Thursday, December 29, 2016

Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living from Wordaction of The Global Church of the Nazarene Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, United States "Spirit-Filled" by Charles Tillman Sr. for Thursday, 29 December 2016 with Scripture: Acts 10:39-48

Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living from Wordaction of The Global Church of the Nazarene Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, United States "Spirit-Filled" by Charles Tillman Sr. for Thursday, 29 December 2016 with Scripture: Acts 10:39-48
"Spirit-Filled" by Charles Tillman Sr.
Acts 10:39 “As for us, we are witnesses of everything he did, both in the Judean countryside and in Yerushalayim. They did away with him by hanging him on a stake;[Acts 10:39 Deuteronomy 21:23] 40 but God raised him up on the third day and let him be seen, 41 not by all the people, but by witnesses God had previously chosen, that is, by us, who ate and drank with him after he had risen again from the dead.
42 “Then he commanded us to proclaim and attest to the Jewish people that this man has been appointed by God to judge the living and the dead. 43 All the prophets bear witness to him, that everyone who puts his trust in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
44 Kefa was still saying these things when the Ruach HaKodesh fell on all who were hearing the message. 45 All the believers from the Circumcision faction who had accompanied Kefa were amazed that the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh was also being poured out 46 on the Goyim, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Kefa’s response was, 47 “Is anyone prepared to prohibit these people from being immersed in water? After all, they have received the Ruach HaKodesh, just as we did.” 48 And he ordered that they be immersed in the name of Yeshua the Messiah. Then they asked Kefa to stay on with them for a few days.
In Acts 10, Peter conveyed the marvelous story of Jesus to the household of Cornelius. He told them about the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ. He further told them that they could receive forgiveness of sins through the name of Jesus Christ. After hearing the message of salvation, something amazing happened. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit!
The infilling of the Holy Spirit must be the goal of every believer. The Spirit cleanses, leads, and guides the people of God. In this instance, the Spirit was poured out on all as a witness that even Gentiles–non-Jews–could be filled with the very presence of God. Where the Spirit of God is, there is equality, liberty, and love. He comes to transform the life of every believer. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, He helps us to model our lives after Christ. He moves our feelings, influences our thoughts, and adjusts our conscience. He gives us a hunger to seek the deep things of God. Ultimately, He empowers us to live victoriously! As Paul asked the new disciples at Ephesus, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" (19:2).
Hymn for Today: "Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart" by George Croly
1; Spirit of God, who dwells within my heart, 
wean it from sin, through all its pulses move. 
Stoop to my weakness, mighty as you are, 
and make me love you as I ought to love. 
2. I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies, 
no sudden rending of the veil of clay, 
no angel visitant, no opening skies; 
but take the dimness of my soul away. 
3. Did you not bid us love you, God and King, 
love you with all our heart and strength and mind? 
I see the cross there teach my heart to cling. 
O let me seek you and O let me find!
4. Teach me to feel that you are always nigh; 
teach me the struggles of the soul to bear, 
to check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh; 
teach me the patience of unceasing prayer.
5. Teach me to love you as your angels love, 
one holy passion filling all my frame: 
the fullness of the heaven-descended Dove; 

my heart an altar, and your love the flame.
Thought for Today: Romans 15:13 May God, the source of hope, fill you completely with joy and shalom as you continue trusting, so that by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh you may overflow with hope.
Please Pray: For the development of Christian leaders in Iraq.

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