Saturday, September 23, 2017

Shawnee Church of the Nazarene of Shawnee, Kansas, United States for Saturday, 23 September 2017 "Pastor Cara's Weekly Email"

Shawnee Church of the Nazarene of Shawnee, Kansas, United States for Saturday, 23 September 2017 "Pastor Cara's Weekly Email"
Greetings Shawnee Family!
I have some friends that pastor in Texas and today their family grew from 4 to 6! They officially adopted their two foster kids today. Now, they were already a family of 6 for many many months now, but now it is “official.”
They posted the sweetest pictures online today. The first picture had both little ones holding heart shaped pillows over their faces. The next picture the kids moved the pillows down revealing their faces. The third picture had them throwing the pillows up in the air with such joy. It was amazing! I have to admit I had tears of joy streaming down my face as I say these sweet faces for the first time. You see, I have seen many pictures of these kids online, but their faces were never shown. I heard many stories, but never heard any names. Today… those precious little boys have a forever home, names to identify them with their family, and the biggest smiles on their faces. I am so thankful that my friends have modeled this amazing love for these kids. They have shared stories that have not always been easy, but that did not deter them from loving these kids and welcoming them into their home.
The same can be said for God. God adopts us, welcomes us with open arms into the family, gives us names that identify us with God forever, and the amazing grace of God brings big smiles to our faces.
Thanks be to God…
… for not giving up on us.
…for giving us an opportunity to be in relationship.
… for giving us a place to belong.
… for giving us identity as we seek to reflect God in all we say and do.
There is a lot of hurt and brokenness going on in our world today. My friends in Texas sharing this today was a bright light and also a reminder that God does not give up on us.
May we not give up on loving those around us and may we not give up on making a difference in the world.
Some of the brokenness and hardships in the world today are the many natural disasters in the last few months and the ongoing plight of those victims in human trafficking.
This Sunday is Freedom Sunday and we will spend some time praying for the end of human trafficking. Freedom Sunday is a day designated by Nazarene Compassionate Ministries specifically to address human trafficking in our world. We want to do what we can to help bring an end to all human trafficking! Lord, hear our prayer!

Also, our sisters and brothers in Mexico are in need of our support and prayers. They have recently been hit by two earthquakes. They have hit right around the same time as the many hurricanes and therefore not many know about these earthquakes. Merry Sickel, our Children’s Ministry Leader, has been in touch with her son, Stephen, who is the Nazarene Work and Witness coordinator for Mexico. He is working with the pastors in Mexico City to provide whatever aid he can. We want to pray specifically for Stephen, Anne, and their three kids as they minister in Mexico in these difficult days.

Picture taken by Stephen Sickel of a Nazarene congregation worshipping in front of their collapsed church.The world is broken… but in the midst of the brokenness, children are being adopted, people are coming to know the love of God, lives are being changed, people are being delivered from injustice and addictions.
May we be found faithful, may we be a people who so reflect God that we are a part of the healing this world so desperately needs. It’s easy to focus on all the brokenness, but let’s see it as as opportunity to share Christ in a world that is crying out for real love and restoration.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Cara


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