? In light of Paul’s teaching, Gentile believers need to pray, “Is there one of the house of Israel that I may show kindness to for the sake of Yeshua, the King of Israel?” Like Mephibosheth, a ‘spiritual lameness,’ or “partial hardening” has happened to Israel (Rom. 11:25). They need your care for Paul’s sake, for the promises’ sake, and for Yeshua’s sake!
Since by faith in Messiah you are a child of Abraham, you are a part of the family, and called to love as part of the family (See Rom. 4:16-17). So here we have our third principle:
As members of Messiah’s family, Gentile believers have a debt of love to Israel.
Have you received the gift of Messiah’s love? If so, then like all believers, Jewish and Gentile, you too have a debt of love as a member of His family. This Thanksgiving season may you seek the Lord in how you can be a blessing to the Jewish people, to “minister to them” out of the blessings the Lord has graciously given to you.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Messiah.” – Eph. 1:3
*Name changed to protect the privacy of the individual
Read more...High Holy Days 2015
The recent High Holy Days were a time of great rejoicing and opportunity for the Messianic congregations with whom we work. Here is an overview of God's work in this season from two of these congregations:
Hope of Israel Charlotte:
"In Charlotte we had standing-room-only crowds with so many visitors that we are still working through the follow-up from them. The recent High Holy Days were a time of great rejoicing and opportunity for the Messianic congregations with whom we work. Here is an overview of God’s work in this season from two of these congregations:
Hope of Israel Charlotte:
Sam presents the Good News at HOI Charlotte’s Rosh HaShanah service
“In Charlotte we had standing-room-only crowds with so many visitors that we are still working through the follow-up from them. At our evening service for Rosh HaShanah (the Feast of Trumpets), the message spoke to the Rosh HaShanah tradition of three books being opened in heaven for judgment. We noted that this tradition which comes from Dan. 7:10 is more fully explained in Rev. 20:11-15 (See the September 2015 Shmooze letter for more information). As the traditional view of Rosh HaShanah as the Day of Judgment was highlighted by the Scriptures, there were several people who responded to the invitation to accept the Good News of Messiah.
For the Rosh HaShanah morning service, we observed the biblical feast of Trumpets, when we remember our blessed hope of Messiah’s return which will be heralded by the last trump. This feast is also a poignant reminder for us to be reaching out with the Good News to those who desperately need to hear it, for no man knows the day or hour. In light of this, we must use the time, talent, and treasure God has given us for the furtherance of the Good News to the glory of His Name!
Our evening service for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, again saw an unusually large attendance with many visitors. Through the service, we recognized the need for the special Yom Kippur offering which is detailed in Leviticus 16: the Azazel, the scapegoat. A stunning point to some of our visitors was to hear of the unintended witness of the Rabbinical writings, as the Talmud tells us that each Yom Kippur, a scarlet thread was placed on the door of the temple. If the sacrifice was accepted by God that year, the thread would turn white, and everyone would rejoice. If it remained red, the people mourned, for this indicated the atonement was not accepted by God. Amazingly, the Talmud goes on to say that for 40 years prior to the destruction of the Temple, the scarlet thread never turned white. As we considered in the service, 40 years prior to the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. marked the death of Messiah as the final sacrifice for our sins. Following His death and resurrection, God no longer accepted any other sacrifice for the atonement of sin.
The next morning, we gathered again to understand the other side of the coin of our forgiveness. Not only do we need a sacrifice, but by faith we need to repent, trusting in Yeshua’s atoning sacrifice, for God desires to bless us if only we will repent. Following this Day of Atonement morning service, several of our people were sharing with some of the visitors. One Jewish woman in particular stood out as her questions were being answered and she stated that she wanted to trust in the Messiah right then. As she prayed to receive the Lord, there was much rejoicing in this lost sheep who has been found!
Please remember us in our follow-up as we partner together to share the Good News in holy season and out.”
Hope of Israel Roanoke:
Mark at the Rosh HaShanah immersion service with Tony Mardian and Maynard Keller of HOI Roanoke
Hope of Israel Roanoke also had a joyous season of ministry as they met for their second High Holy Day services and their first immersion service:
“At our Rosh HaShanah service this year, five people (three being new believers) were immersed at a local lake. One of the new believers is Mark, a Jewish man who came to trust in Yeshua last year. Mark had moved from New York to Roanoke a number of years ago and had been wondering about Jesus. Last year, he happened to pick up a Jewish Voice magazine while waiting in a local doctor’s office. He noticed information in the magazine concerning Messianic congregations. This piqued his curiosity and he later decided to drive to the closest Messianic congregation which at that time was in Richmond, VA. As he entered the service, he noticed men, both Jewish and Gentile, wearing kippot and tallitot, praying the Shema, but also praising and worshipping Yeshua together. It was after this service that he became convinced in his heart that Yeshua is the Messiah and his Savior.
Months later, Mark decided to search for fellow Messianic Jewish believers to learn with. Interestingly, one day while at a restaurant in Roanoke, he happened upon a poster announcing that Sam Nadler of Word of Messiah Ministries would be speaking at Hope of Israel Messianic Fellowship (HOI) in Roanoke on the subject of Shavuot. He attended the Shavuot outreach, met Sam and Tony, and has been connected with our fellowship ever since. He has been working through Sam’sMessianic Discipleship book with Tony and made a public testimony of his faith as he was immersed at our recent Rosh HaShanah service. We are thankful that seeds of faith were planted for Mark and that Hope of Israel Roanoke has the privilege to water those seeds through prayer and discipleship in our developing community.”
Please pray for us at Hope of Israel Roanoke as after two and a half years of monthly meetings, we conducted our first Shabbat morning service on October 3rd with about fifty people in attendance. We will be meeting twice a month for worship services with a children’s class and twice a month for discipleship classes. Our goal is to gather fifteen committed families with unifying vision and values to move forward in discipleship and core group development with a plan to then work towards congregational life. We are thankful for your prayers and the assistance of Word of Messiah Ministries. God has been answering our prayers for wisdom, discernment, and provision in the midst of the work here. Please continue to pray for HOI Roanoke, and for God’s guidance and provision as we transition to weekly meetings.”
Growing Healthy Messianic Congregations in San Antonio
From October 17-19, 2015, Word of Messiah held a "Growing Healthy Messianic Congregations Conference" in San Antonio, TX. What was this conference all about? Find out in this interview with Sam:
From October 17-19, 2015, Word of Messiah held a “Growing Healthy Messianic Congregations Conference” in San Antonio, TX. What was this conference all about? Find out in this interview with Sam:
– What do you do at a “Growing Healthy Messianic Congregations Conference”?
Our goal at Word of Messiah is to see more healthy Messianic congregations established among Jewish people worldwide. The focus of our conferences, therefore, is to train congregation planters in their work of establishing new Messianic congregations. These conferences are also geared for established Messianic leaders, to assist them in the development of their congregations and to provide training in how they can reproduce, developing new Messianic congregations to reach more people with the Good News! The most important part, however, happens after the conference, as the leaders apply what they have learned in their own lives and congregations.
– What was the focus of the San Antonio conference?
All of our conferences have the same goals, but each one has a slightly different focus depending on the needs of the planters and leaders in a certain area. This conference focused on specific leadership development. In developing leaders to oversee various ministries in a congregation, one must give instruction in order to set an expectation, and then follow-up with inspection to ensure the instruction is being carried out.
– How was this conference helpful for new congregation planters? What about for established Messianic leaders?
Throughout the conference, specific instruction was given to new congregation planters in regards to the first steps that must be taken in order to see their congregations established on solid biblical footing.
The established Messianic leaders were given a framework for which to review areas that are working well in their congregations and give guidance in addressing those that may not be as functional in light of the overall biblical model of a healthy congregation. This was vital as one must first appreciate what is already working well, leveraging what is strong to be able to address what is weak.
As a Messianic leader, it’s easy to get caught up in the issues and difficulties of day to day life, and all of us need to be reminded that these issues can only be addressed by keeping our eyes on the Lord. These leaders were encouraged and challenged to renew their vision and to look to Yeshua, the only One who can give us what we need to fulfill our calling.
– Why are conferences like this important for the Messianic movement today? What needs do they address?
The Messianic movement is a young movement of God. It was started by pioneers who “stepped out of the boat,” and established congregations that would become living testimonies to the greater Jewish community in their cities. These pioneers have great entrepreneurial strength to begin new things and therefore may also need greater coaching and encouragement as they develop their congregations, especially in regards to infrastructure and leadership development, and in the establishment and maintenance of ongoing evangelism and disciple making.
Our conferences address every area of congregation planting, from the preliminary considerations for the planter and his family, to the development of materials for both evangelism and discipleship, to the development of strategies for outreach, to the essentials for talmidut (discipleship), to the paradigm detailing how evangelism moves into disciple making, member making, and finally to leader making in order to build up a congregation.
At our conferences, the vital importance of prayer at all stages of the planting process is addressed. Emphasized over and over again is the fact that discipleship is not mere instruction, but rather application. We train leaders to not merely teach people about prayer, but to pray!
– Through the conference, what did you see that encouraged you about the Messianic community in Texas?
As I interacted with the leaders at the conference, I was encouraged to see that the disunity which is sadly normative in many Messianic communities was being addressed and greater unity was being developed among those involved. I was also encouraged to see younger leaders embracing the biblical model for healthy congregations and desiring to incorporate this into their service as they assist older leaders. Throughout the conference, there was much collaboration as the leaders came together for a common purpose.
– What one piece of encouragement would you give to a Messianic congregation planter just starting out?
Be faithful to your calling, for He will be faithful to fulfill all you need for your calling.
Here is some of the feedback we have received from the conference:
“This conference was phenomenal and a great learning experience for our congregation. It was very important for us and impactful as we are an older congregation and really needed “a shot in the arm” regarding a refreshed vision of the place and purpose of a Messianic congregation. I appreciated the focus on discipleship and the practical guidance in how to move forward in implementing the things learned at the conference in our congregation.” – Rabbi Randy Shapiro, Congregation Beth Simcha, San Antonio, TX
“For someone who’s not yet in congregational leadership, Sam provided a roadmap for how to get there, backed with tremendous amounts of experience and expertise.” – Jack N.
“This conference was very helpful for me as a Messianic leader. The most important thing I got from it is the vital importance of prayer and discipleship for people in the congregation.
I would definitely recommend other Messianic leaders to attend future WMM conferences. When we as leaders start thinking we understand everything and are ok running things on our own, this is dangerous. Sam’s ability to relate and apply Scripture to the matter of how to build and structure a Messianic congregation is excellent.”
– Billy Washburn, Shearit Yisrael, Poteet, TX
“I am following-up on what I learned at the conference, reading the handbook and surveying my notes. My wife and I are already discussing the first step we went over: prayer in the home. Another leader who came to the conference has expressed some regret that the other 2 leaders in his Beit Din (leadership team) did not attend and wishes that others in his congregation could hear these principles explained. Sam does a great job in explaining the main principles of why we exist as Messianic believers.”[Trini Rodriguez, Shoresh David Messianic Congregation, San Antonio, TX]
Read more... Moving Forward in Him: Beth Messiah Sisterhood Conference
The Sisterhood of Beth Messiah Congregation in Columbus, Ohio, extended a special invitation to Miriam Nadler, head of Women's Ministries at Word of Messiah, and were privileged to have her speak at their fall conference. The conference took place from October 16-18 and was entitled "Moving Forward in Him!" The Sisterhood of Beth Messiah Congregation in Columbus, Ohio, extended a special invitation to Miriam Nadler, head of Women’s Ministries at Word of Messiah, and were privileged to have her speak at their fall conference. The conference took place from October 16-18 and was entitled “Moving Forward in Him!” The theme verse of the conference was John 15:4,5b: “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me… for apart from Me you can do nothing”
This special weekend began on Friday evening as candles were lit and Erev Shabbat dinner was served. Scriptural teaching followed as Miriam went through the parable of the vineyard from Isaiah 5, detailing the Father’s relationship with His beloved. The women listening were challenged to believe in Yeshua as their Beloved, give Him great significance in their lives, ask Him to remove stones and foxes that erode their trust, and call upon Him to move in their lives.
Shabbat was a day of worship and praise! The conference continued as Miriam taught about obstacles to moving forward: our flesh and the war within, and Satan and the war without. Living a Spirit-filled life which honors the Lord requires obeying God’s Word and identifying sin, calling it by its worst name without minimizing it. Miriam covered multiple Scripture passages which teach God’s way of getting rid of worry, anxiety, and fear. This is essential, for worry rather than trust in Yeshua is disobedience to God’s Word. Putting on one’s Armor of Light (Rom. 13:12) equips the believer for warfare. The women were challenged to agree with God about sin, renounce it, and sink into their armor of light, clothed in Him, as He is the guarantee!
The conference continued into Sunday with an acknowledgement that moving forward requires truly abiding in Yeshua. Miriam explained that as sap flows into branches to make them fruitful, we can bear fruit as we abide in Messiah. God alone gives us grace to surrender our pride and walk in love, joy, and truth with Him.
Miriam pointed to the fact that Scripture calls believers to vigilance on the topic of abiding, and encouraged all to understand its importance, as, “Abiding with Him is not that casual idea of hanging out together as believers, rather it’s a conscious, sustained communion with the Lord whereby believers are in fellowship with Him!”
50 women, ages 12 – 70, were present at the conference and represented Messianic Congregations in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Kansas. Many were impacted by the weekend and several expressed:
“Thank you for a great weekend. Miriam was terrific.”
“Wow! I enjoyed Miriam’s delightful manner of teaching. Such pleasant memories we have of her visit!”
“The time together at the conference was glorious!”
“Miriam’s teachings brought me into a closer relationship with Yeshua. I want to abide with him every day.”
Carla Gliebe, who traveled from Illinois to attend the conference, remarked:
“This was my first time at Beth Messiah’s Sisterhood conference. I along with my daughter, and two of our friends from our congregation in Skokie, Illinois, Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue, traveled to the conference together. We were all looking forward to the unknown: meeting new sisters in Yeshua and being challenged by the teaching of Miriam Nadler.
We were not disappointed. Miriam taught about abiding in Yeshua and bearing good fruit from John chapter 15. This is a topic that I needed to hear as I am in a new season of my life where my kids are newly married and I’m asking the question, “What now, Lord?” I still desire to bear fruit for His Kingdom.
My favorite parts of the conference were watching Lola Klein, the Sisterhood Chair at Beth Messiah, work behind the scenes, hearing Miriam break into song spontaneously, and meeting for the first time the mother of a young lady that we dearly love. I am already looking forward to being able to attend next year’s conference!”
Sam will be Speaking:
- November 1, 11:00 am - Redemption Worship Center, Charlotte, NC
- November 1, 5:30 pm - All Saints Episcopal, Gastonia, NC
- November 8, 11:00 am - First Baptist Church, Stanley, NC
- November 8, 6:00 pm - Double Springs Baptist, Shelby, NC
- November 15, 10:30 am - Lawing's Chapel Baptist, Maiden, NC
- November 22, 11:00 am - Berea Baptist Church, Mooresville, NC
- November 29, 10:30 am - Denver Baptist Church, Denver, NC
The Messianic Answer Book
Jewish Answers to Jewish Questions about the Jewish Messiah
The Messianic Answer book is designed for believers in Yeshua (Jesus) to use in their witness to Jewish people. It addresses some of the most common questions Jewish people have regarding faith in Yeshua as the Messiah, such as: "How can a Jew believe in Jesus and still be Jewish?" / "If Messiah has already come, why isn't there peace?" / "Why the Holocaust?" / "If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, then why don't most Jews believe in him?" In the back of the book are several testimonies of Jewish people who have come to faith in their Messiah, to further encourage and equip you in your witness.
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Missionary Renegade: November 2015 Newsletter At Word Of Messiah Ministries In Charlotte, North Carolina, United States For Saturday, 31 October 2015 - Eshmooze >>>>> Download LINK
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Missionary Renegade: November 2015 Newsletter At Word Of Messiah Ministries In Charlotte, North Carolina, United States For Saturday, 31 October 2015 - Eshmooze >>>>> Download Full
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