Sunday, September 24, 2017 Daily of New York, New York, United States for Sunday, 24 September 2017 "DAILY DOSE: Beyond the Script" - - ב"ה - Daily Dose
ב"ה Daily of New York, New York, United States for Sunday, 24 September 2017 "DAILY DOSE: Beyond the Script"  -  - ב"ה - Daily Dose
By Tzvi Freeman
What do we bring to the table?
Our brains, our power, our beauty, are all from Him.
We can decide with our own free will to do good and to restrain ourselves from the opposite. Yet even then, we are only playing our role in the script for which we were formed.
But when we mess up, we can call out to the Infinite Light and say, “Dad, I still love you. Do you still love me?” and ask forgiveness.
That is not in the script. That is from beyond. Way beyond.
By Tzvi Freeman 
From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. Subscribe and get your dose daily. Or order Rabbi Freeman’s book, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here.

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