Monday, October 1, 2018

GATEWAY E-News – NADate: Monday, 1 October 2018 from The Gateway Church of the Nazarene in Murrieta, California, United States

GATEWAY E-News – NA Date: Monday, 1 October 2018 from The Gateway Church of the Nazarene in Murrieta, California, United States
Date: Monday, 1 October 2018
Gateway Church Family,
Well, as I told you, I would communicate with you even if there is nothing to tell...well there is nothing to tell.
This has been of week of just waiting and expecting. We have been planning, praying and pausing in our busing schedules to hear from the Lord. So, we have nothing to tell you right now. We are hopeful that next week will be more prosperous in term of responses. And then you will be almost the first to know.
May God Bless You all,
Membership Class – We still have a few openings in Gateway membership.
Names are starting to pour in so be sure you don’t miss out.
Our upcoming membership class will be performed by Pastor Mel Rich who will be teaching and doing the honors…so brace yourself.
Call the office today or put your name in the offering plate…no charge.
Housekeeping and Stop Doing It Section – Just a couple items on minor things of great importance to tell you about.
Announcements from the Platform – As you know it’s the Associate Pastor’s job to say YES to everything that is asked of them. It’s my job to undo that. Hey, I didn’t write the rules. So, on Sunday mornings please don’t ask Pastor Roger or Pastor Wally to make or add announcements. If it is urgent or error-correcting see Pastor Rick and he will clear it with command (that would be Sara). If you want to make an announcement get to the office early the week before and talk to Joan and she will direct your path.
Please be aware or perish…you may not use meeting rooms or classrooms without prior scheduling with the office. And that is Joan, she is the office. Reasons: rooms are often set up for groups an hour later or day later and if you change the room or mess it up…well let’s just say Pastor Roger will be sad to get called in to do a redo. This also goes for after hours when no one is around; we may have the NAZ district coming in the morning to discuss things of questionable importance.
If you are the user of a room that you scheduled, you and your group are responsible for returning it to its original set up. And most importantly, you are responsible for cleaning, washing the dishes, cleaning tables and counter tops, etc. There is an EXITING chart in every room indicating what you need to do when your group (from 2 to 300 persons) is finished. All of this labor costs the church money if we have to use our employees to do this. But that doesn’t mean we don’t love you it’s just personal not business. Please don’t leave dishes etc. in the sink. If you don’t want to wash, dry and put away that’s fine. Just ask someone else if they will do it for you. That’s just being thoughtful.
Did you know you can easily reach the church pictorial directory from our home page? Just click on the little white church icon.
Need to put your info in the directory, or update something?
Click here:
Watch for the “Help Wanted Ads” and the Electronic Bulletin Board update in Friday’s E-News. We need to get this going again. It was successful but just successful is not good enough for Gateway.

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