Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States "Jesus Conquers" for Saturday, November 28, 2015
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.[1 Peter 5:6-7]
The woman was washing dishes. Suddenly, with a coffee cup in her hand, she stopped.
She asked herself, "How many times have I washed this cup?" Knowing that cup had been used daily for years, she gave up trying to calculate. Instead, she asked, "Is this all there is to life?" The lady set down the cup, went to her bedroom, packed a small suitcase and quietly walked out the front door.
Compelled by worry and fear, she left her husband and children and drove off into the night.
That evening, from an undisclosed location, she called her husband and told him she was physically all right, but she just couldn't face her life and she wasn't coming home. In that, and all subsequent calls, her husband assured her that he loved her and wanted her back home.
She declined. Worry and fear had a stranglehold on her.
Eventually, the husband hired a private investigator to locate his wife. It was easy enough for him to find her. She was in a budget motel in a city, about 200 miles away. The husband went for a drive. He knocked on the door of his wife's room. The lock turned and the door slowly opened.
His wife looked at him in silence and fell, sobbing, into his embrace.
Days later he asked, "I am glad you're home. I wouldn't change anything. But, I've wondered, when I called you, I invited you back. I told you I loved you, but you wouldn't come back. What changed?"
The wife had known the question would eventually come, and she had her reply at the ready. She said, "When you called, I heard words. When you showed up, I knew how much you loved me. You had sought me out; you had come for me."
There is a similarity between that story and the work of our Savior.
You see, Jesus became one of us, so we might be forgiven, so we might be saved. He showed His compassion and concern for us in the life He led, in the death He died, and in the resurrection, which offers eternal life and everlasting peace to all who -- with repentant hearts -- are turned to Him as their Redeemer, their Substitute, their Savior, and Friend.
That is what I want you -- wherever you are, whatever you are doing -- to know.
Jesus offers His assistance in life's frustrations and fears, pains and problems, difficulties, distresses and discouragements.
Put all your trust in the Savior whose love is shown in words and actions.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I know I have many shortcomings. Accept the praises of a forgiven sinner who recognizes Your grace as shown in Your Words and Jesus' life. In His Name I pray. Amen.

The woman was washing dishes. Suddenly, with a coffee cup in her hand, she stopped.
She asked herself, "How many times have I washed this cup?" Knowing that cup had been used daily for years, she gave up trying to calculate. Instead, she asked, "Is this all there is to life?" The lady set down the cup, went to her bedroom, packed a small suitcase and quietly walked out the front door.
Compelled by worry and fear, she left her husband and children and drove off into the night.
That evening, from an undisclosed location, she called her husband and told him she was physically all right, but she just couldn't face her life and she wasn't coming home. In that, and all subsequent calls, her husband assured her that he loved her and wanted her back home.
She declined. Worry and fear had a stranglehold on her.
Eventually, the husband hired a private investigator to locate his wife. It was easy enough for him to find her. She was in a budget motel in a city, about 200 miles away. The husband went for a drive. He knocked on the door of his wife's room. The lock turned and the door slowly opened.
His wife looked at him in silence and fell, sobbing, into his embrace.
Days later he asked, "I am glad you're home. I wouldn't change anything. But, I've wondered, when I called you, I invited you back. I told you I loved you, but you wouldn't come back. What changed?"
The wife had known the question would eventually come, and she had her reply at the ready. She said, "When you called, I heard words. When you showed up, I knew how much you loved me. You had sought me out; you had come for me."
There is a similarity between that story and the work of our Savior.
You see, Jesus became one of us, so we might be forgiven, so we might be saved. He showed His compassion and concern for us in the life He led, in the death He died, and in the resurrection, which offers eternal life and everlasting peace to all who -- with repentant hearts -- are turned to Him as their Redeemer, their Substitute, their Savior, and Friend.
That is what I want you -- wherever you are, whatever you are doing -- to know.
Jesus offers His assistance in life's frustrations and fears, pains and problems, difficulties, distresses and discouragements.
Put all your trust in the Savior whose love is shown in words and actions.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I know I have many shortcomings. Accept the praises of a forgiven sinner who recognizes Your grace as shown in Your Words and Jesus' life. In His Name I pray. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,

Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour MinistriesThrough the Bible in a Year
Today Read:
Ezekiel 33:1 The word of Adonai came to me: 2 “Human being, speak to your people; say to them, ‘Suppose I bring the sword on a country, and the people of that country take one of their men and appoint him their watchman. 3 Now if, upon seeing the sword coming against that country, he blows the shofar and warns the people; 4 then, if the sword comes and takes away someone who heard the sound of the shofar but paid no attention to it, the responsibility for that person’s death will be his own — 5 he heard the shofar but paid no attention, so the responsibility for his death is his own; whereas if he had paid attention, he would have saved his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the shofar, so that the people are not warned; and then the sword comes and takes any one of them, that one is indeed taken away in his guilt, but I will hold the watchman responsible for his death.’
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour MinistriesThrough the Bible in a Year
Today Read:
Ezekiel 33:1 The word of Adonai came to me: 2 “Human being, speak to your people; say to them, ‘Suppose I bring the sword on a country, and the people of that country take one of their men and appoint him their watchman. 3 Now if, upon seeing the sword coming against that country, he blows the shofar and warns the people; 4 then, if the sword comes and takes away someone who heard the sound of the shofar but paid no attention to it, the responsibility for that person’s death will be his own — 5 he heard the shofar but paid no attention, so the responsibility for his death is his own; whereas if he had paid attention, he would have saved his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the shofar, so that the people are not warned; and then the sword comes and takes any one of them, that one is indeed taken away in his guilt, but I will hold the watchman responsible for his death.’
7 “Likewise you, human being — I have appointed you as watchman for the house of Isra’el. Therefore, when you hear the word from my mouth, warn them for me. 8 When I tell the wicked person, ‘Wicked person, you will certainly die’; and you fail to speak and warn the wicked person to leave his way; then that wicked person will die guilty; and I will hold you responsible for his death. 9 On the other hand, if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he doesn’t turn from his way; then he will still die guilty, but you will have saved your own life.
10 “Therefore, you, human being, say to the house of Isra’el: ‘You say, “Our crimes and sins are weighing us down, we’re pining away because of them, how can we even stay alive?”’ 11 Say to them, ‘As I live,’ swears Adonai Elohim, ‘I take no pleasure in having the wicked person die, but in having the wicked person turn from his way and live. So repent! Turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, house of Isra’el?’
12 “Next, you, human being, say to your people: ‘The righteousness of the righteous person will not save him, once he starts committing crimes; and likewise, the wickedness of the wicked person will not cause him to fall, once he turns from his wickedness. No, the righteous person cannot live by virtue of [his former righteousness], once he starts sinning. 13 So if, after I tell the righteous person that he will surely live, he begins trusting in his own [former] righteousness and starts committing crimes; then none of his [former] righteous actions will be remembered; on the contrary, he will die for the evil deeds he has committed. 14 Likewise, if, after I tell the wicked person, “You must die,” he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right — 15 if the wicked person restores pledged property and returns what he stole, so that he lives by the laws that give life and does not commit evil deeds; then he will live, he will not die. 16 None of the sins he committed will be remembered against him; he has done what is lawful and right; he will surely live.’
17 “Now your people say, ‘Adonai’s way isn’t fair!’ But it is their way, theirs, that isn’t fair! 18 When the righteous person turns away from his righteousness and commits wickedness, he will die because of it. 19 And when the wicked person turns from his wickedness and does what is lawful and right, he will live because of it. 20 Yet you say, ‘Adonai’s way isn’t fair!’ House of Isra’el, I will judge each of you according to his ways.”
21 In the twelfth year of our exile, on the fifth day of the tenth month, a fugitive from Yerushalayim came to me with the news, “The city has been struck.” 22 Now the hand of Adonai had been on me that evening, before the fugitive arrived — he had opened my mouth prior to his coming to me in the morning, so my mouth was open, and I was no longer mute. 23 Then the word of Adonai came to me: 24 “Human being, those living in the desolate parts of the land of Isra’el are saying, ‘Avraham was only one, and he inherited the land. But we are many, so [how much more] is the land given to us to inherit!’ 25 Therefore, tell them that Adonai Elohim says, ‘You eat [flesh] with the blood, you raise your eyes to your idols, and you shed blood — and you still expect to possess the land? 26 You depend on your swords, you commit disgusting practices, and each of you defiles his neighbor’s wife — and you still expect to possess the land?’ 27 Tell them that Adonai Elohim swears, ‘As I live, those living in the ruins will fall by the sword, those in the countryside I will give to the wild animals to eat, and those in the fortresses and caves will die of the plague. 28 Moreover, I will utterly desolate the land; it will cease taking pride in its power; and the mountains of Isra’el will be so desolate that no one will pass through.’ 29 Then they will know that I am Adonai, when I have made the land utterly desolate, because of all the disgusting practices they have committed.
30 “Now you, human being, your people are gathering and talking about you by the walls and in the doorways of houses. They’re saying to each other, each one telling his brother, ‘Come, let’s go and hear the latest word coming from Adonai.’ 31 So then they come to you, as people do, sit in front of you as my people, and hear your words; but they don’t act on them. For with their mouths they flatter you, but their hearts are set on their own self-interest; 32 so for them you are like a love-song sung by someone with a nice voice who can play an instrument well — they hear your words, but they don’t act on them. 33 So when all this comes true, then, at last, they will realize that a prophet has been there with them.”
34:1 The word of Adonai came to me: 2 “Human being, prophesy against the shepherds of Isra’el. Prophesy! Tell them, the shepherds, that Adonai Elohim says this: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Isra’el who feed themselves! Shouldn’t the shepherds feed the sheep? 3 You eat the choice meat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, and you slaughter the best of the herd; but you don’t feed the sheep! 4 You don’t strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bandage the broken, bring back the outcasts or seek the lost; on the contrary, you tyrannize them with crushing force. 5 So they were scattered, without a shepherd, and became food for every wild animal — they were scattered. 6 My sheep wandered around aimlessly on every mountain and hill; yes, my sheep were scattered all over the land, with no one to search for them or look after them.
7 “‘Therefore, shepherds, hear the word of Adonai: 8 “As I live,” Adonai Elohim swears, “because my sheep have become prey, my sheep have become food for every wild animal, since there was no shepherd, since my shepherds didn’t look for my sheep, and instead my shepherds fed themselves but not my sheep,” 9 therefore, shepherds, hear the word of Adonai! 10 Adonai Elohim says, “I am against the shepherds. I demand that they hand my sheep back to me. I will not allow them to feed the sheep, and they won’t feed themselves either. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths; they will be food for them no longer.”
11 “‘For here is what Adonai Elohim says: “I am taking over! I will search for my sheep and look after them, myself. 12 Just as a shepherd looks after his flock when he finds himself among his scattered sheep, so I will look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered when it was cloudy and dark. 13 I will bring them back from those peoples, gather them from those countries and return them to their own land. Then I will let them feed on the mountains of Isra’el, by the streams and in all the livable places of the land. 14 I will have them feed in good pastures; their grazing ground will be on the high mountains of Isra’el. They will rest in good grazing grounds and feed in rich pastures on Isra’el’s mountains. 15 Yes, I will pasture my sheep; and I will let them rest” says Adonai Elohim. 16 “I will seek the lost, bring back the outcasts, bandage the broken, and strengthen the sick. But the fat and the strong I will destroy — I will feed them with judgment.”
17 “‘As for you, my flock,’ Adonai Elohim says this: ‘I will judge between sheep and other sheep, between rams and billy-goats. 18 Wasn’t it enough for you to feed on the best pasture and drink from the clearest water? Did you have to trample the rest of the pasture and foul the remaining water with your feet? 19 So now my sheep eat what you have trampled with your feet and drink water fouled by your feet.’ 20 Therefore here is what Adonai Elohim says to them: ‘I will judge between the fat sheep and the thin sheep. 21 Because you push them with your flanks and shoulders and butt all the weak ones with your horns, till you scatter them in every direction; 22 therefore I will save my flock; they will no longer be prey; and I will judge between sheep and other sheep.
23 “‘I will raise up one shepherd to be in charge of them, and he will let them feed — my servant David. He will pasture them and be their shepherd. 24 I, Adonai, will be their God; and my servant David will be prince among them. I, Adonai, have spoken. 25 I will make a covenant of peace with them; I will rid the land of wild animals; and they will live securely in the desert and sleep in the forests. 26 I will make them and the places around my hill a blessing, and I will cause the rain to fall when it should — there will be showers of blessing. 27 The trees in the field will bear their fruit and the soil its produce, and they will be secure in their land. Then they will know that I am Adonai, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the power of those who turned them into slaves. 28 No longer will they be prey for the Goyim, nor will the wild animals devour them; but they will live securely, with no one to make them afraid. 29 I will make the productivity of their crops famous, and they will no longer be consumed by hunger in the land or bear the shame of the Goyim any more. 30 They will know that I, Adonai their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Isra’el, are my people,’ says Adonai Elohim. 31 ‘You, my sheep, the sheep in my pasture, are human beings; and I am your God,’ says Adonai Elohim.”
1 Peter 5:1 Therefore, I urge the congregation leaders among you, as a fellow-leader and witness to the Messiah’s sufferings, as well as a sharer in the glory to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is in your care, exercising oversight not out of constraint, but willingly, as God wants; and not out of a desire for dishonest gain, but with enthusiasm; 3 also not as machers domineering over those in your care, but as people who become examples to the flock. 4 Then, when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive glory as your unfading crown.
5 Likewise, you who are less experienced, submit to leaders. Further, all of you should clothe yourselves in humility toward one another, because
God opposes the arrogant,
but to the humble he gives grace.[1 Peter 5:5 Proverbs 3:34]
6 Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time he may lift you up. 7 Throw all your anxieties upon him, because he cares about you.
8 Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering. 10 You will have to suffer only a little while; after that, God, who is full of grace, the one who called you to his eternal glory in union with the Messiah, will himself restore, establish and strengthen you and make you firm. 11 To him be the power forever and ever. Amen.
12 Through Sila, whom I regard as a faithful brother, I have written you briefly, encouraging you and giving my witness that this is God’s true grace. Stand firm in it!
13 Your sister congregation in Bavel, chosen along with you, sends greetings to you, as does my son Mark. 14 Greet each other with a kiss of love.
“Shalom aleikhem!” to all who belong to the Messiah.
The Lutheran Hour
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63141 United States
St. Louis, Missouri 63141 United States
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