Thursday, September 28, 2017

The God Pause Daily Devotional from The Luther Seminary of Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Friday, 29 September 2017 - Matthew 21:23-32

The God Pause Daily Devotional from The Luther Seminary of Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Friday, 29 September 2017 - Matthew 21:23-32

Matthew 21:23 He went into the Temple area; and as he was teaching, the head cohanim and the elders of the people approached him and demanded, “What s’mikhah do you have that authorizes you to do these things? And who gave you this s’mikhah?” 24 Yeshua answered, “I too will ask you a question. If you answer it, then I will tell you by what s’mikhah I do these things. 25 The immersion of Yochanan — where did it come from? From Heaven or from a human source?” They discussed it among themselves: “If we say, ‘From Heaven,’ he will say, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him?’ 26 But if we say, ‘From a human source,’ we are afraid of the people, for they all regard Yochanan as a prophet.” 27 So they answered Yeshua, “We don’t know.” And he replied, “Then I won’t tell you by what s’mikhah I do these things.
28 “But give me your opinion: a man had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ 29 He answered, ‘I don’t want to’; but later he changed his mind and went. 30 The father went to his other son and said the same thing. This one answered, ‘I will, sir’; but he didn’t go. 31 Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “The first,” they replied. “That’s right!” Yeshua said to them. “I tell you that the tax-collectors and prostitutes are going into the Kingdom of God ahead of you! 32 For Yochanan came to you showing the path to righteousness, and you wouldn’t trust him. The tax-collectors and prostitutes trusted him; but you, even after you saw this, didn’t change your minds later and trust him.(Complete Jewish Bible)
Our culture seems to value people who make decisions and then stand by them. Changing one's mind is often perceived as weakness, or waffling. Politicians and other public leaders are often judged harshly for changes in positions or policies.
Those who know me well know that I can be a bit indecisive at times. At a restaurant, I can have a hard time narrowing down my choices, when everything looks so good! Taken together, our readings for this week feel like vindication. They make clear that the ability to change one's mind is a necessary aspect of Christian living. In the parable of the two sons, it is the one who changed his mind who does the will of the Father. The Holy Spirit is always at work in each one of us, changing our minds and hearts in order to bring them into alignment with the mind of God revealed to us through the person and ministry of Christ. Creating openness to being transformed is the holy work of God. Changed lives is what God is looking for--and that can only begin with a change of heart and mind.
Shine into our hearts the light of your wisdom, O God, and open our minds to the knowledge of your word, that in all things we may think and act according to your will and be of one mind with Christ. Amen.
Sandy Van Zyl, '88
ELCA Pastor serving United Congregational Church (UCC)
Butte, Mont.

Matthew 21:23 When he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, "By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?"
24 Jesus said to them, "I will also ask you one question; if you tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things.
25 Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?" And they argued with one another, "If we say, "From heaven,' he will say to us, "Why then did you not believe him?'
26 But if we say, "Of human origin,' we are afraid of the crowd; for all regard John as a prophet."
27 So they answered Jesus, "We do not know." And he said to them, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.
28 "What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and said, "Son, go and work in the vineyard today.'
29 He answered, "I will not'; but later he changed his mind and went.
30 The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, "I go, sir'; but he did not go.
31 Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.
32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and even after you saw it, you did not change your minds and believe him. 
(New Revised Standard Version)
The Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, United States
Telephone: (651)641-3456-

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