Thursday, October 26, 2017

Saint James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Thursday, 26 October 2017 "Weekly E-News: Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach, Next Generation Ministries and Community News" "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:1-2)

 Saint James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Thursday, 26 October 2017 "Weekly E-News: Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach, Next Generation Ministries and Community News" "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:1-2)
Sunday Worship.  We would love to see you in worship at 9a and 11:30a at the Paseo Campus and 10:30a at the Renaissance Campus.  You can also join us online for a live stream of the worship celebrations each week.
Wednesday Night Live.  Wednesday, November 1, @ 7p in the Ministry Mall for our continuing exploration of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Led by Dr. 3 and the Pastoral Team, we wrestle with what the Bible says, the cultural context, people, places of the time and what it means for us today.  Please read Deuteronomy 27-30 for next week's study.

Dr. 3 will lead a short prayer and devotion.  The purpose is threefold:  First, it will help you to start your day off right.  Second, it provides spiritual food for the middle of the week.  Third, it will help to ignite or reignite the fire in your faith.  Join me every Wednesday as you're getting ready for work and school or while you are on your way.  In 15 minutes or less you'll get what you need to become and to stay spiritually aware.
Senior Fitness & Bible Study.  Join us at the Paseo Campus every Wednesday from 11-11:30a for light to moderate exercise done from the comfort of a chair!  A trained fitness expert will guide you through exercises that help strengthen you and fellowship to help motivate you.  Then, stay for Bible Study from 11:30a -12:30p and get strengthened in the spirit!  Feel free to bring a dish and join us in the potluck lunch following our study time.
Sunday School.  There are three adult Sunday school classes offered this summer at St. James Paseo Campus. All classes are held on the 2nd floor.  The classes are the Women's Sunday school class, The Mixed Adult's Sunday school class, and the Men's Sunday school class.
Renaissance Campus
Bible Study at Renaissance.  "Encounter Something New" - A new Bible Study at Renaissance Campus, Thursday evenings 7p to 7:45p in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesdays 6-7p   Line Dancing - Renaissance Campus

4th Sundays 12-2p "Fuel" - Student Group - Renaissance Campus

This year we will have a Fall Carnival that includes trunk or treating, carnival games, cotton candy, food, inflatables, a DJ, and fun, fun, fun. Let's make this community event a huge success!!!! All are welcome to participate in this FREE event.  Click here to volunteer or donate.
When: Saturday October 28th, 2017
Setup: 11a ~ Cleanup: 4p-5p
Time: 12p to 5p (time of the event is 1p to 5p)
Where: St. James UMC Paseo Campus, North Parking Lot
Thinking about the real meaning of Christmas. Starting Sunday, October 15, 2017, Register for Advent Growth Groups at the Welcome Center!  
Titles include:  "Sent" - (Children & Youth) ~ "Simply Wait", "Underdogs & Outsiders", and "Faithful" (Adult)
Christian Sympathy is extended to the families of Derick D. Johnson, nephew of William Phenix; Emma E. Gibbs, aunt of Ernest (Margaret) Arnold; and Brian A. Moten, cousin of Brenda (Robert) Sylvan and Florine Dean. 
Acknowledgements were received from the families of Ora Dean Killebrew, sister of Shelia Hood; and the family of Myrtle Battle,mother of Kevin (Phyllis) Battle, grandmother of Phyleia and Kollin Battle.
GriefShare.  No matter what the circumstances, grief recovery is a painful process.  The St. James GriefShare Support Ministry provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend and in a safe and confidential place that helps to put lives back together again.  We will walk with you on the path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives.  GriefShare is comprised of a video seminar series that features some of the nation's foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspective coupled with support group discussions of these presentations.  GriefShare Support Group sessions will be hosted every Thursday at 6:00p for 12 weeks.  You may contact Rosalyn Wilson at 816-753-5998 or at for additional information or to express a desire to participate.  We look forward to your participation. 
Prayer Time.  Join us on the prayer line every Tuesday and Thursdayfrom 12p-1p. Dial:  530-881-1212, code 293680996. 
Prayer Class.  Learn to build your prayer skills and deepen your faith development with Helen Walker every 4th Sunday at 10:15a in the Paseo Campus - Vaughan Chapel. The next class is Sunday, October 22. 
Compassionate Care.  When you experience illness, the death of a loved one or if you would like prayer, we want to know so that we may provide compassion, encouragement and comfort during life's challenges.  Please call the church office at 816-444-5588 or, after hours, the Care on Call phone at 816-286-6048.
Acolytes Needed.  Children ages 4-10 are invited to sing and serve as light celebrants during our 8a worship celebration.  Contact Angela Baker at for more information.
Renaissance Ushers. If you are interested in serving as an Usher, please contact Pastor Andre Fulton at
The 'Above & Beyond' giving campaign continues through December 22, 2017.  We are confidently headed toward reaching our $200,000 goal.  Key to our success is churchwide participation through
  • daily fasting and praying 
  • continued regular giving
  • the additional sacrifice to give 'above' the normal giving
Giving can be made through 'text to give' by simply texting sjumc to 77977, using the special 'Above and Beyond' envelopes, or designating the 'above and beyond' amount on a regular envelope.
St. James United Methodist Women Thank You!  
Women's Weekend marked "A New Beginning" for the United Methodist Women of St. James.  From Saturday's day of self-care to Sunday's day of high praise and worship, we were richly blessed. Highlights we will long remember include our Sisters & Spirit experience with Pastor Danielle Quinn and Cecilia Belser-Patton, Carolyn Celestine's reinvigorating yoga moment, special HeBrews engagement and fellowship, an energetic ministry of dance from Praising Grace, awesome singing from the special women's choir, Cecelia's riveting spoken word presentation, our former Nat'l UMW President, Yvette Richards as our dynamic worship leader, and certainly Pastor Danielle Quinn's powerful Word.  We acknowledge and sincerely appreciate all the time, energy and support that Everyone contributed to making this year's Women's Weekend so meaningfully impactful. 
From our hearts to yours, we THANK YOU!!!
Our great gratitude also goes out to members and guests for their prayers, participation, and contributions made to women's ministry. If you have not had an opportunity to participate in the UMW special offering, there is still time.  Special envelopes are available at the Welcome Center (Paseo campus) and the Connection Table (Renaissance campus). 
Join our Journey!  "Envisioning More, Embracing the Mission."  We have a bright, bold and brave future ahead.  Aiming beyond who we are today, we endeavor to engage, equip, enrich and empower women through fellowship events, mission projects and more.  We are women, just like you.  We are single and married, sisters, aunts, mamas, and grandmamas too.  We want to walk with you, and you with us, as daughters of the Most High God.  Our next gathering will be held on Saturday, November 11 at 1:00p at the Renaissance campus.  We also invite you to add ourDecember 9th Christmas celebration to your calendar.  You can look forward to more information about December's fellowship soon.
Welcome Center.  Ministry teams of the Paseo and Renaissance Campuses have partnered to create an inviting welcome area for members and guests (outside the sanctuary).  Stop by to:
  •   Enjoy fresh coffee, juice or tea
  • Pick-up ministry or event information, order CDs/DVDs
  • Update contact information, register or volunteer 
  • Take advantage of convenient, electronic giving
Connectors Needed.  We are missing YOU, please consider volunteering one Sunday a month at 9a or 11:30a to assist at the Welcome Center.  A signup sheet is available or you can contact the church office. Your willingness to serve is greatly appreciated:
Oct 22 Altar Guild 
Oct 29 Worship
RSVP to Katherine Rainey @

FEC's Learn to Earn Program helps to empower youth in the Kansas Citycommunity by making positive life choices that enable them to maximize their potential. The program, funded by the Kansas City Chiefs, the Kansas City Royals, and the Jackson County Sports Authority, provides economically disadvantaged young adults, 18-24 years old, that live in Jackson County, MO, with internships and scholarships in occupations that support professional baseball and football athletics. Those selected in the competitive application process are provided a six-week internship and are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in scholarships to attend a community college or vocational school. Participants will be enrolled in a post-secondary institution; the Learn to Earn Scholarship will be used to match Pell Grant funds.  Click here for the application.
For More Information, Contact:
Dot Coleman
1710 E. 18th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
Kansas City native Alvin Sykes has worked for civil rights for decades. 
A self-taught legal scholar and lifelong student at KC's public libraries, Sykes has worked throughout the United States on justice campaigns for victims of civil rights violations and racist murder.
He began right here in Kansas City after Steve Harvey -- a promising saxophonist labeled the next Charlie Parker -- was murdered for being black. Syke's advocacy, his creation of the Steve Harvey Justice Campaign, resulted in the conviction of the perpetrator.
Since then, Sykes worked tirelessly -- working with lawmakers, testifying before Congress, pressuring attorney generals at the Justice Department, traveling the nation -- to pass the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, establishing a cold case division at the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute old, unsolved hate crimes. He succeeded in this effort, both in 2008 when the Act was first signed into law and in 2016 when it was renewed.
Come hear Alvin Sykes speak on his life, his work, and the future of justice.
Join us in the AUDITORIUM of the KCMO Public Health Department building (2400 Troost Avenue, KCMO) at 6:30pm on Thursday, November 9, 2017.
Saint James United Methodist Church

Saint James United Methodist Church

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