Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jewish.TV - Video of New York, New York, United States for Thursday, 26 October 2017 :Now on Jewish.TV: Behind Elijah’s Chair at a Circumcision: Parsha Curiosities: Lech-Lecha - Mendel Kaplan" - - ב"ה - Live Event Alert and Jewish.TV - Video of New York, New York, United States for Thursday, 26 October 2017 "Drive and Motivation" - - ב"ה -
Jewish.TV - Video of New York, New York, United States for Thursday, 26 October 2017 :Now on Jewish.TV: Behind Elijah’s Chair at a Circumcision: Parsha Curiosities: Lech-Lecha - Mendel Kaplan"  -  - ב"ה - Live Event Alert
Coming Up on
Parsha Curiosities: Lech-Lecha
By Mendel Kaplan
About this webcast:
A fascinating exposé of the traditional chair universally designated for the Prophet Elijah at a Brit Milah ceremony. This lecture begins by fleshing out the spiritual character and impact engendered by sacred circumcision. We then proceed to peel away historical layers of deep meaning as we trace the surprising origins of the proverbial participation of Elijah a.k.a. the Covenantal Angel. Ultimately, you’ll see why all of this is as relevant as quantum physics, and makes all the difference today!
Upcoming Webcasts
By Avraham Meyer Zajac 
Jewish.TV - Video of New York, New York, United States for Thursday, 26 October 2017 "Drive and Motivation"  -  - ב"ה -
Mishnah 1:3 “Do not be as slaves who serve their master for the sake of reward…” What drives you? How do you motivate yourself? Is there any place for extrinsic motivation or should it only be internal drive and personal passion that motivates you?
By Shimona Tzukernik
According to the statement of the Midrash, G-d created the world because he desired to have a “dwelling in the lower realms.” Yet a verse in Song of Songs refers to G-d’s world as His garden. A deeper look at the descriptions “dwelling” and “garden” provide an insight into the very nature and purpose of creation.
Explore the mystical meaning
Aaron L. Raskin
Parshat Lech-Lecha
By Chana Weisberg
by Uriel Shtern
Are you a Noah or an Abraham? The truth is you are both!
By Chaim Mentz
By Yehoshua B. Gordon
Upcoming Webcasts
By Avraham Meyer Zajac 
By Yaakov Brawer 
By Mendel Kaplan 

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