Friday, September 22, 2017

Saint Paul School of Theology of Leawood, Kansas, United States for Friday, 22 September 2017 "Faculty Focus: Dr. Jim Brandt"

Saint Paul School of Theology of Leawood, Kansas, United States for Friday, 22 September 2017 "Faculty Focus: Dr. Jim Brandt"

Contextual Education Developments
Dr. Jim Brandt, Professor of Historical Theology and Director of Contextual Education
Experiential learning through an action-reflection model is an important part of our history and identity at Saint Paul. Here I am reporting Contextual Education developments that have energized our learning and teaching. These elements of our curriculum have been particularly significant.
Ministry Collaboration Groups are upper level, small group discussion classes for reflection on ministry. Six to eight students meet with a regular faculty member weekly to reflect on case studies from students’ ministry experiences. Students appreciate the opportunity to engage ministry with their peers and find the experience extremely valuable. Faculty from all disciplines relish the opportunity to connect with students around questions of ministry and vocation and students appreciate the theological content faculty bring to the conversations.
Practicums take a workshop format and focus on various ministry practices. Students read relevant material ahead of time and then gather for work with a practitioner for experiential learning related to ministry. Among the practicums that have struck a chord with students are a workshop for beginning preachers led by Dr. Mike Graves; engagement with prison ministry led by Dr. Stan Basler; reflection on ecclesiology in conjunction with participation in the Church of the Resurrection’s Leadership Institute led by Dr. Kris Kvam; focus on multi-cultural ministry led by Dr. Elaine Robinson; experience at the Cherith Brook Catholic Worker House in Kansas City, MO; and workshops on finances, technology, and funerals led by experienced practitioners.
Spiritual Formation Retreats happen each semester. The off-campus, day-long experiences aim to build community and provide opportunity for growth in personal and social holiness. Held at area churches in both the Kansas City and Oklahoma City areas, the retreats bring students together with faculty and staff for worship, fellowship, presentations on spirituality, and opportunities for silence. One retreat was held at Centennial UMC located in the historic 18th and Vine district in Kansas City, MO and included a prayer walk in the community led by the senior pastor and a visit to the Jazz Museum. The retreat for fall 2017 attends to “The Child in Our Midst,” led by Dr. Sharon Betsworth with worship led by Bishop-in-Residence Robert Hayes, Jr.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
11:00 a.m.- Noon
Installation of Dr. Jeanne Hoeft
Saint Paul Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean
Church of the Resurrection: Wesley Chapel
13720 Roe Avenue Leawood, Kansas 66224, United States
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Wayne E. Drake Peace Lecture
Ira Harritt
Kansas City community organizer &
peace award recipient
Lessons Learned: Reflections
on 30 Years of Peacemaking
Church of the Resurrection: Wesley Chapel
13720 Roe Avenue Leawood, Kansas 66224, United States

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