Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekly eNote from Pastor Jason Gant of The Resurrection United Methodist Church West in Olathe, Kansas, United States for Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekly eNote from Pastor Jason Gant of The Resurrection United Methodist Church West in Olathe, Kansas, United States for Friday, October 9, 2015

Resurrection West,
We are 25 years old Sunday! Who could have imagined what would God do over these last 25 years……and we are just getting started! Our celebration begins tomorrow evening with our annual FALL FESTIVAL from 5-7pm with hayrides, face-painting, petting zoo, corn maze, dinner, cupcakes and candy – plus we conclude the evening with a HUGE FIREWORKS DISPLAY! Here are a few pics from last year. See more on our facebook page and share the post to invite your friends and neighbors to the KINGDOM party! Click here to go to our facebook page to see more pics and share an invitation on your page.

Pastor Adam will begin a sermon series calling us forward to God's vision in the next 25 years (plus share some fun pics from the very first Resurrection service ever). We also welcome a powerful guest worship leader! This Sunday is about our call to invite others, so who could you invite to join us in worship on Sunday? You will hear stories and testimony sure to inspire and ignite a passion to share the story of Jesus!
This week, I am writing my eNote on Thursday evening in the Sanctuary while listening to our worship team rehearse and I have goosebumps right now! Lindsay Hefner, our guest worship leader, is leading rehearsal and the band sounds absolutely amazing! Lindsay comes to us this weekend from Dayton, Ohio, where she currently serves on the worship leadership team at Ginghamsburg Church – one of the largest United Methodist Churches in America! Help me welcome her with the warmth and heart of RezWest all weekend.
Last Sunday I shared that we are breaking ground on Dec. 13th for the phase 2 expansion. Construction will begin right after Christmas and we will open up phase 2 this time next year, which we will be right at our 10th birthday. I'm praying now for God to continue to do unimaginable work through us in the next 10 years as we live into this new tool for mission and ministry. Your building committee has been working hard at refining and focusing our efforts to get the most usable space we can and its going to be awesome! Here are the visuals I shared last Sunday of what it will look like.

This Monday night, October 12th, the Revival study has a slight time change due to Royal’s play-off schedule. We will be starting earlier at 6pm – with the teaching beginning at 6:30pm – concluding by 7:30pm so we can cheer on the boys in blue!
Upcoming opportunities to grow…..
Metamorphosis Fall Retreat 2015 for students in 6th–12th grades. Includes worship, hayride, Night Strike, games, Snack Shack and time with friends. Don’t miss an amazing time to grow in faith, Nov. 6-8, for 6th/7th/8th grade students; Nov. 13-15, for high school students. To learn more and register, go to and click on the Metamorphosis link on the right. Contact with questions.
Upward Sports Basketball – Registration is open for boys and girls age 5 through 6th grade for Winter 2016. The goal of this Christian-based sports program is to help children
and adults know, love and follow Jesus through sports activities. Register your child at We are looking for volunteers to coach, referee, greet, work concessions and pray for players and families. For more information, contact
Small Groups are designed to build Christian community in a small group setting that offers opportunity for fellowship and study. If you aren’t doing life with a small group, consider joining or forming one! We currently have two new small groups forming at RezWest: one for couples with children ages birth – 2 years (or expecting their first child), and another for Empty Nesters in their 50s to early 60s. No dates are set for the groups yet; we are currently checking on a date for a meet and greet. Contact
Pizza with the Pastors – Tuesday, Nov. 3 , 6:30-8:30 pm. Are you considering joining Resurrection? The first step is to attend Coffee/Pizza with the Pastors where you will
learn more about the church, get to know our pastors and review expectations regarding membership. Childcare is available. Register at For more information, visit
Upcoming opportunities to serve…..
Committee Nominations Underway – 
The following committees are seeking candidates to serve beginning in 2016: Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Foundation, Nominations and Lay Delegates to Annual Conference. You can refer someone you know, or indicate your interest in serving by completing an Online Interest Form by Sunday, Oct. 18, at
Neighborhood Food Drive – Sack Hunger KC Neighborhood Food Drive bags are due this Sunday in the church entry!
FaithWork – Serve God by serving those in need! The next FaithWork date is Saturday, Nov. 14. Adults, students and children are welcome to participate as we begin working on Joy in Serving mission opportunities. Meet at 9 am at the Rez West Mission Center (25000 College Blvd, Olathe). For questions, contact
Share The Warmth Coat Drive – Donate new and gently used coats to help in-need children and adults stay warm this winter. All sizes needed and accepted in the Rez West entry through today, Sunday, Oct. 11.
Resurrection West Blood Drive – Monday, Nov. 9, 1-7 pm. Share the gift of life! Anyone who is healthy, at least 16 years old and weighs at least 115 pounds may donate blood. One donation can save two lives! Make an appointment today at, enter sponsorcode“rezwest.”
Early Response Team Training is for individuals who are interested in serving in a natural disaster area after emergency responders have rescued survivors and made the area safe. ERT volunteers tarp roofs, clear debris and listen to the stories of survivors. Join our team by attending training Saturday, Oct. 24, Leawood campus. For more information and to register, visit
Alpha coming in January – We will be offering a winter alpha session for any and all who would like to discover what it means to be a follower of Christ. This is such an important ministry here at RezWest and we need your help. We will need small group leaders, set-up/tear-down, food prep and service, and more. If you would like to serve – contact Dave Robertson at
Finally, I hope to see many of you and your guests at fall festival and worship this weekend. Bring in your “stop hunger” food bags by this Sunday and remember that we are collecting winter coats as a part of our missions’ component to fall festival this year!
Looking forward to the Kingdom party this weekend,
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Follow on twitter @rezwest
Connect on facebook at
Pastor Jason Gant
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States

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