Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Saint James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, United States for "2018 Confirmation Camp Invite" & "Care & Nurture of Membership" & "Weekly E-News" "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:1-2)

 Saint James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, United States for  "2018 Confirmation Camp Invite" & "Care & Nurture of Membership" & "Weekly E-News" "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:1-2)
You have been invited by St. James UMC to sign up for "2018 Confirmation Camp." Please click on the button below to view the online sign up sheet.
Annie Coleman, sister of Mary Ward, passed.  Service arrangements are pending.
Weekly E-News - Thursday, 14 December 2017
Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach, Next Generation Ministries and Community News
We would love to see you at 9a and 11:30a at the Paseo Campusand 10:30a at the Renaissance Campus. You can also join us online for a live stream of the worship celebrations each week.
Wednesday Night Live. Wednesday, December 20 @ 7p in the Ministry Mall for our continuing exploration of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Led by Dr. 3, we wrestle with what the Bible says, the cultural context, people, places of the time and what it means for us today. Please read Joshua 13-17 for next week's study. 
You can still win! So invite someone to worship with you this week!
Join Dr. Cleaver each week for a short time of prayer and devotion.
Start your day off right
Get a mid-week boost
Ignite the fire in your faith
Senior Fitness & Bible Study. Join us at the Paseo Campus Wednesdays from 11-11:30a for light to moderate exercise done from the comfort of a chair! A trained fitness expert will guide you through exercises that help strengthen your body. Then, stay for Bible Study from 11:30a -12:30p and get strengthened in the spirit! Feel free to bring a dish and join us in the potluck lunch following our study time.
Adult Sunday School. There are three adult classes offered at the Paseo Campus. Classes for Men, Women and Mixed Adults are held at 10:30a on the 2nd floor.
2018 marks the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. Please join the Allies for Racial Justice (ARJ) in honoring Dr. King's incredible legacy - the radical love of Jesus Christ - by participating in the Strength to Love Challenge from his birthday in January to the anniversary of his assassination in April. 
Christian Sympathy is extended to the families of Ruby Randolph, mother of Tony Randolph; Arthur Mason, father of Renna Wren; and Leon Coleman, brother-in-law of Mary Ward.
Acknowledgement was received from the family of Rosie M. Winn, sister of Patricia Norwood-Wilson and Sandra (William) Norwood-Brown.
Prayer Time. Join us on the prayer line every Tuesday and Thursday from 12p-1p. Dial: 530-881-1212, code 293680996.
Compassionate Care. When you experience illness, the death of a loved one or if you would like prayer, we want to know so that we may provide compassion, encouragement and comfort during life's challenges. Please call the church office at 816-444-5588 or, after hours, the Care on Call phone at 816-286-6048.
Acolytes Needed. Children ages 4-10 are invited to sing and serve as light celebrants during our 8a worship celebration. Contact Angela Baker at for more information.
Renaissance Ushers. If you are interested in serving as an Usher, please contact Pastor Andre Fulton at
The 'Above & Beyond' giving campaign continues through December 22, 2017. We are confidently headed toward reaching our $200,000 goal. The key to our success is church-wide participation through 
daily fasting and praying 
continued regular giving
the additional sacrifice to give 'above' the normal giving
You can give in the following ways:
From your mobile phone, text "SJUMC" to 77977 
Use the special 'Above and Beyond' envelopes, 
Or designate your 'Above and Beyond' amount on a regular envelope.
Volunteers In Mission Team 2018 UMCOR Mission Trip
Baldwin, Louisiana, April 28 - May 4, 2018. Plans are being finalized for our St. James VIM Team annual mission trip to the United Methodist Committee on Relief Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin, Louisiana. The dates are April 28 through May 4, 2018. All members who have expressed interest in joining this mission trip, please contact Alice Ellison at Our total number of St. James participant's needs to be confirmed with UMCOR in December.
Welcome Center. Ministry teams of the Paseo and Renaissance Campuses have partnered to create an inviting welcome area for members and guests (outside the sanctuary). Stop by to:
Enjoy fresh coffee, juice or tea
Pick-up ministry or event information, order CDs/DVDs
Update contact information, register or volunteer 
Take advantage of convenient, electronic giving
Connectors Needed. We are missing YOU, please consider volunteering one Sunday a month at 9a or 11:30a to assist at the Paseo Welcome Center. A sign-up sheet is available or you can contact the church office. Your willingness to serve is greatly appreciated:
Dec 17 - VIM
Dec 24 - Membership
Dec 31 - Girl/Boy Scouts
Safety Team. We have established a new Safety Team to assist in ensuring that we provide safe worship spaces and experiences. Men and Women are needed to serve on this vital team. The first training sessions will be held Saturday, January 6 from 9a-11a at the Renaissance Campus and 11:30a-1:30p at the Paseo Campus. If you are interested, please plan to attend one of these sessions. Please RSVP to by December 22nd.
Bettylu's Closet. Quick note to all the faithful donors, we will begin again accepting donations in March 2018. Thank you again to everyone involved for a wonderful year! Blessings, Bobbie Faulkner.

St. James UMC Sports Ministry. 2-4-6-8 WHO DO WE APPRECIATE? STJ PANTHERS!
Online Registration starts Monday, January 8, 2017
Flag Football Grades K-12 Boys
Flag Football Grades K-8 Girls
Cheerleading Grades K-12
Cost$ 60.00 for the 7 week League
Any questions, Contact Director Yvette Richards
816-802-8234 or
St. James UMC A-Flat Youth Orchestra was asked to be in the 2018 St. Patrick's Day parade. Help is needed to make this a successful event. Need help in float development, equipment setup and breakdown and other logistics. Please contact Darryl Chamberlain to sign up at 816-606-9542.
Learn to Earn Program. The Full Employment Council helps connect Jackson County, Missouri young adults ages 18-24 years old with internships and scholarships in occupations that support professional baseball and football. Those selected in the competitive application process are provided a six-week internship and are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in scholarships to attend a community college or vocational school. Click here for the application, or contact Dot Coleman at 816-471-2330 for more information.
Saint James United Methodist Church

Saint James United Methodist Church

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