Friday, September 22, 2017

Around The Region... "Hurricane Irma cuts catastrophic path, MOVE, Shipai Church Takes Risk in Discipleship... and More!!!" The Global Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region of Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines - VOLUME 5, ISSUE 29 for FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2017

Around The Region... "Hurricane Irma cuts catastrophic path, MOVE, Shipai Church Takes Risk in Discipleship... and More!!!" The Global Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region of Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines - VOLUME 5, ISSUE 29 for FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2017

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Hurricane Irma cuts catastrophic path
Hurricane Irma left most part of the Caribbean devastated. While some islands were relatively spared, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Martin/St. Maarten, St. Barthemely, Anguila and the Virgin Islands were severely affected.
Our Nazarene churches in affected communities joined forces with state agencies and are responding to the needs in the communities as inhabitants of all the islands hit now have extremely limited resources, little-to-no electricity, and are coping with flooding and huge losses.Click here on how to pray, help and give.Regional Prayer Requests Page
Three Nazarene churches in St. Martin were severely damaged by the catastrophic winds. (AP photo)
Hurricane Irma is moving north after leaving a wake of destruction in the Caribbean starting on Wednesday. While some islands were relatively spared, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Martin/St. Maarten, St. Barthemely, Anguilla, and the Virgin Islands were devastated. At least 13 deaths were reported as of 7 September, and that number is expected to rise.
In areas affected by flooding, access to safe drinking water and sanitation is limited, and the risk of waterborne disease is increased. As many as 26 million people are expected to be affected by the hurricane, according to Red Cross estimates.
Next in the storm’s path is Cuba and U.S. states of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. The most potent Atlantic Ocean hurricane ever recorded, the hurricane has had maximum sustained winds of 185 mph.
Nazarenes on the Caribbean island of St. Martin/Saint Maarten were heavily affected as the storm hit the island with full force. Three Churches of the Nazarene in St. Martin were severely damaged by the catastrophic winds. A newly constructed church in Marigot, the capital city, was completely destroyed, and the Marigot Church of the Nazarene in Cripple Gate lost its roof and the contents of the building were damaged beyond repair. According to District Superintendent Daniel Blaise, 75 percent of church members lost their homes entirely.
Food, water, and safe shelter are immediate needs. Inhabitants of all the islands hit now have extremely limited resources, little-to-no electricity, and are coping with flooding and huge losses.
Pastor Jean Larevoir, who oversees the three Nazarene churches in St. Martin, said he is “so discouraged” because he sees people suffering but can’t do anything to help.
The slow-moving storm continues to batter islands with strong winds and rains as it progresses. In the Dominican Republic, more than 5,000 people were displaced, and more than 1,000 homes were damaged or destroyed. Waterborne illness is a risk in flooded areas.
The Nazarene churches in affected communities are “joining forces with state agencies and ready to respond if there is need in the communities,” said Paquita Bido Balbuena, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries coordinator in the Dominican Republic. “We maintain a chain of prayer of thanksgiving and protection. … We thank all the brothers and friends for their prayers on our behalf. God bless you.”
Haiti was spared the full brunt of Irma, although heavier rains combined with mass deforestation in the country will increase the risk of mudslides and flash floods. Officials fear flooding could also create a cholera surge, which happened after Hurricane Matthew last year.
As Irma continues cutting a path through the Atlantic, the hurricane is expected to hit southern Florida’s east coast — the most densely populated area in the state — hardest. The Church of the Nazarene’s Southern Florida District has established three main response bases at Fort Lauderdale Dayspring Church of the Nazarene, Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center, and Lehigh Acres Church of the Nazarene. Response teams are standing by to help clear damage after the storm.
Church leaders in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina are also mobilizing response efforts as they prepare for the storm.
How to help

Please pray for those facing the devastation left in the wake of the hurricane and those who have lost homes and loved ones. Pray for the recovery of the places that have been hit hard and the swift delivery of the supplies and care they need. Pray for those who are bracing for the storm, asking that they will be kept safe and that supplies will last. Pray for those who are most vulnerable, especially senior adults, individuals with disabilities, and people living in poverty. Pray for church leaders and churches responding to the needs around them. To send a prayer or note of encouragement, go to
Churches and individuals around the world can provide support through the Emergency Relief – Hurricane Response Fund. Donations will be used for immediate needs, such as water and food, as well as long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts.
To send donations by mail:
In the U.S., make checks payable to “General Treasurer” and send them to:

Global Treasury Services
The Global Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, Missouri 64184-3116, United States
Be sure to put 128223 in the Memo area.
In Canada, make checks payable to “Church of the Nazarene Canada” and send them to:
The Global Church of the Nazarene Canada
20 Regan Road, Unit 9
Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3
Be sure to put 128223 in the Memo area.
For additional countries, give through your local church or district, designating your gift to Emergency Relief – Hurricane Response.
Crisis Care Kits
NCM requests Crisis Care Kits as churches provide aid to disaster victims(Nazarene Compassionate Ministries)
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English: WMC News 140: Hurricane Irma Update, Earthquake in South Mexico, Taoyuan Church Reopens
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Have you ever waited for something and then God reveals to you that it’s time to move?
This have been an awesome experience for around 250 young people from the 16 churches in Samoa, including American Samoa, gathered for this year’s youth camp with a challenge to MOVE! Read more about this fun-filled NYI Event
Have you ever waited for something and then God reveals to you that it’s time to move?
I am never good at waiting, but I remember exciting moments in my life when the wait is over and the Lord has finally answered prayers.
I was talking to Tumua Uelese, the District NYI President of Samoa, over dinner, when she told me how she waited on God to show her what would be the main theme of their youth camp this year. One day, as she was scribbling words on a paper, the encouragement came from the Lord, and the word was, MOVE!
On September 3rd to 6th, 2017, around 250 young people from the 16 churches in Samoa, including American Samoa, gathered for this year’s youth camp with a challenge to MOVE! I had the opportunity to go to the heart of the South Pacific and witness the movement of God in this beautiful island of Samoa.

The gathering was a mix of fun and fellowship; food for the mind; a challenge for the body; and strengthening of the Spirit.
I said the “challenge for the body” because the young people did sports and games under the heat of the sun, as well as a Tabata workout in the mornings that took our breaths away. Haha, I am making a joke here, as the intense exercises literally took my breath away. It was fun though, as the young people chanted the “I like to move it, move it” song.

Workshops were offered about leadership and worship, as well as divided sessions with topics specifically for men and women, teens, and young adults.

There was also a time when groups went out to share the gospel with the neighborhood.

Agnes Faaleaoga-Silafau, the NYI Vice President for Nuuuli, American Samoa shared:
“Being a part of the youth camp for the first time was a blessing. The highlight of the camp for me was the leadership training with Pastor Lenny. That seminar made me realize that I’m being too comfortable and need to make that extra step in being involved with our youth. That song I’ve got to move it move it is stuck in my mind now from his seminar. 

The Field Youth Coordinator for Melanesia and South Pacific Field, Daniel Latu, also came to Samoa together with our Youth Mentor from Papua New Guinea, Allan Haunje.
Daniel’s challenge for the young people when He shared the Word on the paralytic with his four friends was really on point and Allan’s testimony of God’s movement in his life despite his recent ordeal was a powerful example to us all.
One of the highlights for me during this time was to see the passion and hear the splendid voices of the young people every time they gathered for prayer and worship. I would close my eyes when they would sing their hearts out, and I could dwell in that moment. I did not understand the language, but my heart was lifted up by the beautiful harmony. These Samoans can dance too. I mean it was just amazing to watch them during their talent show. Wow.

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One of the awesome presentations from last night's talent show! #Samoa #NYI #talentshowI believe though that worship is not limited to when we sing our hearts out in the church but whenever we offer our lives as a living sacrifice and let the Holy Spirit use us for his purposes, every day of our lives, outside the four walls of the building where we gather.
I saw the young people move and respond to the challenge during the last night of worship when three waves of young people came forward to offer their lives at the altar.
The District Superintendent of Samoa, Rev. Mona, shared the Word that night:
“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3: 13-14)And at the end of the sermon, He called young people to the altar three times.
First, he called those who would receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Young people came forward and it was a beautiful moment seeing not just the young adults, but even young little kids come forward.
Second, he called the people who would like to grow up in their faith and move from being a baby Christian to a mature Christian. I was humbled by the confession of the young people that came forward, asking the Holy Spirit to sanctify them.
And third, he called the people who would like to be God’s servants in His Kingdom, and people came forward, surrendering their lives for the Lord’s cause!
If there is one thing I will never forget during my time there, it was this last night, when the Holy Spirit moved hearts and moved the young people out of their comfort zones.

One of the young people from Ululoloa Church, Nere Moemoe, described her experience of the recent gathering:
“This camp is different for me. I am not the kind of person that would socialize and share with others; but this time, I was more open, I shared with those who were a bit down, and encouraged a sister or brother who was distanced from us. It was amazing because I never thought I would do such a thing but I did. The theme MOVE and the wave as a backdrop reminded me so much that there are things in my life that I need to let go in order for me to move in this mighty wave and so I did. I’ve seen a lot of improvements in the young people of other churches too. So for me, this camp was a change. I thank Abba father for leading me to it and my best friend Holy Spirit for guiding me through.”
How about you? What are the things in your life that you need to let go in order to join the mighty movement of the Holy Spirit in this world? (Janary Suyat de Godoy)

Shipai Church Takes Risk in Discipleship
One of our churches in Taiwan is rapidly growing and and is taking the risk in discipleship to follow the Lord's Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. One year ago, Shipai Church of the Nazarene started a service with about 20 people and now nearly a hundred were in attendance for the commissioning ceremony as of March this year. Read about this inspiring story.
One year ago, a service at Shipai Church of the Nazarene had about 20 people attending. Pastor James Huang had just succeeded Pastor Shi and his wife who had faithfully served the church for nearly 40 years. The church needed a fresh vision – a new purpose for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
With their limited resources, Shipai Church decided to take a risk: they sent out a cross-cultural worker to make disciples in the nation of Cambodia.
The small church sacrificed “one of their 
own flesh” and the funds necessary to follow the Lord’s Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. Members of Shipai stood up to the challenge to receive discipleship training and humbled themselves to receive the Holy Spirit.
In March of this year, nearly a hundred were in attendance for the commissioning ceremony and there has been consistent growth in members and offerings since.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless the ministry Shipai Church and their call to make disciples. Pray also that the Lord provides a way to expand or move their existing location, as their current space has become too small to accommodate their rapid growth.


Freedom Sunday supports anti-trafficking ministries
Nazarene churches will join with congregations around the world on 24 September 2017 to participate in Freedom Sunday, a day set aside for worship and prayer around the issue of human trafficking. Click here to learn more about Freedom Sunday.
Freedom Sunday supports anti-trafficking ministries
Nazarene churches will join with congregations around the world 24 September to participate in Freedom Sunday, a day set aside for worship and prayer around the issue of human trafficking.
This year, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries has partnered with the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST) and Stop the Traffik to create a Freedom Sunday worship resource guide for churches to use. NCM is a member organization of FAAST, which is a strategic alliance of Christian organizations working together to combat slavery and human trafficking. Stop the Traffik, a global anti-trafficking advocacy organization, has been producing a Freedom Sunday guide for churches in the United Kingdom. This year, FAAST and Stop the Traffik partnered to create a new resource geared toward evangelical churches. NCM was the lead FAAST member in the creation of the new resource guide.
Since 2014, more than 400 local Nazarene churches have participated in a Freedom Sunday. The Church of the Nazarene’s participation began in coordination with other Wesleyan-Holiness denominations as part of the Wesleyan Holiness Connection. In the same year, the Church of the Nazarene's Board of General Superintendents endorsed a Declaration for Freedom — a document drafted by Wesleyan-Holiness leaders, including Carla Sunberg, who was elected as a general superintendent in June.
Over the three years, churches have taken up a “freedom offering” to support anti-trafficking work led by Nazarene churches. NCM has used those gifts to support the opening of new ministries, including drop-in centers in Mumbai, a mobile intervention clinic in Moldova, small business development for at-risk girls, and church-based prevention.
The Mumbai drop-in ministry, which was started by the Sharon Bethel Church of the Nazarene in December 2016, is called Jivan Asha, which means “Hope of Life.” Through two Jivan Asha centers, 75 children have gained a safe space for education, nutrition, recreation, psycho-social support, and spiritual nurturing. The centers have also reached out to 150 women in prostitution to provide counseling, life skills training, vocational training, medical referrals, and spiritual care. Through the ministry, the church has identified 65 women who are open to new alternatives, and they are working with several women on a path to leaving the brothels.
This year’s freedom offering will be used to support the birth of new church-led anti-trafficking ministries as well as the continuation of ongoing work.
Freedom Sunday is planned for 24 September, but congregations are encouraged to plan a Freedom Sunday at any time that works in their calendar. Freedom Sunday planning resources are available as free downloads through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries at (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries)

Join Rev. Roland Hearn on the Webinar about Therapeutic Love and the Discipling Community
Do you want to understand your significant role in the call to bring healing to the hurting through discipleship? On September 26, 2017, Tuesday, 2:00 PM Central Time, Rev. Roland Hearn, Australia North and West District Superintendent will give a webinar on “Therapeutic Love and Discipling Community.” Read more on how to join
Do you want to understand your significant role in the call to bring healing to the hurting through discipleship?
On September 26, 2017, Tuesday, 2:00 PM Central Time, Rev. Roland Hearn, Australia North and West District Superintendent will give a webinar on “Therapeutic Love and Discipling Community.”
In this webinar, Rev. Hearn will explore the essential role of love and honor in bringing healing to the hearts of hurting people. It will be presented that this is the foundation of all discipleship. Discipleship is a community activity where the primary purpose is to embrace people and live together in the process of becoming more like Christ. A community like this is marked with five key functions that are essential for bringing people to wholeness and holiness.
If you would like to attend this webinar, or if you cannot attend, but would like to review the recording, you can visit this link: Webinar
This webinar can also be credited to pastors seeking to receive Lifelong Learning credit. If you watch with laity in your church, you can also receive 50-percent more Lifelong Learning credits.

Schedule of Asia-Pacific Region District Assembly Dates
Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region, District Assembly Schedule for 2017 - 2018 is now available! District Assembly schedules will start on October 2017 and will end on March 2018. Click here to see full schedule.

Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region

District Assembly Schedule 2017-2018

DateFieldDistrict Assembly
October 2017
30Mel/South-PacificMiddle Ramu
** with Ordination
November 2017
1Mel/South-PacificJiwaka South
** with Ordination
2Mel/South-PacificJiwaka North
2Mel/South-PacificSouthern Highlands
** with Ordination
3Mel/South-PacificSimbu/Eastern Highlands
5Mel/South-PacificBromley Memorial
** with Ordination
8Mel/South-PacificNorth Coast
** with Ordination
8Mel/South-PacificEast Sepik & Sandaun
12Mel/South-PacificSouth Coast
13-14Mel/South-PacificNiugini Islands
13-14Mel/South-PacificSolomon Islands
** with Ordination
18 – 19Australia/NewZealandNew Zealand
December 2017
January 2018
5Phil-MicronesiaCentral Visayas
7Phil-MicronesiaMindanao West
11Phil-MicronesiaPhilippine Luzon
12Phil-MicronesiaMetropolitan Luzon
13Phil-MicronesiaMetro Manila
** with Ordination
18 – 19SEACambodia
** with Ordination
19Phil-MicronesiaMindanao East
20 – 21Australia-NewZealandAustralia Southern
26Phil-MicronesiaEastern Visayas
27Phil-MicronesiaSouthern Tagalog
27 – 28Australia-NewZealandAus. North & West
** with Ordination
February 2018
March 2018
11Chinese MinistriesHong Kong
** No Ordination
12Chinese MinistriesTaiwan
** Ordination (not sure)
Links You Might Like!
Selected Nazarene Resources
The Global Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific
Ortigas Avenue Extension
Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines

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