Sunday, October 22, 2017 Daily of New York, New York, United States "DAILY DOSE: Go to Yourself" - - ב"ה - Daily Dose
ב"ה Daily of New York, New York, United States "DAILY DOSE: Go to Yourself"  -  - ב"ה - Daily Dose
Lech Lecha
By Tzvi Freeman
“Go to yourself…to the land which I will show you.”—Genesis 12:1
“There, in the land, I will show you your essence.”—R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi
The spiritual world of meditation and prayer has its borders:
That which can be known will be known.
That which is beyond knowing is permitted to whisper, softly.
And the very core of your being remains beyond the border, aching to enter,
yet unable to utter a word of its presence.
But when the soul descends into the world of action, 
then every rule can be broken, 
every boundary crossed.
So G‑d says to Abraham and to us, his children: Take your soul out into the world, take its very essence there. 
Find divine purpose in your work; 
discover G‑d within the commonplace workings of this world.
You will come to know which cannot be known; 
your eyes will see that which the soul could never lay bare
—its very core of being.
In this world, the soul knows no borders.
Lech Lecha, 5738 (1977)
By Tzvi Freeman 
From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. Subscribe and get your dose daily. Or order Rabbi Freeman’s book, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here.

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