Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Chabad.org of New York, New York, United States for tuesday, 26 September 2017 "Mazal tov to Jews everywhere!" - MAZAL TOV to Jews everywhere for completing the Rambam study cycle!

Chabad.org of New York, New York, United States for tuesday, 26 September 2017 "Mazal tov to Jews everywhere!"  - MAZAL TOV to Jews everywhere for completing the Rambam study cycle!
Mazal Tov!
Today, hundreds of thousands of Jews will complete the entirety of Torah law, following a special study cycle initiated by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. A portion of Mishneh Torah—the 14-volume compendium on Jewish law by Maimonides (Rambam)—is studied every day.
Today, we conclude the 36th annual cycle.
Each year, more people join in this extraordinary experience of Jewish scholarship, which unites Jews of all walks of life in learning this unique work that encompasses all 613 mitzvot of the Torah.
The new cycle begins tomorrow. This is the perfect time to start learning Rambam every day.
There are three tracks to this study schedule, enabling everyone to join at their own pace:
In addition to Hebrew and English texts, you can also study via audio, video podcasts and even sign up to receive daily emails.
Find out more about this special study and celebration, and to join the new cycle (which begins Wednesday!):
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