Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Moore Opinion: The Enduring Power of Ink on Paper! for Wednesday, 17 October 2018 by Gary Moore

Moore Opinion: The Enduring Power of Ink on Paper! for Wednesday, 17 October 2018 by Gary Moore
This week, Arlene and I are traveling to Sierra Madre, California to see our daughter, son-in-law, and our amazing grandsons. Caleb and Noah are 8 and 6. As soon as we arrive, I'll purchase a local newspaper and sit down and read it with them. We'll discuss what we read and use it as both information gathering and a great bonding experience.
As I have stated before, I love newspapers. I love to hold them in my hands and scan the pages. I enjoy the feel, the smell, and the anticipation of what the next page may bring. I think in part because I remember my dad sitting each day after work, reading the paper. It was a daily ritual.
Local newspapers are indeed a major part of the fabric of a community, as the information that is provided keeps us locally informed and binds us together. The proclamation of the death of the local newspaper industry is greatly exaggerated. There is every reason for this local paper to not only survive but thrive. A community needs its very own newspaper.
In a world of cable news and social media, most Americans now get their news from Facebook, Twitter, MSNBC, CNN and Fox News. These sources are almost completely focused on national and international news. I'm a news junkie, so I'm also tuned in to these sources, but the best place to find out what's happening in the place you live is here, in your local newspaper.
Following trends and changes in lifestyle, most newspapers now have an online offering and that is great for people on the move. I travel often and its easy for me to find out what's happening locally even when I am several time zones away.
But there is more to the newspaper story.
Dan "Patio" Dalton, Sales Director at Kid Scoop ( posted an experience on that I found both interesting and amusing. With his permission, I will share it with you.
Dan writes, "So, I was reading my newspaper at a local Starbucks this morning. A young mother and her two young children came into the coffee shop, passing me on their way to order. On their way out, the mother looked at me and smiled. Outside the glass door I noticed they stopped, and she was having a conversation with her children. They all turned and reentered the coffee shop and approached me."
"I was talking with my kids and they said, that man was reading a newspaper and not a screen. He must be smart."
Dan's post reminds me how unusual it must be for some children to see someone reading a physical newspaper. We are a nation addicted to our screens and hand-held gadgets. Many believe that reading from a screen or a piece of paper is the same. You may be surprised to find that it may not be so.
There are numerous studies looking at the difference and the results are surprising. writes, "There is evidence from laboratory experiments, polls and consumer reports that indicate that modern screens and e-readers fail to adequately recreate certain tactile experiences of reading on paper that many people miss, and more importantly, prevent them from navigating long texts in an intuitive and satisfying way. In turn, such navigational difficulties may subtly inhibit reading comprehension. Compared with paper, screens may also drain more of our mental resources, while making it harder to remember what we read."
I certainly know from experience, reading from paper gives me both better comprehension and recall of what I have read.
I love my digital devices. I believe they have an important place in our world, but they should not be viewed as an adequate replacement for printed words. The evidence is mounting that our kids should be taught to read from books and newspapers. This is all beside the fact that reading from a screen can be more taxing and damaging to your eyes.
Subscribe to and read your local newspaper. Know what is happening locally as well as globally. Your kids know how to read and navigate a screen. Teach them to hold and read from a newspaper. They should have the opportunity to know and experience both, so they can make intelligent choices of how they get their news and information.
As Dan learned, reading a newspaper can make you look smarter. Scientific research may be showing that it not only makes you look smarter but may increase your level of intelligence.
Wow! Behold, the power of this newspaper.
Gary W. Moore is a syndicated columnist, speaker and author of three books including the award-winning, critically acclaimed, "Playing with the Enemy." Follow Gary on Twitter @GaryWMoore721 and at

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