Friday, October 9, 2015

The L'Arche Canada Foundation from Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada for Friday 9 October 2015 "The one who is poorest is not the one that we think is the poorest."

The L'Arche Canada Foundation from Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada for Friday 9 October 2015 "The one who is poorest is not the one that we think is the poorest."
Is it possible to discover that I am more governed by my fears than by anything else? I don't want to hear the cry of the poor because if I do, I will have to change. And, I will not know what to do. I will feel lost and not know what to do--a feeling of complete inadequacy and powerlessness. And this will reveal to me that I have everything except the essential. I have friends, I have money, power, knowledge; but I do not have the capacity to share, to listen and to love. Not only do I feel helpless but I discover that maybe I'm all wrong, that all my values are upside down. I suddenly discover that I am not so good and, finally, that I am more governed by fear than by anything else. I begin to put my finger on the fear, and out of that culture which told me that I must be the best, I discover that the poor are teaching me that I am poor.[Jean Vanier]

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