Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Reconciliation Ministries Network Western Jurisdiction - December Update with Rev. Dr. Israel Alvaran of Chicago Illinois United States - #BeTheWayForward

Reconciliation Ministries Network Western Jurisdiction - December Update with Rev. Dr. Israel Alvaran of Chicago Illinois United States - #BeTheWayForward
Be the way forward!
As we prepare to move from Advent - a season of hopeful waiting - into the joy of Christmastide, I realize that our denomination is in an extended Advent season until the special called General Conference in 2019. We are waiting for the Spirit to open the floodgates of grace and to fully welcome ALL of God's beloved children into the life of The United Methodist Church. We are waiting for the church to do away with any form of discrimination, especially against the LGBTQ community.
Advent-type waiting should not be a passive moment, but one of active engagement. We are the way forward! We are the heralds of a newly born denomination! Earlier this month, I had the privilege to attend the annual leadership meeting of the Western Methodist Justice Movement in Sacramento, CA. These leaders from various conferences in our jurisdiction (some pictured on the left) are models of a new way forward - one rooted in advocacy for justice and rekindled relationships within The UMC. They inspire me in my work!
Waiting can bring discomfort. For over 45 years, LGBTQ persons and allies in The UMC have been patiently and painfully waiting for the dawn of a new day. Waiting, however, also nurtures hope. I pray that the Reconciling movement is awash with a grace that fuels undying hope for the rebirth of our church. Let us embody that hope and be the way forward!
May you have a blessed Christmas!
Rev. Dr. Israel I. Alvaran
Western Jurisdiction Organizer
Phone: 510-717-4894
A Word from Rev. Gil Caldwell
As a Civil Rights Movement activist who was present at the March on Washington, involved in Mississippi Freedom Summer, marched in the Selma to Montgomery March, and participated in the Poor People's Campaign Rally in Washington, I was
surprised at my response to Episcopal Priest Malcolm Boyd's announcement in the 1970s that he was gay. His book, Are You Running With Me Jesus?, his civil rights activism, and his campus ministry all influenced me. However, I discovered, in my response to his coming out, that there was a bit of homophobic heterosexism within me. 
Soon, my faith, justice commitments, and African American history and heritage of resistance to discrimination transcended my prejudice, and I became an ally and advocate of LGBTQ rights in The United Methodist Church and society. 
That epiphany experience has been expressed in my support of Reconciling Ministries Network through my writing, protesting, and my giving.
I have become a believer in Henri Nouwen's writing about "Wounded Healers." My wounds--caused by others and by myself--have empowered and enabled me to "speak up and out," despite my awareness of my imperfections. I do that with no sense of self-righteousness, but with the belief that out of our personal woundedness, healing for others and self may emerge. 
God's transformation of me, those who read this, and The UMC is "not completed yet." 
We are standing at a crossroads today in The UMC. We have been here before, and just as we walked boldly across that bridge in Selma in the name of justice, we must walk boldly into this crossroads and take advantage of all the opportunities for LGBTQ justice present within it. 
Our support of RMN will, with God's guidance, bring in a new day of justice and reconciliation of all kinds within The UMC as we build a United Methodist Church where all are welcome to use their gifts in God's service.
I urge all who read this to support Reconciling Ministries Network as they: 1) build relationships across The UMC connection, 2) share the joy of the ministry that LGBTQ people already do in our beloved church and 3) model a church that affirms the place of LGBTQ people at the center of the church. 
Join us in our work to Be the Way Forward!
God's blessings on you and Happy Holidays,
Rev. Gil Caldwell
Join us for a training
Do you want to help increase the number of Reconciling Churches, Communities and Campus Ministries? Join us for a training designed to help participants coach ministries through the Reconciling process. The training will include skills building around topics common in the Reconciling process including: varying identities, framing, steps of the Reconciling process, graceful engagement, and conflict management. There will also be a time for participants to confirm whether or not they would like to be process coaches for their church or other congregations. 
WHAT: This training will empower Reconciling United Methodists to shepherd churches/communities through the Reconciling process.
WHEN: 9AM – 5PM (lunch/snacks will be provided)
WHERE: February 3, 2018 - Saint Francis in the Foothills UMC, Tucson AZ
April 28, 2018 - Trinity UMC, Las Vegas NV
REGISTRATION: Click the button below to register 
We are also planning workshops in Denver, CO and Salem, OR in spring of 2018
Connect with your local Reconciling team
Contact your state or conference's Reconciling team leaders below to know how you can participate in local activities and witness.
Desert Southwest: Rev. Kimberly Scott
California-Nevada: Beth Snyder
California-Pacific: Jason Takagi
Pacific Northwest: Rev. Sharon Moe / Rev. Terri Stewart
Rocky Mountain: Pastor Jaime Nieves
Yellowstone: Mary Maheras
Connect with your conference Reconciling teams on Facebook - "like" their page!
Copyright © 2017 Reconciling Ministries Network, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Reconciling Ministries Network

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