Need a VBS Program Quick? Here it is! for Thursdeay, 1 June 2017 - Society of St. Andrew / in Big Island, Virginia, United States
Abundance Orchard
Where Faith Grows and Hungry People are Fed
Complete Vacation Bible School Curriculum
Five 2-3 Hour Sessions
in Each Set
- Old Testament (Year 1)
- New Testament (Year 2)
Abundance Orchard includes biblical background and lesson preparation helps for teachers, and complete resources for storytelling, arts & crafts, recreation, music, snacks, and mission activities, along with VBS planning suggestions and daily memory verses.
Theologically Sound * Earth & Budget Friendly * FUN!
Broadly-Graded for Older Preschoolers-Grade 6
Easily Adaptable for Summer Sunday School, After-School Programs, Fifth-Sunday Programs, All-Church Retreats, and More!
Year 1: Old Testament
Five Old Testament stories about food and hunger, all focused on the God who provides for all our needs.
Abraham & Sarah prepare a meal for unexpected guests
Esau sells his birthright for some stew
The Hebrew people eat a quick meal
The Miraculous
God provides manna and quail in the desert
A poor mom shares her food with Elijah
Year 2: New Testament
Five New Testament stories about food and hunger, focused on God's abundant welcome.
Jesus prepares breakfast for his disciples on the beach
Jesus has lunch with a tax collector
Jesus has dinner at the home of his friends
Midnight Snack
Jesus tells a story about a midnight visitor
Jesus tells a story about a big party
We provide these materials to your congregation free of charge, for the purpose of raising hunger awareness and raising financial support for the gleaning and feeding ministries of the Society of St. Andrew.
The Society of St. Andrew involves people of all ages in hands-on mission and service, feeding their hungry neighbors by gleaning (picking, digging, or gathering) and bagging fresh fruits and vegetables that otherwise would go to waste. Each year more than 30,000 volunteers roll up their sleeves with SoSA, putting more than 80 million servings of produce on the tables of people in this country who need nourishing food most.
Your VBS mission offerings will make this work possible. Every 3¢ given will put one serving of healthy food on the table, so it is easy for your congregation to have a significant impact on people's lives!
Living blessings,
Betty Easter
Director of Church Relations
The Society of St. Andrew is a national nonprofit hunger-relief ministry that rescues 25-30 million pounds of fresh, nutritious, excess produce each year that would otherwise go to waste for various marketing reasons. This food is then distributed to critical feeding agencies across the country at no cost to the agencies or the hungry people they serve. More information about the Society of St. Andrew and its hunger-relief programs - Gleaning Network, Potato & Produce Project, and Harvest of Hope is available online at |
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