Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church in Atlanta Georgia United States "Celebrating 70 years of The Advance"

Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church in Atlanta Georgia United States "Celebrating 70 years of The Advance"
Celebrating 70 years of The Advance: God’s love at work in the European migrant crisis
In 1948, the world was still reeling from the devastation of World War II. Amid the ruin, United Methodists decided to band together to bring the hope of Christ to a world badly in need of hope. That year, General Conference declared a commitment to “a world-wide Advance in which Methodists may share in a ministry of relief and in carrying the Gospel of Christ to the peoples of the earth.”
That Advance has continued for 70 years. In every corner of the world, in every crisis, from war to famine to terrorism to climate change to ongoing injustice, The Advance has been connecting the generosity of United Methodists with more than 300 missionaries and over 600 mission projects.
In the coming weeks, we will highlight a few of the ways that United Methodists are bringing the love of God to the world through The Advance.
Today, we’re featuring Nicodemus Doe, who is working with the Safe Passage Project (Advance #3022069). Safe Passage is a project of the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe to respond to the ongoing migration and refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. The project connects local work in border monitoring with political advocacy for a humane asylum and migration policy.
Doe, a Liberian by birth, has been working throughout Europe to advocate for the rights and the dignity of migrants escaping civil war in the Middle East. He writes, “The European churches here have taught me about holistic migration ministry at the local, national and international level. Individuals and congregations here are living applied Christian values: actively demonstrating hospitality toward the stranger, while at the same time, supporting advocacy projects like Safe Passage, which aims to change and influence European immigration policy.”
You can read more about Nicodemus Doe and the Safe Passage Project in New World Outlook magazine.

Rev. Russell Pierce
Executive Director for Mission Engagement
General Board of Global Ministries
General Board of Global Ministries
The United Methodist Church

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