Thursday, October 8, 2015

Reflecting God - "God’s Promise of Peace" from The Global Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, Kansas, United States for Wednesday, 7 October 2015 - Embrace Holy Living - Scripture: Judges 6:25-40

Reflecting God - "God’s Promise of Peace" from The Global Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, Kansas, United States for Wednesday, 7 October 2015 - Embrace Holy Living - Scripture: Judges 6:25-40RG AUDIO 100715
Judges 6:25 That very night Adonai said to him, “Take your father’s bull and the other bull, the seven-year-old. Destroy the altar to Ba‘al that belongs to your father, cut down the sacred pole next to it, 26 and build a proper altar to Adonai your God on top of this strong-point. Then take the second bull; and offer it as a burnt offering, using the wood of the sacred pole you cut down.” 27 Gid‘on took ten of his servants and did what Adonai had told him to do. He didn’t do it by day, because he was afraid of the men in his father’s household and those from the city, so he did it at night. 28 When the men of the city got up the next morning, there was the altar of Ba‘al destroyed, the sacred pole cut down, and the second bull a burnt offering on the newly built altar. 29 They asked each other, “Who could have done this?” But after investigating, they concluded that Gid‘on the son of Yo’ash had done it. 30 “Bring out your son,” the men of the city demanded of Yo’ash, “so that he may die, because he destroyed the altar of Ba‘al and cut down the sacred pole next to it!” 31 But Yo’ash said to all those crowding around him, “You’re defending Ba‘al, are you? It’s your job to save him? Anyone who defends Ba‘al will be put to death before morning! If he’s a god, let him defend himself! After all, somebody destroyed his altar!” 32 Therefore on that day Gid‘on was given the name Yeruba‘al [let Ba‘al defend], because they said, “Let Ba‘al defend himself against him, since he destroyed his altar.”
33 Now all Midyan, ‘Amalek and the others from the east joined forces, crossed the Yarden, and set up camp in the Yizre‘el Valley. 34 But the Spirit of Adonai covered Gid‘on. He sounded the call on the shofar, and Avi‘ezer rallied behind him. 35 He sent messengers throughout all M’nasheh, and they too rallied behind him. He also sent messengers to Asher, Z’vulun and Naftali; and they came up to join them.
36 Gid‘on said to God, “If you are going to save Isra’el through me, as you said you would, 37 then, here: I will lay a wool fleece on the threshing-floor; if there is dew on the fleece only, while all the ground stays dry, I will be convinced that you will save Isra’el through me, as you said you would.” 38 And it happened! He got up early in the morning, pressed the fleece together and wrung dew out of it, a bowlful of water. 39 But Gid‘on said to God, “Don’t be angry with me because I am asking one more thing, let me make one more test, please: this time let it be dry only on the fleece, with dew all over the ground.” 40 And that is what God did that night — it was dry only on the fleece, even though there was dew all over the ground.
"God’s Promise of Peace" by 
Author: Tim Stearman
A while ago, my mother took the tumble many older adults fear–she fell and broke a hip. Eight weeks later it happened again, to the other hip. My brother and I realized we couldn’t ignore the hard decision–Mom needed care that neither of us could provide. We prepared her new home at a very nice assisted living center.
Her adjustment was difficult. She’s quite dependent on a walker to get around. I call her every night, and from the first “Hello,” I can tell how her day has gone. Some are better than others. After a while, she felt well enough to leave her room and attend chapel. Her voice was different that night. Though I couldn’t see her, I could tell she was glowing. For the first time since arriving in her new “home,” she had experienced a bit of peace.
Peace doesn’t always come all at once. Sometimes it has to grow on us, just as it’s growing on my mother. There is great comfort in knowing God promises peace to his people (Psalm 85:8). We tend to focus on “peace,” but notice the mention of “promise”–God promises peace to His people.
Hymn for Today: "Where The Spirit if The Lord Is" by Stephen R. Adams copyright 1973 by Pilot Point Music (ASCAP), Box 419527, Kansas City, Missouri 64141, United States. All rights reserved.
Where the spirit of the Lord is, 
there is love and peace. 
Where the spirit of the Lord is, 
there is sweet love. 
There is comfort in life’s darkest hour. 
There is light and life, 
there is help and power in the Spirit, 
in the Spirit of the Lord. 
"16 Now may the Lord of shalom himself give you shalom always in all ways. The Lord be with all of you." 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Please pray:
For compassionate ministries among the poor and in disaster areas of Haiti.

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