Daily Meditation for Thursday, 1 June 2017 : "Jesus Is in the World Not of It" The Henri Nouwen Society in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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"Jesus Is in the World Not of It"
Photo courtesy of SDGimagery.com
The Beatitudes offer us a self-portrait of Jesus. At first it might seem to be a most unappealing portrait - who wants to be poor, mourning and persecuted? Who can be truly gentle, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker, and always concerned about justice? Where is the realism here? Don't we have to survive in this world and use the ways of the world to do so?
Jesus shows us the way to be in the world without being of it. When we model our lives on his, a new world will open up for us. The Kingdom of Heaven will be ours, and the earth will be our inheritance. We will be comforted and have our fill; mercy will be shown to us. Yes, we will be recognised as God's children and truly see God, not just in an afterlife, but here and now (see Matthew 5:3-10). That is the reward of modelling our lives on the life of Jesus!
For further reflection...
"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. The one who receives you receives me, and the one who receives me receives the one who sent me." [Matthew 10: 39-40 (NIV)]
Your response...
What do you find most challenging about modelling your life on Jesus and his teaching?
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Text excerpts taken from Bread for the Journey, by Henri J.M. Nouwen, ©1997 HarperSanFrancisco. All Scripture from The Jerusalem Bible ©1966, 1967, and 1968 Darton, Longman & Todd and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Scripture chosen by L. Yeskoo.
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