Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Deaf Devo - The Deaf Mission of Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States for Wednesday, 27 September 2017 "Wisdom (6)"

The Deaf Devo - The Deaf Mission of Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States for Wednesday, 27 September 2017 "Wisdom (6)"
Ecclesiastes 5:
Today we learn more wisdom that the writer of Ecclesiastes shares with his readers. Many people today worship their money. It was the same when Ecclesiastes was written. The writer of that book tells us what some people think about money and wealth.
People think that money gives them satisfaction. Ecclesiastes 5:10 says that is not true. "Those who love money will never be satisfied with the money they have. Those who love wealth will not be satisfied when they get more and more. This is also senseless." Also, some people think that money will solve all their problems. But having a lot of money usually gives people more problems.
Other people believe that wealth gives them peace of mind. But there are many people whose lives have been ruined by their wealth. The writer says that people think money gives them security. But bad things can happen and cause us to lose our money. Finally, we may have wealth on earth. But when we die, we cannot take our money with us.
We all need money to live, but it cannot bring us true happiness. True happiness can only come from a close relationship with God. Are you close to Him today?
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