Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Gateway Church of the Nazarene of Murrieta, California, United States' e-newsletter for Tuesday, 24 October 2017 "Devotional"

Gateway Church of the Nazarene of Murrieta, California, United States' e-newsletter for Tuesday, 24 October 2017 "Devotional"
GATEWAY E-News - 96
Gateway Church Family, Date: Tuesday, 24 October 2017
This morning I spent two hours crying out to God for Him to continue to reveal Himself to me! This led me to a special project that I did.
If I were to explain my daughter Olivia to you, I would say certain things. I would say things like she is so much fun to laugh with, she really enjoys watching videos on Jennifer’s phone, she loves Oreos and milk and when she doesn’t get a good night’s sleep then she usually has an attitude the next day. I know Olivia and thus I can explain her and describe her.
My project was that I wanted to know Jesus on a deeper level. I wanted to study His life and see who He really was on an even deeper level.
Today I reviewed the entire Gospel of Mark and I wanted to develop a profile on the person of Jesus. I reviewed this entire Gospel and wrote a two and half page list of the attributes, personality and description of Jesus. I was amazed at what I found. I found things like compassion, forgiveness, patience, truth, etc. However, the entire list that I developed can be summed up in one word. That word is “love”. It was amazing to see how well Jesus loved and how His entire life reflected love. I would challenge you to review one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and read about the amazing love of Jesus! I was overwhelmed by His love.
The author Brennan Manning once said this, “On the day of judgment the Lord Jesus is going to ask each of us questions. Did you believe that I loved you? That I desired you? That I waited for you day after day? That I longed to hear the sound of your voice?” The more I read about Jesus, the more I am beginning to understand how much He truly does love us.
His love is incredible and amazing!
Growing up I did not have a dad present. Because of this, I have often wrestled with understanding God as a Father and His love for me. Today I discovered in a much deeper way just how much God does love me. His love for me and for us is real and I want you to know it and experience it.
  • Do you know how much God loves you? If you don’t, get in the Word and find out! It is truly amazing! 
Have a great week!
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