Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hope United Methodist Church, Senior Pastor Reverend Brian Kent of San Diego, California, United States for Saturday, 21 October 2017 "Commitment Weekend for Hope UMC 2018 Pledges"

Hope United Methodist Church, Senior Pastor Reverend Brian Kent of San Diego, California, United States for Saturday, 21 October 2017 "Commitment Weekend for Hope UMC 2018 Pledges"
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Dear friends of Hope United Methodist Church,
This is the weekend that we make our prayerful decisions about our financial pledges to the ministries of Hope for 2018. We do this out of our love for God and our love for our neighbors as ourselves.
Many have already turned in your pledges. Thank you so much.
For those interested in the numbers,
  • we have about 125 pledges for 2018 so far, totaling about $440,000.
  • We hope to see about $750,000 in pledges by the time all is counted.
  • We have just over 400 households in the church. Currently we have 182 households who have pledges for 2017.
Additionally there are 102 households who give regularly without a pledge in 2017.
That means that over 70% of our households give towards the financial needs of the Hope United Methodist Church and its ministries.
Next week the Stewardship Committee will be making phone calls to those who pledged or gave regularly in the past but have not made a pledge for 2018. They will not know how much you give and will simply be asking if you are continuing or changing your pledge for 2018. (Hint: A good way to avoid this call is to turn in a pledge this weekend.)
So if you need a pledge card, you can find one in the pew pocket at church.
If you want to make your pledge online, simply go to and click on the words “Make your 2018 Pledge Online.”
Thank you, and may God continually guide and inspire and bless us as we follow Jesus Christ and do God’s work together.
Pastor Brian Kent

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