Friday, September 22, 2017

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs of Blue Springs, Missouri, United States "Pastor Penny Ellwood's Enote" for Friday, 22 September 2017

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs of Blue Springs, Missouri, United States "Pastor Penny Ellwood's Enote" for Friday, 22 September 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017
Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs,
It’s hard to believe with this weather that today is the official first day of fall! I’ve been riding high this week on the amazing worship of last Sunday. There was a palpable feeling of excitement in the air with Pastor Adam with us in person and an indication of what our worship could be every Sunday if everyone were to show up at the same time. :-) Definitely something for us to aspire to as a church! I think that Pastor Adam was energized by your excitement and the opportunity to meet so many of you for the first time. I was excited for Adam to experience the amazing community I am blessed to be a part of every week!
This weekend will be another awesome weekend filled with lots of activities. The Sacred Steps 5K Walk/Run will begin the activities tomorrow at 8 am at our Leawood campus raising funds for clean water projects in Africa. We’ll have another crew headed to Drumm Farm Center for Children for our monthly Faithwork project. We’ll be clearing the tomato patch of 500 tomato cages. This is a project for all ages. We’ll meet at the farm at 8:50 am in the lower parking lot (3210 S. Lees Summit Rd., Independence). Bring work gloves and water bottles.
We’re hoping our family’s can take advantage of these opportunities to engage their children in serving. What we learn at a young age tends to stick best. If you were at church last Sunday, you heard Andrew, one of our young dads, talk about the impact serving had on his children this summer when they went on one of our Domestic serve trips to Omaha. You might want to begin thinking now about one of these trips for your family.
Our guys will be gathering at Top Golf in Overland Park for a morning of fellowship and fun from 9:30 - 11:30 am tomorrow too. Then, you’ll want to be sure to join us in worship on Sunday as we conclude our series on the faithful but flawed disciple, Simon Peter. We’ll hear how Peter lives out his calling as “the rock” upon which the church is built. It’s not too late to get in on any of these activities.
Finally, I want to encourage you to put October 8th in your calendar for Christmas in October. Maribeth King has agreed to become a house captain for us for one of the project homes and she’ll need lots of hands to help. I also want to invite those of you who’ve been considering joining the trip to Malawi next July to join Carman, our Malawi trip leader, and I after worship at12:10 pm to learn more about it.
Have a great day!
Pastor Penny
Check out the more detailed information below on these and other upcoming opportunities to serve, grow and connect below. . . 
Upcoming Events & Activities
Sign Up for Sacred Steps 5K
Don't miss the food, the Kids' Fun Run or the chance to help clean water initiatives in Malawi, Africa on Saturday, September 23rd at 8 am on our Resurrection Leawood campus. To learn more and sign up, click here. 
Men’s Social Gathering
Join us for a morning of fellowship and fun, Saturday, Sept. 23, 9:30-11:30 amat Top Golf in Overland Park. No golf experience or equipment needed. Top Golf is set up like a driving range with three floors to hit at large targets. Each bay holds six players who choose from pre-programed games to play. All you have to do is pick a club and swing—Top Golf does the rest! This is a great opportunity to invite a buddy. Cost will be based on the number of signups (est. $25-40). Deadline extended. Learn more, or click here to reserve your spot.
FaithWork Saturday
On Sept. 23 from 9-11 am, we'll put our hands to work at Drumm Farm Center for Children to assist with the fall clean-up of the farm's tomato patch. This is a great family serving opportunity. Anyone school age to adult is welcome to assist. We will plan to meet at 8:50 am in the lower parking lot at Drumm Farm (3210 S. Lees Summit Rd., Independence, MO). Learn more, or to register click here. 
Batter Up for the Neighborhood Food Drive
Hit a home run against hunger in Kansas City by picking up a bag on Sunday to fill with non-perishables. Make it a grand slam by taking extra bags to invite your neighbors to donate. Please return donations by Oct. 1.
Socks & Underwear Drive for The Closet
Through September 24 we are collecting new socks and underwear (toddler – adult sizes) for The Closet in the Blue Springs School District. The Closet provides clothing items for families in the district who could use a little extra support. Donations can be placed in the collection barrel in the west entry.
Considering a mission trip to Malawi next July?
Learn more about it Sunday at a brief informational meeting after worship at 12:10 pm, and at 
3rd Grade Bible Presentation
Each year we continue the Methodist tradition of giving Bibles to our 3rd grade students. As their faith family we are excited to provide an age-appropriate Bible to help them go deeper in their relationship with God. Register for the presentation ceremony during the worship service of your choice on Sunday, Oct. 1 by emailing
Women’s Ministry at Rez Blue Springs
We are looking for women ages 18-99 for a planning team to expand our Woman’s Ministry to include short Bible studies, speaker events, social events, a retreat and more. From women with the gift of hospitality to craft talents, women with a hunger for spiritual growth to those simply wanting to serve, come help us help women in their journey to KNOW, LOVE and SERVE GOD more fully. Sign up at Guest Services to attend an information meeting on Monday, Sept. 25, 6:30 pm, click here or email Patricia Sanders-Hall.
Join us for Momcouragement!
RezMoms is hosting a Back-to-School Mom Break on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 6:30-8 pm, with activities for all moms, and Christie Walker as our speaker. Childcare will be provided. Join us and bring a friend! To register, click here. 
Children’s Choir 
We are starting a children’s choir to prepare for special holiday performances in December. If your elementary-age child is interested in singing, rehearsals will be Wednesdays 7-7:45 pm in the KiDSCOR area. E-mail Stephanie Myers with questions.
Waypoint Men’s Group
We invite all men to strengthen faith, commitment and community with a 6-week study of John Ortberg’s book and videos, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. The 1-hour sessions will include a 20-minute video and 40 minutes of discussion. Join us online at on Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30, from Sept. 27 – Nov. 8. Register at Guest Services or click here. 
Leadership Institute is September 27-29
In thirteen days, 2000 guests arrive on our campus. Our goal is to equip, strengthen and inspire them. Our ability to accomplish this depends on the work of volunteers filling a variety of hospitality roles-- all of which help welcome our conference guests and settle them into an environment where they can best learn and listen for God's voice. Volunteer positions are an hour to two hours long and no previous experience is necessary – it’s a great way for new members to get involved. You can look over all the volunteer opportunities at: Volunteer for Leadership Institute
Disaster Response
If you would like to become part of the Early Response Team click HERE for details and to register for the September 30 training. Visit Resurrection's Disaster Response webpage for updates.
Stand Together KC
Pastor Adam will be joined by other Kansas City area faith leaders on Sunday, Oct. 1, 7 pm in the Leawood Sanctuary, to share the message that our community is standing together against racism, religious persecution, hate and violence. Register at
Live and Let Think
If you question faith, wonder about God or carry lots of lingering doubts and concern, join us Wednesdays, October 4 – November 8 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm as we discuss tough issues of faith, ask questions and discover what others think about God. Sessions begin with a meal, followed by a short talk and discussion in a small group setting. This class is comprised of Short talks. Big questions. Doubts welcome. Cost for materials is $10 + meal donation. Learn more or click here to register.
Wiser Together Women's Study
Exploring the book of Proverbs this study, based on Bill Hybel’s book, Wiser Together, directs us in how to experience community and to grow in wisdom from both those who are like us as well as those who are different from us. It is learning the wisdom of unity and community. Morning or Evening sessions are being offered on Thursday's 10/5 – 11/9, at 10 – 11:30 am or 6:30 – 8 pm. Come join a group to affirm that no matter our age, stage or wage, we are all inseparably linked as sisters with one Holy Father! To register, click here. 
Christmas in October
Help rehabilitate the houses of lower-income homeowners in Kansas City at no cost to the homeowners through Christmas in October. Serve with us on Saturday, Oct. 14. No construction skills necessary. Ages 14+ welcome. To register for the Blue Springs group's house, select House 04 (2620 Garfield, KCMO) when you click here.
Committee Nominations Underway
The following committees are seeking candidates to serve beginning in 2018: Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Foundation, Nominations and Lay Delegates to Annual Conference. You can refer someone you know, or indicate your interest in serving by visiting by Monday, Oct. 16.
Metamorphosis Fall Retreat
for grades 6-8 – Nov. 3-5; grades 9-12 – Nov. 17-19. Youthfront Camp West, Edgerton, KS, with outdoor games, campfires, hayrides, worship activities in large and small group settings and time for students to grow deeper in their faith. For more information and registration, click here.
Uniting Methodists
is a movement of Christ-centered, hope-filled, United Methodists who are united in Christ to make disciples for the transformation of the world, challenge in love that which divides, and offer to all people God’s saving grace that transforms the world. Learn more at
* For a complete list of upcoming activities, visit
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs Staff
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Resurrection Blue Springs Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader & Director of Community
Caleb Longest, Director of Student Ministries
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministries
Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Connections Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
For after-hours pastoral care, please call (913) 338-9477.

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