Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Lutheran Hour Ministries of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States - Daily Devotions by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour for Friday, 27 October 2017 "Ruthless Love"

The Lutheran Hour Ministries of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States - Daily Devotions by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour for Friday, 27 October 2017 "Ruthless Love"
Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour "Ruthless Love" for Friday, October 27, 2017
John 15:12-14 -
(Jesus said) "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you."
In January of 1978, Florida newspapers carried the story of James Michael Harper of Tampa.
Harper was playing with his puppy on a train trestle over the Hillsborough River. The puppy got loose and Harper saw a train coming. He was determined to save his dog. The dog was saved, but the train ran over Harper. No, he didn't die, but he lost both legs -- for a puppy.
What kind of love would motivate a boy to run the risk of dying so a puppy might live? Would you do it? Be honest. Would you do it? No, of course you wouldn't. If you had been there, you would have held Harper back. We know that no dog, no matter how well trained, no matter how pure his bloodlines, is worth the legs or life of a boy. But Harper didn't see it that way. That's because he loved with what I call a ruthless love.
Ruthless love may be a new concept to you.
We can understand motherly love that makes endless sacrifices. We can comprehend a soldier's willingness to sacrifice for his country. But to die for a dog? That's hard for us to grasp. That kind of love is ruthless.
  • Ruthless love sweeps to the side anything and everything that stands in the way of completion.
  • Ruthless love doesn't count cost, ask questions, or consider consequences.
  • Ruthless love is single-minded in its purpose and cannot be diverted in its direction.
Would you like to know more about ruthless love? Listen to the words Paul wrote to the church in Rome: "God demonstrates His own love for us in this: "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us'"(Romans 5:8).
That's ruthless love. After the first six days of creation, our perfect God did a survey and saw everything He had made was, well, perfect. The trees were perfect. The fish were perfect. The birds were perfect. The reptiles were perfect. The people were perfect. There was no asthma, cancer, colds, coughs, plague, or malaria. There were no tears, sadness, loneliness, depression, or death. There were no oil spills, terrorists, child pornographers, drug dealers, floods, or flat tires. All was as it was supposed to be, and God's verdict: it was all very, "very good" (see Genesis 1:31).
And then we messed up everything and sinned. It was an act of supreme disobedience and should have been punished with a supreme punishment. Instead of destroying our race at that moment, the Lord decided to send His Son to pay the ransom price for our souls. That was ruthless love.
Read through the Gospels and you will see Jesus, on every page, showing ruthless love. He becomes friend to the lonely and healer to those who are sick. He is educator, miracle worker, and Savior.
The offering of His life on the cross is ruthless love, which offers the life of God's Son to procure forgiveness for the guilty. It is this ruthless love that saves our souls.
THE PRAYER: Lord, grant that I may be blessed with a love which, as much as I am able, reflects the ruthless love Jesus has shown to me. This I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,

Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Jeremiah 47-48; Hebrews 2

Jeremiah 47:1 This word of Adonai came to Yirmeyahu the prophet concerning the P’lishtim before Pharaoh attacked ‘Azah: 2 “Here is what Adonai says:
‘Water is rising out of the north;
it will become a flooding stream,
flooding the land and all that is in it,
the city and its inhabitants.
The people are crying out in alarm,
everyone in the land is weeping
3 at the thunderous pound of his stallions’ hoofs,
at his rattling chariots’ rumbling wheels.
Fathers fail to turn back for their children;
instead, their hands hang limp,
4 because the day has come
for destroying all the P’lishtim,
for cutting off from Tzor and Tzidon
the last of their allies;
for Adonai is destroying the P’lishtim,
the remnant from the island of Kaftor.
5 ‘Azah is shaved bald,
Ashkelon reduced to silence.
Those of you who remain in their valley,
how long will you go on gashing yourselves?’”
6 Oh, sword of Adonai,
how long till you can be quiet?
Put yourself back in your scabbard!
Stop! Be still!
7 But how can you be still?
For Adonai has given it orders
against Ashkelon, against the seacoast;
he has assigned it its task there.
48:1 Concerning Mo’av, this is what Adonai-Tzva’ot, the God of Isra’el, says:
“Woe to N’vo, for it is ravaged;
Kiryatayim disgraced and captured.
Misgav is put to shame, distressed.
2 “In Mo’av, nothing is left to praise.
At Heshbon they plotted her downfall:
‘Come, we’ll cut her off as a nation.’
You too, Madmein, will be silenced;
the sword pursues behind you.
3 An agonized cry from Horonayim,
ruin, terrible devastation!
4 Mo’av has been shattered;
the cries of her young ones are heard,
5 as they ascend the slopes of Luchit,
weeping bitterly as they climb.
On the road down to Horonayim
shrieks of destruction ring out.”
6 Flee! Save your lives!
Be strong, like a tamarisk in the desert.
7 Because you trust in your deeds and your wealth,
you too will be captured.
Together with his priests and princes,
K’mosh will go into exile.
8 A destroyer will descend on every city,
no city will escape.
The valley too will perish,
the plain will be laid waste,
as Adonai as said.
9 Give Mo’av wings,
so it can fly and get away.
Its cities will become ruins,
with no one to live in them.
10 A curse on him who does the work
of Adonai carelessly!
A curse on him who withholds his sword
from blood!
11 Mo’av has lived at ease from his youth;
he is [wine] settled on its dregs,
not decanted from jar to jar —
he has not gone into exile.
Therefore it retains its own [bad] taste,
its aroma remains unchanged.
12 “So the days are coming,” says Adonai, “when I will send people to tilt him; they will tilt his jars, emptying them and shattering the wine-flasks to pieces. 13 Mo’av will be disappointed by K’mosh then, just as the house of Isra’el was disappointed by Beit-El, a god in whom they had put their trust.
14 “How can you say, ‘We are heroes,
warriors valiant in battle’?
15 They are ravaging Mo’av, attacking its cities;
its best young men go down to be slaughtered,”
says the king, whose name is Adonai-Tzva’ot.
16 Mo’av’s ruin is coming soon,
its disaster speeds on swiftly.
17 Pity him, all of you who are near him,
all of you who know his name;
say, “How the mighty scepter is shattered,
that splendid staff!”
18 Descend from your glory, and sit in thirst,
daughter living in Divon;
for Mo’av’s destroyer advances on you;
he has destroyed your strongholds.
19 Stand by the road and watch,
inhabitant of ‘Aro‘er;
ask the man fleeing and the woman escaping,
“What is going on?”
20 Mo’av is disgraced, indeed, destroyed.
Wail aloud! Shriek!
Proclaim it by the Arnon
that Mo’av has been laid waste.
21 Judgment has come on the Plain — on Holon, Yachtzah, Mefa‘at, 22 Divon, N’vo, Beit-Diblatayim, 23 Kiryatayim, Beit-Gamul, Beit-M‘on, 24 K’riot, Botzrah and all the cities in the land of Mo’av, far and near.
25 “Mo’av’s strength is cut down,
his arm is broken,” says Adonai.
26 Because Mo’av boasted against Adonai, make him so drunk that he wallows in his own vomit and becomes a laughingstock. 27 After all, Isra’el was a laughingstock for you. He didn’t associate with thieves; nevertheless, whenever you spoke of him, you shook your head.
28 You who live in Mo’av,
leave the cities, and live on the rocks;
be like the dove who makes her nest
in a hole in the rock at the mouth of a cave.
29 We have heard of the pride of Mo’av:
so very proud he is! —
presumptuous, proud, conceited;
so haughty his heart!
30 “I know what meager ground he has
for his arrogance,” says Adonai.
“His boasting has nothing behind it,
and it hasn’t accomplished a thing.”
31 Therefore I wail for Mo’av;
for all Mo’av I cry;
for the people of Kir-Heres I lament.
32 I will weep for you, vineyard of Sivmah,
more than I wept for Ya‘zer.
Your branches spread to the sea,
reaching as far as the sea of Ya‘zer.
On your summer fruits and on your vintage
the destroyer has fallen.
33 Gladness and joy have been removed
from productive fields and the land of Mo’av.
“I have stopped the flow of wine from the vats
and the shouts of those who tread the grapes —
those shouts of joy are stilled.”
34 The cries from Heshbon to El‘aleh
are heard as far away as Yachatz;
those from Tzo‘ar to Horonayim
are heard in ‘Eglat-Shlishiyah;
for even the waters of Nimrim
have become a desolate waste.
35 “Moreover,” says Adonai,
“in Mo’av I will put an end
to anyone sacrificing on a high place
or offering incense to his gods.”
36 This is why my heart is moaning
for Mo’av like funeral flutes,
why my heart moans for the men
of Kir-Heres like funeral flutes;
for the wealth they produced has vanished.
37 Every head has been shaved bald,
every beard has been clipped short,
gashes are on every hand,
sackcloth around every waist.
38 On all the housetops of Mo’av
and in its open places —
lamentation everywhere!
“For I have broken Mo’av like a pot
that nobody wants,” says Adonai.
39 Wail, “How shattered is Mo’av!
How shamefully in retreat!”
Thus will Mo’av become an object
of ridicule and distress to all its neighbors.
40 For here is what Adonai says:
“Look! Down he swoops like a vulture,
spreading his wings against Mo’av —
41 the cities are captured, the strongholds are seized.
On that day the hearts of Mo’av’s warriors
will be like the heart of a woman in labor.
42 Mo’av will be destroyed as a people,
because he boasted against Adonai.
43 Terror, pit and trap are upon you,
people of Mo’av,” says Adonai.
44 “Whoever flees from the terror
will fall into the pit;
and he who climbs up out of the pit
will be caught in the trap.
For I will bring on her, on Mo’av,
the year for her punishment,” says Adonai.
45 “In the shadow of Heshbon
the fugitives stop, exhausted.
For fire breaks out from Heshbon,
a flame from inside Sichon,
consuming the sides and tops of the heads
of Mo’av’s noisy boasters.
46 Woe to you, Mo’av!
K’mosh’s people are doomed!
For your sons have been taken captive,
and your daughters led into captivity.
47 Yet I will end Mo’av’s exile
in the acharit-hayamim,” says Adonai.
This is the judgment on Mo’av.
Hebrews 2:1 Therefore, we must pay much more careful heed to the things we have heard, so that we will not drift away. 2 For if the word God spoke through angels became binding, so that every violation and act of disobedience received its just deserts in full measure, 3 then how will we escape if we ignore such a great deliverance? This deliverance, which was first declared by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him; 4 while God also bore witness to it with various signs, wonders and miracles, and with gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh which he distributed as he chose.
5 For it was not to angels that God subjected the ‘olam haba — which is what we are talking about. 6 And there is a place where someone has given this solemn testimony:
“What is mere man, that you concern yourself with him?
or the son of man, that you watch over him with such care?
7 You made him a little lower than the angels,
you crowned him with glory and honor,
8 you put everything in subjection under his feet.”[Hebrews 2:8 Psalm 8:5–7(4–6)]
In subjecting everything to him, he left nothing unsubjected to him. However, at present, we don’t see everything subjected to him — at least, not yet. 9 But we do see Yeshua — who indeed was made for a little while lower than the angels — now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by God’s grace he might taste death for all humanity. 10 For in bringing many sons to glory, it was only fitting that God, the Creator and Preserver of everything, should bring the Initiator of their deliverance to the goal through sufferings. 11 For both Yeshua, who sets people apart for God, and the ones being set apart have a common origin — this is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers 12 when he says,
“I will proclaim your name to my brothers;
in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”[Hebrews 2:12 Psalm 22:23(22)]
13 Also,
“I will put my trust in him, . . .”[Hebrews 2:13 Isaiah 8:17]
and then it goes on,
“Here I am, along with the children God has given me.”[Hebrews 2:13 Isaiah 8:18 (Septuagint)]
14 Therefore, since the children share a common physical nature as human beings, he became like them and shared that same human nature; so that by his death he might render ineffective the one who had power over death (that is, the Adversary) 15 and thus set free those who had been in bondage all their lives because of their fear of death.
16 Indeed, it is obvious that he does not take hold of angels to help them; on the contrary,
“He takes hold of the seed of Avraham.”[Hebrews 2:16 Isaiah 41:8–9]
17 This is why he had to become like his brothers in every respect — so that he might become a merciful and faithful cohen gadol in the service of God, making a kapparah for the sins of the people. 18 For since he himself suffered death when he was put to the test, he is able to help those who are being tested now.
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