The latest General Assembly news...
Indianapolis, Indiana
Got hope? Share it!
The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.3 million members worshipping in more than 29,000 local congregations in 159 world areas.
The Global Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas, United States 66220
Phone: 913-577-0500
Department directory
Terms of Use — ECFA Member
Saturday night’s theme of “One Hope” began with an invocation by General Superintendent Eugénio R. Duarte.
Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International Director Woodie Stevens highlighted the importance of SDMI throughout the world.
“85 percent of all Christians come to Christ between the ages of 4 and 14,” he said.
Prior to the message by General Superintendent Jerry D. Porter, who was assisted by his wife, Toni, missionary Erica Contrarez, Olivet Nazarene University Professor Simone Twibell, and Stevens, the chorus “Revelation Song” was shared in a multitude of languages, representing the diverse locations of the Church of the Nazarene.
Jerry Porter began by allowing each sermon participant to interact throughout the message. The sermon challenged the audience with the question: “What is my hope?” The message reminded the audience that there are many who have lost hope: those who have suffered, been betrayed, and been abandoned. Porter, through interaction with the other participants, illustrated the need for hope on both individual and national levels. Porter shared that “none of us knows how God will answer prayer.”
However, hope is what sustains us throughout the journey. Sharing the example of Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27, Porter reminded: “even when we experience loss, our lives are in God’s hands, and Jesus is our only hope.” This hope begins with the hope that Jesus is our Savior, and it must be shared.
“Hope has a name,” he continued, “and it is Jesus!”
Our hope is also in Jesus as our sanctifer and sustainer.
“If Jesus is the hope for our world, then we, as the Body of Christ, also are the hope for our world,” Porter said.
He stated that the Vision 2020 goal is a hopeful vision for the future that challenges Nazarenes to continue to share the hope of Jesus with the world. We are to pray for workers for God’s mission while being a worker ourselves – this is how the hope of Jesus will transform the world.
Highlighting the Seven Characteristics of the Church of the Nazarene, each presenter emphasized the means by which we can share the hope of Jesus to the world. Porter concluded the service with personal testimonies of changed lives through the hope of Jesus Christ.
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Indianapolis, Indiana
NYI announces new NYI chair, holds youth quiz
Indianapolis, Indiana
NYI announces new NYI chair, holds youth quiz
As nearly 750 delegates gathered at nine regional sites around the world for a time of celebration and reflection on the past four years, they also looked toward the future by electing a new global Nazarene Youth International council chair.
Adiel Teixeira of the Brazil Rio de Janeiro Baixada District was elected on the third ballot for this position and will serve from 2017 to 2021. Teixeira currently serves as the regional NYI president for South America and has served in youth ministry on the local, district, national, and regional levels for more than 14 years.
“I desire to see NYI help every individual discover their place of belonging in the Body of Christ, to understand they are important and valued by NYI, and have a place at the table to speak and be heard,” Teixeira said. “I long to see young people feel they are fully integrated into the whole body and given a voice.”
The Global NYI Convention wrapped up Friday afternoon with worship led by the USA/Canada regional band Harbour and a commission to “GO” as leaders into the world. Delegates shared in a time of communion and were reminded one final time to not let anyone look down on them because they are young, but to set an example for all other believers as indicated in the NYI theme verse of 1 Timothy 4:12.
Additionally, USA/Canada NYI hosted the National Youth Quiz, in which 100 of the top youth quizzers from across the region competed. Huge crowds of enthusiastic family members and friends supported their quizzers.
After studying Luke this year, next year Nazarene Youth Quizzers will learn 1 and 2 Corinthians. Resources are available now through Nazarene Publishing House.
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Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis, Indiana
SDMI nominates first General Board representative
During the regional forums for Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International, each of the six world regions chose one nominee to be considered by the Global Council to represent SDMI to the Church of the Nazarene’s General Board. The following individuals were nominated: Irene R. Mpangana (Africa), John Kim (Asia-Pacific), Milon Patwary (Eurasia), Marta Gonzalez (Mesoamerica), Galdina Arrais (South America), and Kyle Poole (USA/Canada).
The Global SDMI Council voted to nominate Milon Patwary as the SDMI representative. Patwary will be considered for approval by the General Assembly next week.
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Indianapolis, Indiana
JFHP resources Spanish speakers to share Jesus
Indianapolis, Indiana
JFHP resources Spanish speakers to share Jesus
JESUS Film Harvest Partners hosted a workshop Saturday to further resource Spanish speakers as they share Jesus.
Assistant Field Services Coordinator Daniel Herrera demonstrated an easy way to evangelize through the EvangeCube, which unfolds to share the gospel through pictures. The tool provides pastors and lay people with a visual aid to reach oral learners with the simplicity of the gospel. Herrera discussed the importance of finding a tool that fits their ministry profile.
The workshop also focused on Encuentros Bible study materials, which mobilizes lay people to share the gospel with friends and family, bringing ministry into a home context.
Kansas City District (USA/Canada) Hispanic Ministries Coordinator Carlos Fernandez shared via video how the Encuentros material was a blessing locally. He has seen a growth in cell groups and more people coming to Christ.
South America Regional Coordinator of Evangelism Napoleon Guerrero testified how the material has benefitted evangelism and discipleship in South America. JESUS Film teams here began using the Encuentros material in 2010. At the time, the percentage of evangelistic contacts who made a decision for Christ was 18 percent. Today, this percentage is 28, which Herrera contributes largely to the personal connections people make through the Encuentros material.
Herrera hopes the workshop sparked some ideas for Spanish speakers.
“There are so many different tools and resources available for ministry,” he said. “It can be overwhelming to look for the right one. As a ministry focused on resourcing others, JFHP believes that it’s important to provide a hub to access many options.”
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Indianapolis, Indiana
Kids Reaching Kids Big EventOn Thursday and Friday afternoon, more than 750 children attended the Big Event hosted by Kids Reaching Kids. Kidz Blitz, a ministry from Orlando, Florida, organized a high-octane gospel presentation including games and competitions. Children were challenged to have courage to receive Jesus, have the backbone to live for Him, and be bold in their witness.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Kids Reaching Kids Big EventOn Thursday and Friday afternoon, more than 750 children attended the Big Event hosted by Kids Reaching Kids. Kidz Blitz, a ministry from Orlando, Florida, organized a high-octane gospel presentation including games and competitions. Children were challenged to have courage to receive Jesus, have the backbone to live for Him, and be bold in their witness.
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GA live streaming
Day/Date/Time/Speaker (All times Eastern Daylight Time)
Thursday 22 June, Gustavo A. Crocker
Friday 23 June, David W. Graves
Saturday 24 June, Jerry D. Porter
Sunday 25 June, J. K. Warrick
Sunday 25 June, 4:00 p.m., Eugénio R. Duarte
Monday 26 June, Quadrennial Address, David A. Busic
GA live streaming
Live Streaming
The 2017 General Assembly worship services and GA plenary meetings will be live streamed for online viewing (Note: SDMI, NMI, GNEC, and NYI plenaries are not able to be broadcast). For Spanish, French, and Portuguese, interpreters' audio will be included. Services will be archived and posted for additional/later viewing.
The service schedule for Sunday morning, 25 June, including music selections, can be downloaded by clicking here (All times Eastern Daylight Time. For the official time in Indianapolis, click here.). Archived service broadcasts are available below.
Day/Date/Time/Speaker (All times Eastern Daylight Time)
Thursday 22 June, Gustavo A. Crocker
Friday 23 June, David W. Graves
Saturday 24 June, Jerry D. Porter
Sunday 25 June, J. K. Warrick
Sunday 25 June, 4:00 p.m., Eugénio R. Duarte
Monday 26 June, Quadrennial Address, David A. Busic
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GA 2017 app
GA 2017 app
The 2017 General Assembly app is now available on iOS and Android devices.
The app includes several features to help attendees keep track of event activities, including a daily schedule and a map of the Indiana Convention Center.
Attendees can filter events or use the search feature to look for specific activities. The schedule section also includes the option to star activities. There are optional reminders for starred events, which are then added to the “Favorites and Notes” section for easy access.
While an account is not required to use the app, attendees can create an account to connect with others at the event.
Additional app features include a General Assembly news section, access to online giving, and a link to the live stream.
To download the app, search “Nazarene GA 2017” on the App Store or Google Play.
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To view the complete Daily Summary as distributed at General Assembly,click here.
Previous editions:
Wednesday 21 June
Thursday 22 June
Friday 23 June
Saturday 24 June
Follow along through social media with #GA2017 or check out a curated feed of posts from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by clicking here.

Copyright © 2017 NCN News, All rights reserved.
Nazarene Communications Network
To view the complete Daily Summary as distributed at General Assembly,click here.
Previous editions:
Wednesday 21 June
Thursday 22 June
Friday 23 June
Saturday 24 June
Follow along through social media with #GA2017 or check out a curated feed of posts from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by clicking here.
Copyright © 2017 NCN News, All rights reserved.
Nazarene Communications Network
Material created and owned by NCN News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.
The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.3 million members worshipping in more than 29,000 local congregations in 159 world areas.
The Global Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas, United States 66220
Phone: 913-577-0500
Department directory
Terms of Use — ECFA Member
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