Daily Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:17 As for those who do have riches in this present world, charge them not to be proud and not to let their hopes rest on the uncertainties of riches but to rest their hopes on God, who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment. 18 Charge them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous and ready to share. 19 In this way they will treasure up for themselves a good foundation for the future, so that they may lay hold of the real life.
Reflection Questions:
The apostle Paul saw people lose faith when money was their life’s highest goal. He urged Timothy to “run away” from a life that placed primary hope on finances. Instead, he called Timothy and the members of his congregation to a different view of retirement planning. He said actively pursuing “righteousness, holy living, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness” was the best way to lay a good foundation for the future. That choice would enable them to take hold of “what is truly life.”
- So much around us, including some approaches to retirement, tries to entice us to love money. As scholar N. T. Wright said, "Every advertisement, every other television program, many movies and most political manifestos are designed, by subtle and not-so-subtle ways, to make us say, ‘If only I had just a bit more money, then I would be content.'" What steps can you take today to resist the temptation to look to money for happiness, fulfillment, and ultimate security? What are the main drivers of the way you live your life? What kind of outcome to your life do you most wish to avoid? What life goal are you pursuing with all your might?
Lord Jesus, you offer me heaven’s riches. Give me a heart that can accurately assess the treasure of your kingdom, and value it properly against all other claims. Amen.
Family Activity:
Encourage your family to give thanks daily to God for your many blessings. Read Psalm 100[Psalm 100:
(0) A psalm of thanksgiving:
(1) Shout for joy to Adonai, all the earth!
2 Serve Adonai with gladness.
Enter his presence with joyful songs.
3 Be aware that Adonai is God;
it is he who made us; and we are his,
his people, the flock in his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
enter his courtyards with praise;
give thanks to him, and bless his name.
5 For Adonai is good, his grace continues forever,
and his faithfulness lasts through all generations.
. Create a Thanksgiving collage. Gather a piece of colored poster board, some magazines, a few markers and some glue or tape. Invite everyone to draw pictures and write words representing what they are thankful for on the poster board. Add some cut-outs from magazines, too. Consider leaving some blank spaces so family members can add onto it through the week. Write a verse or two of Psalm 100 on the poster board. Each day, take a moment to give thanks to God for all your blessings and celebrate every moment!---------------------Insights from Carol Cartmill

Carol Cartmill serves as the Executive Director of Adult Discipleship at The Church of the Resurrection.
Where do you put your hope? What is it that brings you a sense of well-being and security? I find this topic especially fitting on the heels of Thanksgiving and Black Friday. If you are like me, Thanksgiving was a day of indulgence. I consumed way too much butter! Black Friday, on the other hand, I largely ignored. I am not even remotely tempted to join the masses in a shopping frenzy. Two days – so much temptation!
We get bombarded with messages about things that promise to bring us fulfillment. When did new cars become the best Christmas present ever? None of it will last. All of it ages, depreciates and decays. A former pastor and mentor taught me to invest in things with eternal value. Last time I checked, that list included God and people.
When Paul urges us to put our hope in God, not wealth and stuff, he also suggests that God desires for us to enjoy life. To take hold of the life that really is life. Part of the problem I sometimes have is money and possessions are much more easily quantifiable. I can pull up my current bank balance on my phone. How do I make deposits in my faith and hope account?
Paul gives us the answer. Be rich in good deeds, be generous and willing to share. Those are the investments that will truly fill us with hope and joy. The season of Christmas hope and promise seems like the perfect opportunity to be generous and serve others. May our hearts be enlarged as we grow in grace and generosity.

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The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Where do you put your hope? What is it that brings you a sense of well-being and security? I find this topic especially fitting on the heels of Thanksgiving and Black Friday. If you are like me, Thanksgiving was a day of indulgence. I consumed way too much butter! Black Friday, on the other hand, I largely ignored. I am not even remotely tempted to join the masses in a shopping frenzy. Two days – so much temptation!
We get bombarded with messages about things that promise to bring us fulfillment. When did new cars become the best Christmas present ever? None of it will last. All of it ages, depreciates and decays. A former pastor and mentor taught me to invest in things with eternal value. Last time I checked, that list included God and people.
When Paul urges us to put our hope in God, not wealth and stuff, he also suggests that God desires for us to enjoy life. To take hold of the life that really is life. Part of the problem I sometimes have is money and possessions are much more easily quantifiable. I can pull up my current bank balance on my phone. How do I make deposits in my faith and hope account?
Paul gives us the answer. Be rich in good deeds, be generous and willing to share. Those are the investments that will truly fill us with hope and joy. The season of Christmas hope and promise seems like the perfect opportunity to be generous and serve others. May our hearts be enlarged as we grow in grace and generosity.
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The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States
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