Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mission Valley Church of the Nazarene of San Diego, California, United States' e-newsletter for Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Mission Valley Church of the Nazarene of San Diego, California, United States' e-newsletter for Tuesday, 24 October 2017 

Mission Valley Church of the Nazarene strives to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through intimacy, community, and multiplication as we join Jesus on His Mission into the Local and Global Neighborhoods.
Stay connected with Mission Church:
Check out what's happening in the life of our Church
Wednesday, October 25th
6:30 pm
Wednesday Night Men’s Bible Study Begins
Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. in Room 210 we’ll study the book Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio. Join us as we gain insights from the Biblical story of David, helping you overcome your giants--hang-ups and habits, fears and insecurities--by fixing your eyes on the size of your God, not the size of your giant. Contact Robert Churchman at rchurchman@missionnaz.org with any questions.
Saturday, October 28th
8:00 am
Monthly Men’s Breakfast Event
Men’s Breakfast is this Saturday. Hot Breakfast followed by short message by Pastor Wes New, Youth Pastor at Mission Church of the Nazarene. Sign up by contacting Vic Enchelmayer at meninc@missionnaz.org.
6:00 pm
Financial Peace University
Not too late to join! Meets every Sunday at 6pm in the Fireside Room. What could the people of God do for the kingdom of God if they were debt-free? Learn how to take control of your finances by following God’s way of handling it. In nine sessions, you will gain a better understanding of how to budget, pay off debt, and give like never before. Contact Pastor Paul at pslater@missionnaz.org with any questions.
7:30 pm
Celebrate Recovery
Mission Church is sponsoring new support recovery groups. Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday, from 7:30-9pm. Contact Pastor Robert at rchurchman@missionnaz.org or 619-665-6882; or Holly Irwin at irwinholly14@gmail.com or 619-248-2734
Pastor Appreciation Sunday October 29th!
This Sunday we will be recognizing our pastoral staff in both services with the presentation of a gift. In addition, we'd like to deliver to them notes of appreciation from the congregation they so faithfully serve. If you haven't done so already, take a few moments on Sunday to fill out note cards provided (with envelopes) in the courtyard and drop them into the basket.
Wednesday Night Dinner
Baked potato bar, chili, chips, salad, dessert.
Cost: Freewill offering; excess funds will support various ministries of the church.
9:00 a.m. Classic Service
10:45 a.m. Modern Service
6:00 p.m. Creative Worship
Children, Youth, College/Early Career, Adults, Senior Adults, LifeGroups, Music, Military Ministry, Faith in Motion, Global Missions
Where Mission Church connects in life-changing small groups
Mission Valley Church of the Nazarene

Message sent by Mission Church of the Nazarene
4750 Mission Gorge Place
San Diego, California 92120, United States.

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