Sunday, September 24, 2017

The L'Arche Canada of Richmond Hills, Ontario, Canada - Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - Sunday, 24 September 2017 "Hiding from Pain"

The L'Arche Canada of Richmond Hills, Ontario, Canada - Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - Sunday, 24 September 2017 "Hiding from Pain"
Some people come to community seeking consolation from the pain of feeling unloved by responding to whatever demands are made of them. Unconsciously there is a thought pattern: 'If I satisfy your need then you, or the community, or God will be grateful, will appreciate my existence, will love me.' Ultimately this can never bring true fulfillment or true growth. It is important that we are attentive to this response, so easily disguised by generosity and goodness. We must help each person to live more and more clearly and deeply from an inner confidence of being loved by God just as they are. (Jean Vanier, Community and Growth, page 132, L'Arche Canada | L'Arche Canada Foundation | Jean Vanier Online)

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