Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Africa Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene of Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa for Wednesday, 25 October 2017 "Out of Africa October 2017: New Regional Director Announced"

Africa Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene of Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa for Wednesday, 25 October 2017 "Out of Africa October 2017: New Regional Director Announced"
The Global Church of the Nazarene's Africa Region Newsletter for October 2017
Table of contents
Rev. Dany Gomis Appointed New Africa Regional Director
The Board of General Superintendents has appointed Senegal native Daniel Abdou Karim Lucien Gomis to the position of Africa Regional Director, effective 15 October 2017.
Gomis succeeds Filimão M. Chambo as Africa regional director. Chambo was elected the denomination's 42nd general superintendent on 26 June 2017, creating a vacancy in the Africa Regional Office, located in Johannesburg, South Africa.
"As the Africa Region has more members than any other region in the Church of the Nazarene, we recognize that this is a very significant assignment," General Superintendent Sunberg said. "We are pleased that God has led us to Rev. Daniel Gomis, a talented and Spirit-led follower of Jesus Christ. With his heart for the entire African continent, we believe that Rev. Gomis will continue to lead the Church in bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have not yet heard."
Gomis has pastored for 11 years in his home country of Senegal. He currently serves as field strategy coordinator for the region's Africa West Field. Prior to serving as a pastor, Gomis worked as the operations assistant for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). He has also served the Church of the Nazarene in a variety of positions, including Africa French literature coordinator, Africa West Field education coordinator, and as superintendent of the Senegal District. Daniel and his wife, Elisabeth Gomis, have four daughters: Raissa, Maiva, Sarah, and Tabitha.
"Rev. Gomis is known and respected as a godly man, fully consecrated to Christ, full of the Spirit, and obedient to his calling as a minister," Global Mission Director Ward said. "Both in his personal life and in the way he leads, Gomis demonstrates a passion for reaching unreached people.
"We are grateful for the Lord's leading as Daniel steps into a new role in serving our church," Ward continued. "He and Analie are faithful servants of the Lord. Their gifted leadership is contagious to anyone they encounter."
Ordained in 2011, Daniel Gomis earned a Master of Divinity degree at Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, USA. Prior to earning his master's degree, Gomis completed his Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of Saint Louis and earned a master's certificate in African studies.
"My family and I are thankful to God our Father for His goodness and His faithfulness at every step of our walk with Him," Gomis said. "This is a new season for us, and we will continue to follow Him in His work of transformation of the people of Africa and the advancement of His Kingdom. Our prayer is for the message of the life of our Savior Jesus Christ to spread all over this beautiful continent and bring healing, peace, and restoration."
Rev. and Mrs. Gomis being prayed for by the Field Strategy Coordinators, Dr. Chambo, Dr. Ward and Dr. Sunberg at the installation service.
The Africa Region hosted an installation service marking Gomis' transition, on the 15th of October 2017, at the Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene, Johannesburg, South Africa, RSA Gauteng District. Dr. Carla Sunberg, Dr. Filimão Chambo and Dr. Verne Ward were a part of welcoming Rev. Gomis as the Africa Regional Director, as well as his lovely wife, Analie. Please pray for the Gomis family as they begin a long transition from Senegal to South Africa. (Board of General Superintendents)

Church Started by Women's Ministry in Ghana

Recently, the women of the Ghana Midland District Church of the Nazarene organized an active women's ministry in 5 churches to strengthen their homes and families. This initiative was led by Mrs. Comfort Akomaning, the wife of the DS, Rev. Alex Akomaning. Their purpose and vision is to be the light in their communities and churches and stand with their pastors and leaders.
Now, groups of women meet once a week at each church to study the Bible, to encourage one another to good works and to support their churches.
The district leaders were visiting the Adugyansu Church of the Nazarene, near the town of Akumadan, when two women from Nyinatase, a much more remote area, asked the Nazarene women to come to their community and bring the message of holiness.
The ladies decided to plant the church through the showing of the JESUS Film. They planned out what to do and how to do it and bathed it in prayer. Rev. Akomaning reports, "Fifteen youth and adults with lots of children received Jesus as their Lord and Savior at the film showing to start the new church."
The church met for their inaugural service at an open-air shelter rented from the Seventh-Day Adventists, but they are praying for a more permanent location. (photo left).
Buoyed by this first church plant, the women are eager to continue with their work - including maybe more church planting using the JESUS Film. The ladies in the Ghana Midland District plan to have their first district-wide convention in November 2017 and Mrs. Comfort Akomaning was asked to meet with the women in the Ghana North District in January, 2018 to share about the women's ministry in her district.
The new church at Nyinatase needs prayer for a more permanent structure and the Women's Ministries needs prayer for their future plans, including more church plants. (Elwood Earl "Sandy" Sanders,
Alabaster and Deputation Coordinator, Hope Community COTN, Richmond, Va., USA )

Ongoing Disaster Relief in Africa and Beyond

Over the course of the last several months, our world has seen unprecedented natural disasters. From catastrophic flooding in Bangladesh to multiple hurricanes in the United States and Caribbean, and two strong earthquakes hitting Mexico in a short period of time. And here in Africa, we continue to deal with the drought throughout the entire Horn of Africa, presenting challenges of its own.
If you would like to help with the disaster relief for any of these situations, please follow the links below:
  • Pray for Rev. Dany Gomis and his family as they transition to this new position on the Africa Region. 
  • Pray for the Chambo family as they transition to their new position and this new chapter in their lives. 
  • Please remember to pray for the millions of people in the Horn of Africa and East Africa who have been effected by the recent drought and extreme famine. If you would like to give toward famine relief, please click here
  • Pray for the country of Mexico as it is currently recovering from two very strong earthquakes in past few weeks.
  • Pray for the millions of people worldwide who are currently finding themselves in the position of being a refugee--more than 3 million in Africa alone.
  • There has been catastrophic flooding in Bangladesh and the United States. Please pray for those who are effected by these catastrophic event. If you are interested in giving toward any of these disasters, click here
  • Remember the believers who are serving in Creative Access Areas whose lives and families are in danger on a daily basis. 
The Nazarene Church is in 42 countries in Africa, with more than 600,000 members in seven fields. 
What would you like to see in Out of Africa
Mrs. Shelly Miller, editor
Africa Region Church of the Nazarene

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