Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Prayer Mobilization Line for Wednesday, October 7, 2015 "Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.[Isaiah 55:6 NLT] from The Global Church of the Nazarene's Nazarene Mission International in Lenexa, Kansas, United States

Prayer Mobilization Line for Wednesday, October 7, 2015 "Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.[Isaiah 55:6 NLT] from The Global Church of the Nazarene's Nazarene Mission International in Lenexa, Kansas, United States
Seed of Holiness
Listeners of World Mission Broadcast's (WMB) radio programs are showing up at Nazarene churches in Waterloo, Freetown, and Lumley, Sierra Leone. They tell the church's pastors that the balanced messages they hear about the Christian faith, combined with practical life guidance, is what’s drawn them to church. Praise God!
Myanmar Growth
On October 4, 2015, the second Nazarene church in Yangon, Myanmar, had their first worship service in a new space because they had outgrown their previous location. Missionary Dong Hwan “Bill” Kwon says that four more new churches coming soon. Praise God!

Motocross Event
Pray for the group of Nazarenes who meet each week at a motocross track in the Philippines where they have an incredible ministry to the riders. This “organic church” is putting on an event Saturday, October 10, at the track that will include devotions and prayer before the riders mount up. Afterward the race, a band from the U.S. will perform and share Christ to the crowd of young people. Pray for God’s perfect will to prevail in everything related to the motocross event in the Philippines. Our God is greater!
Jordan and Lebanon Refugees
Missionary Jörg Eich says, “In Jordan and Lebanon, the situation with refugees is heartbreaking. Lebanon’s population is about 4 million and the number of refugees is estimated at 1.5 million and growing every day. Jordan’s population is about 6 million plus approximately 1.5 million refugees. Nazarene churches and schools are doing incredible work among the refugees, but they are reaching the limits of their capacities. Keep Nazarene workers in Jordan and Lebanon in your prayers. Pray for the refugees, that even in the midst of these difficult times that they will come to know Jesus as Savior. Jörg is the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries coordinator for the Eurasia Region.
South Carolina Flooding
As floodwaters in South Carolina begin to recede, please join us in prayer. Several Nazarene churches sustained moderate damage, and several members' homes were flooded. Pray for churches as they minister to their neighbors. Crisis Care Kits have been diverted to Sumter, SC. The district is currently assessing the full extent of the damage to determine other needs.
Burundi Prayers
Pray for the central African country of Burundi. Nazarene missionaries and the Field Strategy Coordinator there are monitoring the situation and confirm they are ok. However, they are asking that we pray for both safety and peace. Burundi has been locked in its worst political crisis since its civil war ended a decade ago.
CAA Prayers
A family who serves in a creative access area would appreciate your prayer support for:
Calling and equipping of local church pastors and leaders
Development of Nazarene churches throughout the field
Multiplication of disciples who make disciples
Strong relationships of love with our neighbors and friends
Opportunities to share the Good News
The adventure of homeschooling our children
Strengthening Connections
Missionaries sometimes serve in isolated locations or they are so inundated by the needs in their area, that they don't have the time to keep up with what God is doing in the rest of the region on which they serve. Soon, missionaries on the Asia-Pacific Region – adults, teens, and children - will gather to connect with God, His mission, and each other. Please pray:
That God will bless this gathering with a wonderful sense of His Spirit.
For safe travels. The gathering will require close to 1/2 million cumulative miles of air travel.
For safety during the event.
PML Field Focus – North Central Field
We’ve been learning about and praying for God's work on the Mesoamerica Region's North Central Field. The North Central Field is made up of the countries of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Today we will pray over specific requests sent in by field leadership and learn about the beginning of the Church of the Nazarene’s work in El Salvador:
Pray for:
Nazarene leaders on the 24 districts of the North Central Field as they develop and execute The Power of One evangelism and discipleship strategy
New sponsors for the field's Nazarene Compassionate Ministries' (NCM) Child Sponsorship program. They currently have 1,000 children in need of sponsors but only 700 sponsors
The children who are already sponsored by the NCM program as they study in city and rural schools. Pray for their health and for their parents who serve as pastors in remote areas with little financial resources
The people who are preparing to serve as volunteer missionaries in areas where there is not a single Nazarene church. Ask God to meet all their needs.
The seminary students who graduated this year in Youth Ministries, Course of Study, and Theology programs.
Click here to learn about the beginning of the Church of the Nazarene's work in El Salvador in the Printable version of PML.
October Missionary Prayer Focus
NMI Prayer Mobilization Line for Wednesday, October 7, 2015 "Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near."[Isaiah 55:6 NLT]
Seed of Holiness
Listeners of World Mission Broadcast's (WMB) radio programs are showing up at Nazarene
churches in Waterloo, Freetown, and Lumley, Sierra Leone. They tell the church's pastors that
the balanced messages they hear about the Christian faith, combined with practical life guidance,
is what’s drawn them to church. WMB leader, Vidal, says, “Through radio ministry, many lives
have been touched and the seed of holiness planted in their hearts.”
Praise God!
Myanmar Growth
On October 4, 2015, the second Nazarene church in Yangon, Myanmar, had their first worship
service in a new space because they had outgrown their previous location. Missionary Dong
Hwan “Bill” Kwon says that four more new churches coming soon. Praise God!
Motocross Event
Pray for the group of Nazarenes who meet each week at a motocross track in the Philippines
where they have an incredible ministry to the riders. This “organic church” is putting on an event
Saturday, October 10, at the track that will include devotions and prayer before the riders mount
up. Afterward the race, a band from the U.S. will perform and share Christ to the crowd of young
people. Pray for God’s perfect will to prevail in everything related to the motocross event in the
Philippines. Our God is greater!
Jordan and Lebanon Refugees
Missionary Jörg Eich says, “In Jordan and Lebanon, the situation with refugees is heartbreaking.
Lebanon’s population is about 4 million and the number of refugees is estimated at 1.5 million
and growing every day. Jordan’s population is about 6 million plus approximately 1.5 million
refugees. Nazarene churches and schools are doing incredible work among the refugees, but
they are reaching the limits of their capacities. To give an example, our small church near a
refugee camp on the border with Syria welcomes more than 100 refugee children every Sunday,
yet they have no pastor there. Three elders are leading the congregation."
Keep Nazarene workers in Jordan and Lebanon in your prayers. Pray for the refugees, that
even in the midst of these difficult times that they will come to know Jesus as Savior. Jörg is the
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries coordinator for the Eurasia Region.
South Carolina Flooding
As floodwaters in South Carolina begin to recede, please join us in prayer. Several Nazarene
churches sustained moderate damage, and several members' homes were flooded. Pray for
churches as they minister to their neighbors. Crisis Care Kits have been diverted to Sumter, SC.
The district is currently assessing the full extent of the damage to determine other needs.
Burundi Prayers
Pray for the central African country of Burundi. Nazarene missionaries and the Field Strategy
Coordinator there are monitoring the situation and confirm they are ok. However, they are asking
that we pray for both safety and peace.
Burundi has been locked in its worst political crisis since its civil war ended a decade ago.
According to an Oct. 1 report from The Associated Press, " The killings and arrests have
triggered fear and uncertainty across this central African country that was already shaken from
protests and a coup attempt earlier this year. "
CAA Prayers
A family who serves in a creative access area would appreciate your prayer support for:
• Calling and equipping of local church pastors and leaders
• Development of Nazarene churches throughout the field
• Multiplication of disciples who make disciples
• Strong relationships of love with our neighbors and friends
• Opportunities to share the Good News
• The adventure of homeschooling our children
Strengthening Connections
Missionaries sometimes serve in isolated locations or they are so inundated by the needs in their
area, that they don’t have the time to keep up with what God is doing in the rest of the region on
which they serve. Soon, missionaries on the Asia-Pacific Region – adults, teens, and children -
will gather to connect with God, His mission, and each other. Please pray:
• That God will bless this gathering with a wonderful sense of His Spirit.
• For safe travels. The gathering will require close to 1/2 million cumulative miles of air
• For safety during the event.
PML Field Focus – North Central Field
We’ve been learning about and pray for God’s work on the Mesoamerica Region’s North Central
Field. The North Central Field is made up of the countries of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador,
and Nicaragua. Today we will pray over specific requests sent in by field leadership and about the
beginning of the Church of the Nazarene’s work in El Salvador:
Pray for:
• Nazarene leaders on the 24 districts of the North Central Field as they develop and
execute The Power of One evangelism and discipleship strategy.
• New sponsors for the field’s Nazarene Compassionate Ministries’ (NCM) Child
Sponsorship program. They currently have 1,000 children in need of sponsors but only
700 sponsors.
• The children who are already sponsored by the NCM program as they study in city and
rural schools. Pray for their health—they face illnesses such as dengue fever. Pray for
their parents as they serve as pastors in remote areas with little financial resources.
• The men and women who are preparing to serve as volunteer missionaries in areas
where there is not a single Nazarene church. Ask God to meet all their needs.
• The seminary students who graduated this year in Youth Ministries, Course of Study, and
Theology programs.
North Central Field Focus – El Salvador
 Wedged against the Pacific by its bigger neighbors, Guatemala and Honduras, El
Salvador is the smallest yet most densely populated of the Central America republics. In
the early 1950s, Guatemalan Nazarenes began to dream about taking the Gospel to El
Salvador. In 1957 a group of eight leaders went to the town of San Martin and conducted
the first Nazarene evangelistic effort. The event was well attended and several people
accepted Christ, yet, the work languished. In 1963, newly appointed Guatemala
superintendent Federico Guillermo caught the vision of what God wanted to do in
neighboring El Salvador and he sent two women to open the work. Ernestina Lopez and
Amparo Ruano had been part of the eight people that conducted that first event in San
Martin. Now, six years later, their feet were on the ground again in El Salvador with the 
mission to tell people about Jesus. After an intensive visitation program, regular church
services began on May 17, 1964, the year the Church of the Nazarene officially entered El
 Today, there are 8,890 Nazarenes in El Salvador attending 53 churches*. Praise God!
*Statistics by World Area, 2014, Research Services, Church of the Nazarene
October Missionary Prayer Focus
Join Verne Ward, director of Global Mission, and pray for these requests sent in by missionaries who are part of the October Prayer Focus:
Grant and Aisling Zweigle, serving in the Philippines
• Praise: We are thankful for the way the Lord is providing for our family. Our boys are thriving at Faith Academy; Aisling is engaged in meaningful and transformative work through her 365M studies; and I (Grant) am enjoying the opportunity to teach and mentor students at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary.
• Prayer: As we look forward to the next year, we are aware that our contract ends in May 2016. While we don’t want to look too far ahead, we are praying and seeking the Lord’s will for our family in the next season. We appreciate your prayers as we wait upon the
Lord, listen to the opportunities the church presents to us, and discern how we can best continue to participate in God’s mission in the world as a family.
Segundo and Lourdes Rimarachin, serving in Peru
• Pray that God sustains us with His grace and strength to fulfill His holy work.
Jason and Karen Courtney, serving in Honduras
• God has given us a vision to build soccer fields across Honduras that would be used for evangelism and for bringing youth out of gang life and into a life with Christ. Pray that God will make His plans clear. Pray that others will join us in this endeavor and that
God will raise up people who can help purchase property. We need people that can purchase the properties needed to fulfill this vision. Pray for Pastor Cristian Juarez of Tres de Mayo Church of the Nazarene. He has a soccer ministry that is reaching over 200 kids and 100 adults per week. And he is willing to help us start the same work in other locations.
• Pray that teams who come and volunteer here, will leave here changed and thatthe people of Honduras changed. They will go home and share with others what God is doing through the work of the Church of the Nazarene.
• Pray for Honduras’s District Superintendents Alex Bardales and Begardo Bardales • Pray for our daughter, Ella, who has an ingrown toenail that’s been removed three times. It was ingrown on the right side, she prayed for healing, and God did. Now, the left side is ingrown and we are praying for God to heal it again. 
• Pray for protection from chikungunya, dengue, and other infection diseases.
100th Anniversary
One hundred years ago, on October 8, 1915, the ministry that today is called Nazarene Missions International (NMI) was born. General Superintendent Emeritus and former NMI Global Director Nina Gunter says, "NMI has been for 100 years, and continues to be, the mission organization and ministry movement to engage people in the local church to pray, learn, give, and go. I can't imagine where missions in the Church of the Nazarene would be without NMI. Thank God for all the hands and hearts to the task for these 100 years. God turns faithful obedience into fruitfulness."
Pray for the men and women who lead the mission work of the Church of the Nazarene in local churches. Ask God to give these leaders vision and passion to ignite the hearts of all generations to carry out the privilege of sharing the Gospel and making disciples around the world. 
Please also pray for the people who will travel to Guatemala City this week to participate in the Mesoamerica Region’s NMI Conference where they will celebrate what God has done and will do through NMI. Regional mission leaders have been praying fervently for the 40 days leading up to the conference that will take place October 7-10. May God be glorified in every aspect of the gathering.
General Superintendents
Please pray for the ministry and safety of the general superintendents who are traveling during October.
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
Eugénio Duarte
David W. Graves
David A. Busic
Gustavo A. Crocker
Marion Rich—UPDATE
Former missionary Marion Rich continues to improve beyond doctor’s expectations after a car accident last week. There is still a long road ahead. She remains on a respirator and due to her
age, they have decided not to operate on the numerous rib fractures. She also has two fractures in the spine that do not require anything but immobility for the time being. Please pray for her breathing to become more normal and for the healing of the bones. Marion and her husband, Harry, served in Haiti and Rwanda. She is also the mother of missionary Dwight Rich, who currently serves in Ecuador.
Thanks for praying.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”[Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Anglo-Irish statesman, author, and philosopher]
Join Verne Ward, director of Global Mission, and pray for these requests sent in by missionaries who are part of the October Prayer Focus:
Grant and Aisling Zweigle, serving in the Philippines
Praise: We are thankful for the way the Lord is providing for our family. Our boys are thriving at Faith Academy; Aisling is engaged in meaningful and transformative work through her 365M studies; and I (Grant) am enjoying the opportunity to teach students at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Prayer: Our missionary contract ends in May 2016. While we don’t want to look too far ahead, we are praying and seeking the Lord’s will for our family in the next season. We appreciate your prayers as we wait upon the Lord.
Segundo and Lourdes Rimarachin, serving in Peru
Pray that God sustains us with His grace and strength to fulfill His holy work.
Jason and Karen Courtney, serving in Honduras
God has given us a vision to build soccer fields across Honduras that would be used for evangelism and for bringing youth out of gang life and into a life with Christ. Pray that God will make His plans clear and provide all that is needed.
Pray for our daughter, Ella, who has an ingrown toenail that’s been removed three times. It was ingrown on the right side, she prayed for healing, and God did. Now, the left side is ingrown and we are praying for God to heal it again.
Pray for protection from chikungunya, dengue, and other infection diseases.Click here to read more requests from the Courtneys.
100th Anniversary
One hundred years ago, on October 8, 1915, the ministry that today is called Nazarene Missions International (NMI) was born. General Superintendent Emeritus and former NMI Global Director Nina Gunter says, "NMI has been for 100 years, and continues to be, the mission organization and ministry movement to engage people in the local church to pray, learn, give, and go. I can't imagine where missions in the Church of the Nazarene would be without NMI. Thank God for all the hands and hearts to the task for these 100 years. God turns faithful obedience into fruitfulness."
Pray for the men and women who lead the mission work of the Church of the Nazarene in local churches. Ask God to give these leaders vision and passion to ignite the hearts of all generations to carry out the privilege of sharing the Gospel and making disciples around the world.
Please also pray for the people who will travel to Guatemala City this week to participate in the Mesoamerica Region’s NMI Conference where they will celebrate what God has done and will do through NMI. Regional mission leaders have been praying fervently for the 40 days leading up to the conference that will take place October 7-10. May God be glorified in every aspect of the gathering.
General Superintendents
Please pray for the ministry and safety of the general superintendents who are traveling during October.
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
Eugénio Duarte
David W. Graves
David A. Busic
Gustavo A. Crocker
Marion Rich—UPDATE
Former missionary Marion Rich continues to improve beyond doctor’s expectations after a car accident last week. There is still a long road ahead. She remains on a respirator and due to her age, they have decided not to operate on the numerous rib fractures. She also has two fractures in the spine that do not require anything but immobility for the time being. Please pray for her breathing to become more normal and for the healing of the bones. Marion and her husband, Harry, served in Haiti and Rwanda. She is also the mother of missionary Dwight Rich, who currently serves in Ecuador.
Thank you for praying.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." [Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Anglo-Irish statesman, author, and philosopher]

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