Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Friend,
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, because it's about being selfless and grateful for the kindness of others and our general good fortune.
In 2015, we in the Legislature were happy to be in a position not only to bolster funding for public schools, higher education, and child care, but also to create California's first-ever state Earned Income Tax Credit. I'm so appreciative of the help of my Assembly colleagues in making the case for the EITC, and I'm grateful to Gov. Jerry Brown for agreeing to include it in the budget.
The EITC is going to help 2 million hard-working, low-income Californians next year and inject hundreds of millions of dollars into local economies up and down the state.
I'm so thankful for the continued strong economic recovery that our state is experiencing. Last week, the Legislative Analyst's Office released a forecast that provided fantastic news: California's economy is doing better than anyone had predicted earlier this year. That will allow us to continue to strengthen our Rainy Day Fund and further invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other critical needs.
Indeed, while we accomplished so much this year, we have lots of work to do on transportation, care for those with developmental disabilities, workforce and veteran housing, and, as always, homelessness. As the weather gets colder, let's all keep in our hearts and thoughts those people who don't have stable shelter, and help out however we can.
Jennifer and I look forward to spending part of Thanksgiving serving meals and sharing in the strong sense of community at the LGBT Community Center. You can join in that same spirit by donating food, warm clothing, blankets, and financial resources to local charities. Food pantries throughout San Diego County, in particular, are reporting that they're in dire need of help.
I'm humbled and honored to represent San Diego County and the residents of the 78th Assembly District. Jennifer and I, along with Haley and Joey, wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.

Toni G. Atkins
Speaker of the Assembly
78th Assembly District
P.S. Social media is a great way to connect with my office! Use the icon below to like my page on Facebook.

Website: http://www.asmdc.org/speakerEmail: Speaker Toni G. Atkins
Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, California 94249-0078, United States
Tel: (916) 319-2078
Fax: (916) 319-2178 District Office:
1350 Front Street
Room 6054
San Diego, California 92101, United States
Tel: (619) 645-3090
Fax: (619) 645-3094
In 2015, we in the Legislature were happy to be in a position not only to bolster funding for public schools, higher education, and child care, but also to create California's first-ever state Earned Income Tax Credit. I'm so appreciative of the help of my Assembly colleagues in making the case for the EITC, and I'm grateful to Gov. Jerry Brown for agreeing to include it in the budget.
The EITC is going to help 2 million hard-working, low-income Californians next year and inject hundreds of millions of dollars into local economies up and down the state.
I'm so thankful for the continued strong economic recovery that our state is experiencing. Last week, the Legislative Analyst's Office released a forecast that provided fantastic news: California's economy is doing better than anyone had predicted earlier this year. That will allow us to continue to strengthen our Rainy Day Fund and further invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other critical needs.
Indeed, while we accomplished so much this year, we have lots of work to do on transportation, care for those with developmental disabilities, workforce and veteran housing, and, as always, homelessness. As the weather gets colder, let's all keep in our hearts and thoughts those people who don't have stable shelter, and help out however we can.
Jennifer and I look forward to spending part of Thanksgiving serving meals and sharing in the strong sense of community at the LGBT Community Center. You can join in that same spirit by donating food, warm clothing, blankets, and financial resources to local charities. Food pantries throughout San Diego County, in particular, are reporting that they're in dire need of help.
I'm humbled and honored to represent San Diego County and the residents of the 78th Assembly District. Jennifer and I, along with Haley and Joey, wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.
Toni G. Atkins
Speaker of the Assembly
78th Assembly District
P.S. Social media is a great way to connect with my office! Use the icon below to like my page on Facebook.
Website: http://www.asmdc.org/speakerEmail: Speaker Toni G. Atkins
Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, California 94249-0078, United States
Tel: (916) 319-2078
Fax: (916) 319-2178 District Office:
1350 Front Street
Room 6054
San Diego, California 92101, United States
Tel: (619) 645-3090
Fax: (619) 645-3094
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