Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The L'Arche Canada in Richmond Hills, Ontario, Canada - Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - Wednesday, 3 January 2018 "Attaining Maturity"

The L'Arche Canada in Richmond Hills, Ontario, Canada - Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - Wednesday, 3 January 2018 "Attaining Maturity"
Many of Aristotle's principles are valid for any ethics. Being human does not mean simply obeying laws that come from outside, but attaining maturity. Being human means becoming as perfectly accomplished as possible. If we do not become fully accomplished, someting is lost to the whole of humanity. For Aristotle this accomplishment derives from the most perfect activity: that of seeking the truth in all things, shunning lies and illusions, acting in accordance with justice, transcending oneself to act for the good of others in society. (Jean Vanier, Made For Happiness, quoted in Jean Vanier, Essential Writings, page 27, L'Arche Canada | L'Arche Canada Foundation | Jean Vanier Online)

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