Sunday, December 31, 2017

"A few hours left - we're hoping you'll still get involved…" - By the Grace of G-d

"A few hours left - we're hoping you'll still get involved…" - By the Grace of G-d
Dear Friend of,

We hope this short note finds you and yours well and enjoying G-d's blessings!
With only a few hours left during the 2017 tax year, we're hoping we can still reach you just in the nick of time.
Because people all over the world are relying on you.
Because the end of the tax year is an opportune time to give charity.
Because we believe your charitable dollars can achieve their maximum return in the care of One cannot possibly touch more people more efficiently than by partnering with
And because we can really, really use your participation and partnership!
Please will you partner with us?
Your generous contribution can be the deciding factor in the life of a troubled teenager, a lonely college student, or a "regular" family in some forlorn corner of the world with no Jewish community or friends.
You can make a final year-end tax deductible contribution securely online via:
Credit Card or Paypal
(While there, please consider setting up an automatic donation schedule for the coming year.)
E-check (ACH)
Bank transfer / wire
Or mail a check to:
770 Eastern Parkway, Suite 405
Brooklyn, New York 11213, United States
Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will.
We hope you will continue to enjoy the content and subscriptions all year 'round — and we ask you to please keep your comments and suggestions coming!
Stay tuned for lots of great new projects during the upcoming year, please G-d — with YOUR help!
Thank you immensely for your partnership and may G-d bless you all yours forever!
P.S. — If you've already contributed during this campaign, please accept our sincere apologies for sending you this additional appeal!
Perhaps you contributed using a different email address — please reply to let us know so we can connect the two!
Or perhaps you sent a check and we have not yet received it but will soon, please G-d.
Thank you in particular for your patience and understanding about the multiple emails we've sent. It often takes a few attempts nowadays before most people actually take notice - and thus help ensure the financial stability of the Jewish People's #1 educational tool.
Conversely, if you are unable or wish not to contribute, we fully understand. These solicitations are purely elective for those able to help. Please do not hesitate to enjoy our services!
Finally, if you have not acquired these two great works of biography about the Rebbe, of righteous memory, we urge you to do so now: NY Times bestselling Rebbe, by Joseph Telushkin and My Rebbe, by Adin Even Israel (Steinsaltz).

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