Since GBGM's matching is based on Central Time...
GBGM's Donation Matching for #givingtuesday is Based on Central Time
Office of Communications
The United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries will match up to $1 million in online donations through the Advance on #givingtuesday between12:00AM and 11:59PM Central Time (CT), including for Imagine No Malaria, and local churches can be linked to the donation.
However, what "12:00AM Central Time on December 1, 2015" means for us in the California-Pacific Conference is:
for Guam and Saipan, 4:00PM local time, December 1, 2015.
for Hawaii, 8:00PM local time, November 30, 2015
for California, 10:00PM local time, November 30, 2015
Using this online time converter might be helpful for your giving preparation.
Remember that we United Methodists have reached 90% of our goal of $75 million to combat suffering and death from malaria and that we in the California-Pacific Conference can make a significant contribution towards achieving this goal by taking three easy steps:
Click the button below and make a donation in time:
- donations must be made between 12:00AM - 11:59PM Central Time (CT),December 1, 2015.
Link your local church by:
- selecting the State
- typing in your Church name, and
- clicking your Church in the dropdown menu
Show your friends how they, too, can save lives through Imagine No Malaria by:
- using the "Share" links below
- following us on social media (/imaginenomalariacalpac)
In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria kills mostly pregnant women and children under the age of 5, every 60 seconds. But, malaria is 100% preventable and we have just about $1.7 million to go in achieving our goal of $3 million here in the California-Pacific Conference.
This is our chance to take a big step forward!
Let's do this!
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*GBGM will match Advance donations online on Giving Tuesday up to $1 million. More

Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States
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